Sunday, January 07, 2018

Sunday Social Commentary. We're all being played...

We're all being played but consider this...especially if you believe the above image is true.

Most of the members of this blog are either serving military, retired, or vets. You are affiliated with two of the organizations that are supposedly part of the listed elite (Govt and Military).

If you were part of the military and then went on to be a part of the first responder community then you're triple hatted (Govt, Military and Police).

If you were part of the military and then went on to do contractor work then you are again triple hatted (Govt, Corporations and Military).

I could go on but I want to make a point.

We might all be being played but we're all part of the system that is doing the playing....ain't that a kick in your dingle dangle?

Open Comment Post. Jan 7, 2018

Holy Hero via Marines Instagram Page

49 years ago today, Navy Lt. Vincent "The Grunt Padre" Capodanno received the Medal of Honor posthumously. He was the chaplain with 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment during the Vietnam War.

Forgetting about being wounded, flying bullets, explosions and chaos he sought to locate, comfort, minister and provide any aid he could from one Marine to the next. Machine gun fire suddenly hit the chaplain with more than 25 bullets when he reached a corpsman.


This is what the USMC needs to focus in on.  When your institution is under stress then one way that you can dig yourself out is to focus the history...on past heroes.

You look to people that did the hard thing during hard times.

Those people that did the "Marine Thing" when life and limb was in jeopardy.

To my shame and embarrassment I never heard of this guy except in passing (a few people talked about him on other blog posts) and never took the time to read up on him. 

That changes today.

Saturday, January 06, 2018

Chinese President Addresses Military: Fear Neither Hardship Nor Death...these bastards are gearing up!

via Sputnik
Chinese President Xi Jinping encouraged thousands of People’s Liberation Army troops this week to display “the fighting spirit, fearing neither hardship nor death.”

Speaking in front of 7,000 PLA troops in northern China and dressed in military garb, the Chinese leader urged personnel to "create an elite and powerful force that is always ready for the fight, capable of combat and sure to win in order to fulfill the tasks bestowed by the Party and the people in the new era," the state-run Xinhua News Agency reported Wednesday.
Story here. 

Rant time.  These bastards are gearing up.  Are you following this guys dream list?  Ready to fight?  Capable of combat?  Sure to win?

To display the fighting spirit, fearing neither hardship nor death????

He is all but saying that China's military has to get ready to fight the US and that they should be sure of victory and prepared to endure hardships to get it done.

All this mirrors what I've seen on Chinese forums.

The Chinese people seem to be all aboard with this and are signalling that they're ready for any hardship to destroy the hated Americans.

Meanwhile in the Good Ole' USA what do we have?

We have political leaders AND senior military leadership lauding the servicemen at every turn.  We hear the President and the public "appreciating" service yet doing everything possible to weaken instead of strengthen the force (read into that what you will but its a wide range of initiatives) short.

The Chinese are already doing the hard work and already enduring hardship to win the fight we all know is coming.

It's not too late.

We still have time.

But we must get started!  The longer we delay the closer they get to total victory.

CMI Defence - Weapon Systems & UAV Pairing Combat Simulation

Ok.  This little advertisement just confirmed something I didn't know.  What I thought was a direct fire weapon was supposedly "effectively" used as artillery?  Never even considered that possibility. 

UH-1Y makes emergency landing in Okinawa...

via RT
A US Marine Corps UH-1 helicopter made an emergency landing on the eastern coast of the small island of Ikeijima in Okinawa Prefecture, southern Japan, NHK broadcaster reported on Saturday. The helicopter is reportedly deployed to the US Marine Corps Air Station Futenma in Okinawa. No crew members were injured in the incident, NHK says citing prefectural police. US troops and aircraft have been repeatedly involved in incidents in Okinawa. The latest, on December 13, occurred when an American CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopter lost a metal-framed window while flying over an elementary school.

Open Comment Post. Jan 6, 2018....and putting a few pins in things....

I am truly sorry I have to do this but I've allowed some of the nonsense to go too long.  Gotta start just deleting shit and if it persists then I gotta ban.

Trying to play the nice guy just ain't working so rage monster must re-emerge to bring order to the creeping chaos.

What The Fuck am I talking about?

1.  In comments.  This is NOT an anti-US forum.  If that's all you have to bring to the table then carry your sorry ass.  If you can't take the hint then I'm gonna ban you.  If its pertinent to the conversation then awesome.  If its your fucking opinion then take it to China.

2.  In comments.  If you're a fucking genius that wants to debate shit that is posted on this blog then guess what.  Awesome.  But you better do it the right way.  Be advised (this applies to the pussified group of you bastards that don't want to see anything that might mess your world view) cupcake.  I get stuff from around the globe.  You don't like it?  Then go somewhere else.

3.  In comments.  Yesterday I posted a historic document.  The unclassified readout of the briefing that Kissinger got from the IDF during the Oct War.  SOME OF YOU FUCKING FOOLS wanted to debate whether or not the briefing was correct.  Don't you fucking get it?  They were operating in the fog of war trying to gather information in real time while their forces were engaged in combat.  Of course some of it is gonna be found to be in error!  You're missing the big picture.  This is what they were thinking while the battle was raging!  That is the historic significance!  If you can't get with that then be fucking gone.

4.  In comments.  I don't know why Israel is such a big target for so many.  I don't fucking care.  That SHIT WILL STOP.  No more mulligans, second chances, forgiveness etc...I'm tired of that Nazi shit and won't put up with it. You hate Israel?  Awesome.  Go tell Storm Front all about it.  But as for me? I support them.  You don't like the stance?  AGAIN I DON"T CARE.

Yeah guys.

It's all about the comments.

Once again it all about the comments.

For those that are doing it right you have my gratitude and appreciation.  For those that are trying to shit in the sugar?  Fuck you forever and get your mind right or get the fucking heel to throat.

Gym etiquette by Art of Manliness