Thursday, December 21, 2017

CH-53K Demonstrates Dual Hook Jettison for First Time

For the first time, a CH-53K King Stallion performed a dual point external load and successfully demonstrated the auto-jettison capability of the aircraft, using a 5,000 lb. load. The test took place Dec. 5 at Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation's Development Flight Center in West Palm Beach, Fla. Currently, there are four Engineering Development and Manufacturing Model aircraft in test and one Ground Test Vehicle; combined the aircraft have logged more than 650 flight hours. (Photo courtesy Sikorsky)

Stratolaunch - Heavy Rocket Launcher Aircraft First Taxi Test

Hmm.  Wonder if you could put a cargo pod on this thing and if you could how much could it lift?

Don't laugh, it's been done before and believe it would be a god send to today's "containerized" forces....

Is this a new sling load setup?

I've seen all kinds of different setups for sling loading various gear/equipment.  I thought I was familiar with all the tools used to accomplish the task.  Ropes, Wire, Nets...even seen them use lifting beams on ships and construction sites.  WTF am I talking about.  First the pic as seen on the US Army Flickr Page.

Do you see it?  No?  Ok, then check out the pic below with it highlighted...

It's really no big deal, I just like to keep an eye on what Army aviation is up to.

Wonder if this is an attempt to increase both weight (trailer is attached) carried and/or speed while sling loading.

Politico Reporter Pushes Back Against Former Obama Officials on Hezbollah Report (video)


So the source of the report is Politico and not The Daily Caller.

This is gonna be a HUGE scandal.  If Trump could keep his mouth shut the Dems will soon be in the fetal position.

Even worse?

The idea that a Black President would not do everything in his power to prevent the flow of drugs into Black communities will shock the system of anyone paying attention (and lend credence to theories about intel agencies being involved in the trade).

This could be beyond huge.

Congress to Investigate Obama Scheme to Nix Investigation into Hezbollah Terrorists

via Free Beacon.
Lawmakers are launching an investigation into Obama-era efforts to thwart a longstanding U.S. investigation into the Iranian-backed terror group Hezbollah, according to multiple congressional officials and insiders who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon.

The Obama administration worked behind the scenes to thwart a decade-long Drug Enforcement Agency investigation into Hezbollah and its highly lucrative drug trade in Latin America, according to a report in Politico. These officials are believed to have run interference on the investigation in order to avoid upsetting Iran and jeopardizing the landmark nuclear accord.

Senior Obama officials in the Treasury and Justice Departments are said to have undermined the DEA's investigation at multiple junctures in order to avoid angering Hezbollah's patron Iran, which could have jeopardized the landmark nuclear agreement.

Congress is now taking steps to formally investigate the reports, which multiple sources described to the Free Beacon as part of a larger Obama administration effort to overlook Iran's global terror operations in order to cement the nuclear deal.

Rep. Ron DeSantis (R., Fla.), a member of the House Oversight Committee and chair of its National Security Subcommittee, told the Washington Free Beacon on Wednesday that he and other top lawmakers are examining evidence that could implicate top former Obama officials, including National Security Council official Ben Rhodes, the architect of the former administration's self-described pro-Iran "echo chamber."
Story here. 


We all better hope this isn't true.

I am fully convinced that the war in Syria...and especially OUR conduct of the war exposed a terrible truth.  We supported both directly and indirectly some terror groups.

The idea of "moderate" rebels was a lie that McCain and others will have to settle up with their God about.

Having said that if this thing kicks off and if a link can be found, we can expect more than the Obama Admin to be implicated and his tenure in office forever stained.

We can expect tracks leading back decades and unsavory information about govt activities to explode on the scene.

One thing though.

Is this the real purpose of the resistance?  Is there stuff that happened over the past 8 years of the previous admin that could forever tarnish their legacy that they're determined never sees the light of day?

2017 wasn't fun.  2018 will probably be worse.

Open Comment Post. Dec 21, 2017

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

China is making it's Type 96 MBT its standard tank

Thanks to Miguel for the link!

via 21stCenturyAsianArmsRace.
No country today has as many tanks as China’s bloated armed forces. But as it struggled to modernize its tracked fighting machines across three decades of rapid technological change, a peculiar eclecticism gripped its vast arsenal. In 2016 Chinese state media revealed with utmost certainty that of “more than 7,000 tanks in active service” less than half were considered up to date. These comprised 2,000 Type 96 and Type 96A tanks and 600 Type 99’s.

This is problematic because it leaves the PLA stuck with so many old medium tanks designed after World War 2 mixed with incompatible “third-generation” substitutes. At the forefront of this colorful assemblage is an untested model that relies on constant upgrades. This isn’t the Type 99A/99A2 leading annual parades but the humble Type 96 or ZTZ 96–the racing tank that took on Russia’s T-72B’s in 2014 and 2016.
Story here.

Real nice overview on the state of Chinese tanks and a good view on how they got here and where they're going.

I doubt you find better on the net that isn't behind a classified firewall.  Consider this a must read if you're interested in Chinese armor developments.

US Forces on the ground in Yemen? We've gone from covert to overt support of the Saudis?


Don't blog while you're mad.  Cdr Salamander always says that but that's out the window on this one.


What have we seen?

We've watched the Saudis GET THEIR ASSES HANDED TO THEM on a plate and NOW we're riding in like the Cav to save the day?

Are you fucking kidding me?

More to come without a doubt but consider this.

The Congress just told the Pentagon that it wouldn't get it's budget plus up and even worse would have to do with Continuing Resolutions.

NOT PLAYING CONSPIRACY THEORISTS but with the war against ISIS winding down, Afghanistan being on everyone's nerves and EVERYONE wanting out of that swamp then how would they get more money?

Not accusing just tossing that out there.....

Lockheed Martin met production numbers on the F-35? Not so fast, the real story is much different!

via Bloomberg.
Lockheed Martin Corp. failed to meet delivery timelines set out in contracts for its F-35 jet for the fourth consecutive year, according to the Pentagon’s contract management agency.

It’s a less upbeat assessment of Lockheed’s performance than was offered earlier this week by the No. 1 U.S. defense contractor, which said it met its “2017 delivery commitment” of 66 planes.

While the company -- and the Defense Department’s own F-35 program office -- count how many of the fighter jets were turned over in a calendar year based on an agreed-on commitment, the Defense Contract Management Agency zeroes in on the monthly delivery dates set out in production contracts.

The 66 planes delivered in 2017 included nine from the planes’ eighth production contract that were supposed to be ready in 2016, according to the contract agency. Of the remaining 57, 23 were late based on the monthly “contractual requirements,” Mark Woodbury, a spokesman for the agency, said in an email.
Story here. 

I get Lockheed Martin lying their asses off. 

It's part of their corporate DNA.  If you want to advance past the production floor then you BETTER learn to toe the line!

But the Program Office?  The fucking Pentagon?

Just plain wow.

The F-35 has infected the services and caused them to not only lust after an airplane that will not deliver but to join themselves at the hip to a
manufacturer and LIE to the American people.

This is expected but still disappointing.

Honor and Integrity is no longer the hallmark of military leadership.  We aren't led by warriors.  We're led by Ferengi.

Cliven Bundy wins in court...mistrial declared...

via The Daily Caller.
A federal judge declared a mistrial in the case against Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy after prosecutors willfully withheld evidence showing that government agents behaved illegally during a 2014 standoff.

Judge Gloria Navarro dismissed jurors Wednesday nearly one month after a trial began against Bundy and his sons, Ammon and Ryan Bundy, both of whom were accused three years ago of leading an armed standoff with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

Navarro showed evidence suggesting prosecutors refused to produce records showing agents conducting surveillance on the Bundy Ranch, and threat assessments about the Bundys dating back to 2012. The prosecutors also did not disclose unredacted FBI logs about activity at the ranch in the days around the standoff.
Story here. 

This is crazy!

What did we see?  How could the govt have lost a case this open and shut?

We saw gunmen in overwatch positions taking aim at Federal Agents.  We heard rambling speeches at standing ground and how the "2nd American Revolution" was about to start over illegal grazing.

Yet somehow the Feds fucked up the case so bad that a mistrial was declared?

It kinda makes you wonder if we should take a second look at another guy that got shot and killed on a snow covered highway don't it?

But even if you don't think this is all worth a second look-see then maybe we all need to get educated on why Ranchers in the Midwest and West are up in arms against the Bureau of Land Management just so we can understand what is making these guys take up arms.

Long story short?

I saw criminality.

I saw activity that should have resulted in Law Enforcement engaging suspects.  Even worse?  I've seen a more aggressive stance taken against protesters in a city....PEACEFUL protesters than I saw against these people.

So we have a couple of issues.

1.  Why are ranchers as pissed as they are?

2.  Why was a Fed response so weak?

3.  How could the Feds have lost this case?

4.  If the prosecuting attorney failed in his duties then why hasn't he been punished?

5.  If the LEOs acted irresponsibly then why haven't they been punished?

6.  With the photographic evidence widely available why haven't we seen more arrests from this standoff?

Questions abound but answers are few.