Monday, January 08, 2018

The USAF is still evaluating results from the #oax flight demonstrations at Holloman Air Force Base

So the Scorpion is up against the AT-6, A-29, and AT-802?

In another age, with a different doctrine, and with a different service running the competition then I would guess one of the prop jobs would win.

But we're talking about the USAF, a doctrine of stand off close air support and a need to justify the way that the F-35 does work.

The outcome is obvious.  The Scorpion is gonna win going away.

Open Comment Post. Jan 8, 2017

Gen. Krulak | Part 1

Loving these vids.

Don't know who came up with the idea but they deserve recognition.

Well done.

Hydra-Shok Deep? via Recoil Magazine Instagram Page.

Hmm.  So they changed it up a bit.  I'm betting that they were after better barrier penetration (not sure...just going off the pics and we all know how wrong I can be).

The thing that has me wondering is the expansion.  Those petals peeled back to the wings at all.  I'd like to see a comparison between the wound channel of this beast and that of say Golden Sabre.

Sputnik gives an interesting overview of Airborne Fighting Vehicles...

via Sputnik.
United States

For a country that has engaged in so many overseas conflicts over the decades, the US has surprisingly few armored vehicle designs to back up its airborne drop capability.

As Kotz pointed out, "US paratroopers today can paradrop only light armored vehicles such as the 2.6 ton Humvee, the 960 kg LSV and the 6.4 ton L-ATV, as well as the British-made M119 105mm towed howitzer. 
Story here. 

Some of you are gonna howl.  How dare I reference something from Sputnik!  Well I dare and this is a pretty good read.  They do a rundown of the airborne fighting vehicles from a number of countries and its pretty balanced.

Check it out before you complain.  Follow the link!

Saudi Tornado Interdiction Fighter shot down in Yemen...I'd bet body parts US forces rescued the two pilots...

via Reuters.
A warplane from Saudi Arabia’s air forces fighting the Houthi movement in Yemen crashed on Sunday due to a technical fault while conducting military operations, a statement carried by the Saudi state news agency SPA said.

The Houthi armed movement’s TV channel al-Massirah earlier said Houthi forces had shot down the fighter in Saada province, adding it was a Britain-made Tornado.

The Saudi statement said the plane had crashed in the war zone. It said the Saudi-led coalition conducted a special operation to evacuate the two pilots who survived the crash.
Saudi led coalition conducted a special operation to evacuate the two pilots?  Bullshit.  The Saudis don't have the infrastructure in the area to conduct those type missions.  Neither do any of their Arab allies.

Once again US forces risked life and limb to save Saudi ass...dumb ass at that.

Trump can be forgiven for all his idiocy except for his failure to ramp down wars.  Listen to the generals?  They've failed in Iraq and Afghanistan for almost two decades.  They stated that it would take 50 years to defeat ISIS. They still don't have a REAL plan to win in Afghanistan.

And we're suppose to listen to the generals?

General Dynamics Land Systems - Stryker ICV Dragoon 30mm 8X8 Armoured Vehicle

Sunday, January 07, 2018

Hawkei 4x4 light protected vehicle is in service with Australian forces in Iraq...

via Army Recognition.
According to the Australian Defence Business Review website, Australian Army and Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group CASG, in charge of military acquisition have deployed a number of new Hawkei 4x4 Light Protected Vehicles to Iraq for operational trials with Task Force Taji, a combined Australian-New Zealand military training force located at the Taji Military Complex northwest of Baghdad.

The operational trial of the Hawkei 4x4 light protected vehicle by the Australian army in Iraq, is expected to take place until mid-2018. The Hawkei vehicles are deployed in Iraq in two and four door configuration.

The Hawkei vehicle was originally designed to meet an Australian Defence Force (ADF) requirement as part of a wider project to replace the ADF's fleet of operational support vehicles, Project Land 121 Phase 4 – Protected Mobility Vehicle (Light) or PMV-L.

In October 2015, it was announced that the Australian army will order 1,100 Hawkei vehicles t replace part of the Army's ageing Land Rover fleet. It is classified by the Australian Army as light protected mobility vehicles.

The Hawkei vehicle is manufactured by Thales Australia, which also makes the Bushmaster armoured personnel carrier, in Bendigo. Boeing, Plasan Sasa and PAC Group are partners of Thales, supporting the Hawkei project.

The Hawkei 4x4 light protected vehicle was designed to offer high level of protection against modern ballistic and mine explosion threats. A high level of built-in blast protection is combined with ballistic protection that can be scaled to match the operating environment.
Story here. 

HIMARS can fire anti-aircraft missiles? via Marines Instagram...

Did I see that right?  HIMARS can fire anti-aircraft missiles?  Is this legit or are we getting played?

60th Brigade of the 7th Brigade in the Golan Heights, for the first time on top of the engineering Namer

Hmm.  So they have the Engineering version of the Namer in the hands of their troops?  Look like its loaded down with their anti-missile system too.  Kinda surprised by how much bulk that adds to the vehicle.

That will have ramifications for the Marine Corps.  Really a bit frustrated by the thinking there.  They've made allowances for size and weight growth with regard to aviation but appear to have totally dropped the ball when it comes to ground combat vehicles (true ground combat vehicles...not light utility farm/ranch carts/recreation vehicles).