Thursday, January 11, 2018

Rheinmetall Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV)

You have a bug problem? Rainier Arms has you covered with your own personal flame thrower!


Only in America.

I believe in "the right to bear arms" but as with anything people tend to get carried away instead of finding a decent stopping place.

Let's be honest.  Any right carried too far becomes tyranny...any belief system carried to an extreme can become worship.

But putting my misgivings about freaking flamethrowers available for sale commercially to any Tom, Dick or Harry, I have to wonder why someone would spend so much money on such a weird novelty item.  Regardless, check out the pics below


The XM42 Modular is a complete overhaul of the original handheld flamethrower that grabbed worldwide attention. 

  • Length: 26.3 inches
  • Width: 6.7 inches
  • Height: 18.4 inches
  • Weight: 8.0 lbs
  • M-LOK Rails on all 3 sides
  • Removable tank for cleaning 
  • Built-in voltage display 
  • Typical Distance: 30ft

The Ion Productions Team
XM42-M Flamethrower - Black

With all new billet aluminum construction and a fully customizable layout this rugged and sleek design is configurable to balance personal preference and capabilities.

  Shop now  

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Thanks to Gregory for the link!

Watch the film all the way thru folks!  You'll thank me later!

You back?


They ended the video by saying the window to stop this future was closing rapidly.  They were right.  Only no one listened.  This genie is out of the bottle and this makes nuclear warfare seem downright pleasant.  Do you remember the horror expressed by the public with the Neutron Bomb scare? People were going batshit over the idea of a bomb that killed all the people but left the buildings and machinery intact.

This is just like that but version 2.0++.

Even worse?  Weaponry proliferates.  Once one nation has it others will seek to develop it.  Then you will have certain groups buy the tech.  Eventually it will make its way to criminals and/or terrorists.

Forget lasers...I want EMP generators!

Who the fuck is this Major General fucking Coffman?

Thanks to Mark A for the link!

"The 1,232nd lance corporal in [battalion landing team] 1/1 is not as important to me as what he's doing with C5I on that ship," he said, using the acronym for command, control, communications, computers, collaboration, and intelligence.

"The 1,230th to 1,252nd lance corporal on that ship and the last seven Humvees and other stuff, get rid of all of them. You mean I'm going to get some special ops, irregular warfare capability; you mean I'm going to get some enhanced [signals intelligence]; you mean I'm going to get some better radars; you mean I'm going to get fires to do some of my own killing?" Coffman said. "Thank you, Marines, for your interest in national service. We'll see you at the beach, or we'll get you there another way."
Story here. 


This is why I don't encourage young men  to join the Marine Corps. 

This is a senior Marine Corps Officer talking and he is just taking pleasure in shitting on his Marines.

I wouldn't trust this bastard to walk my dog much less send a young man to fight under his leadership.

Major General fucking Coffman can suck a dick.  If this is the current thinking of Marine Corps leadership then shut down the's had a great run but its obvious that the so called leaders we have today are NOT worthy of the sacrifice of our youth.

But the wall punching moment is the last portion I highlighted..."Thank you Marines for you interest in national service"?


Fuck this bastard forever.

NOTE:  Have no fear.  I've made copies of this article.  There will be no rewrite to cover up the arrogance expressed here.

The futurists got this one right. UAV swarms are a thing and we just saw the next evolution in warfare...

via The Drive.
Russia is advancing a conspiracy theory, without providing any evidence, which suggests a U.S. Navy P-8A Poseidon patrol plane may have been involved in an attack on its Khmeimim Air Base in Syria. The incident has been highly embarrassing for Russian authorities, coming after President Vladimir Putin declared total victory over terrorists in the country, and the Kremlin is increasingly insistent that it could not have occurred without direct foreign support.
Story here. 

I can't stand futurists.  For the most part they're just a bunch of idiots that throw shit against the wall in the hopes that some of it sticks.

But I can't lie.

They got this one right.

I've heard talk of drone swarms and haven't been impressed. 

Until now.

Forget all the posturing that you're seeing surrounding the news of the swarm attack on the Russian base.  Forget all the talk of foreign assistance to make it happen (quite honestly I hope to GOD! that these primitives had help or the world just got several magnitudes more dangerous for us all!).

The stark reality is that this shit is real.  I didn't post on this because of other things that I felt were more compelling stories but in hindsight this is a wakeup call.  Check this out via Popular Mechanics...
At the close of the Global Fortune Forum in Guangzhou on Dec. 7, the event's hosts set a world record for the largest drone swarm ever deployed. For 9 minutes, 1,180 drones danced and blinked out an aerial show. It was cool. It was also an interesting look into the potential future of aviation.

According to an executive at Ehang UAVs, which provided the swarm, each drone cost $1,500, which is pretty darn cheap considering their capabilities. Take, for instance, the datalink and software used. It lets more than 1,000 flying robots coordinate autonomously and synchronize movements, with a flight deviancy of a mere 2 centimeters horizontally and 1 centimeter vertically. If something goes wrong and a drone can't reach its programmed position, it automatically lands.
Story here. 

1000 drones?  All flying in formation?  Cheap as hell?  Easily programmable?

Maybe I have a too active imagination but damn.  This is the stuff that nightmares are made of.

SOCOM loads up on a futuristic tilt rotor airplane to conduct a deep raid to take out a high value target?  Instead of launching hundreds of missiles they instead launch thousands of drones to kamikaze into the aircraft!

Same applies to a forward airfield, staging base....logistics depo....and that applies to basic drones that are available today (as we saw with the Russian experience).

What happens when the drones get smarter, have more endurance, can go faster but remain just as small?

Do we have radars that can detect low flying bird sized objects?  Do we have weapon systems that can effectively engage them, yet are economical enough to actually use with a magazine capacity large enough to deal with huge numbers of them?

One other thing.

I know some fucker at HQMC is shouting at the ceiling saying that stupid bastard SNAFU! finally gets it.

Well sorta.

But the same problem applies in spades to dispersed units.  How will a Company Landing Team deal with a swarm of 1000 drones?  The problem remains.  They're too small to effectively deal with potential trouble and once they're found, fixed in location by concentrated artillery barrages, they can be destroyed in place....only now the enemy won't have to risk manned aircraft or even expensive UAVs to do it.

Much to my surprise the futurists got this one right and I'm not happy about it.  The future battlefield is scary as fuck now.  We just got a small taste of it but most people are so busy chasing BS conspiracy theories (whether true or not) and missing the bigger issue.

We just saw the next evolution in warfare and most missed it.

Spike's Tactical and Pipe Hitters Union supporting Neo-Nazis????

Controversy has hit with the above poster.

What's being said?  That PHU and Spike's Tactical support Neo-Nazis.

Where am I on this? 

They fucked up.

They included Charlottesville and that yanked the covers off alot.  Neo-Nazis got support from a large part of the gun community, militia movement and now a firearms & sportswear manufacturer .

If they wouldn't have included Charlottesville there would be no controversy.  But they did and now they have to ride the wave.

What is there response?  Well the pic above was posted yesterday and then posted the below pics today...

I get it.

You can't back down cause if you do you're gonna get run over.

Are they racists?  I really don't think so.  But like I said.  They did fuck up badly.

The real question will be if the mainstream media picks up on this.  If they do then it won't matter.  Life will be rough in those two houses.

This might bear watching...not out of importance, but curiosity...

Military Arms has a review coming of the Ruger PC 9mm Carbine!

militaryarmsAnother day at the office with a @rugersofficial PC 9mm Carbine. I’ve installed the Glock mag well (it comes with it) and I’ve put a @trijicon MRO on it with a @midwestindustries QD mount. A video is inbound! @coppercustom #triggerpuller #pewpew #guns #mac #2amendment #2a #molonlabe #tactical #firearms #merica #freedom #gunlife #shooting #militaryarms #military #gunporn @weaponsdaily @gunwebsites @gunchannels_ @brownellsinc @gunfreaks #brownells @cameraman.mac #goa #gunownersofamerica @forgedfromfreedom #forgedfromfreedom

I can't fucking wait to see Mac's review of this weapon!  Haven't been excited about a new offering in awhile but this one has me lusting after it.

Still don't like that fore-end.  Wonder why they made it a take down (was that really necessary?).  And that scout rifle type sight setup irks me to no end (really dude...everyone runs sometype of optic these days!).

But still...I'm intrigued!

A run of 200 CH-53Ks will generate more revenue than the Black Hawk...

via Rotor and Wing.
Sikorsky is about to become disrupted by its own product. Andreas Bernhard, chief engineer on the Sikorsky CH-53K, said during American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics’ (AIAA) SciTech Forum in Kissimmee, Florida, that in the 2020s, the Black Hawk would no longer be the manufacturer’s main product.

“Since 1974, Sikorsky has been a Black Hawk company,” Bernhard said. “In the 2020s, Sikorsky will generate more revenue with the CH-53K than it will with the Black Hawk. And hand-in-hand with that, we’re delivering a capability to our primary customer, the United States Marines, that is truly transformative and disruptive.”
Story here. 

Just plain wow.  The title of the article was that the CH-53K would be disruptive to its own manufacturer.

I was intrigued.

Then I got pissed.

I wonder if this bubba realizes the implications of his words.  The CH-53K is guaranteed to be 200 and probably less than 300 airplanes.  More modern models of the Black Hawk will be bought when the CH-53K goes into production yet the small run will generate more revenue than the Black Hawk?

Many are excited by Neller and love the idea that he took a punch at the F-35 by saying that he could equip every Marine with gucci gear for the price of one of those airplanes.

But that's not even half the story.

The Marine Corps is spending an UNGODLY portion of its budget on aviation. We don't have one airplane that costs 100 million dollars each.  We have 2.  The F-35 and the CH-53K.  We don't have one airplane that costs more than 75 million dollars each.  We have 2.  MV-22B and KC-130. As things stand the only affordable aircraft we operate is the AH-1Z and UH-1Y....and if the former Deputy Commandant for Aviation had his way the AH-1Z would be retired early in favor of a tilt wing unmanned monstrosity that can do close air support, escort, radar picket etc....who knows how much that will cost.

You want to impress?

Get the Marine Corps house in order.  As things stand Marines aren't benefiting, the taxpayer is getting hosed, the only people jumping for joy are the stockholders in these companies.

I love Rep Gallagher! He knows how to start sh*t!

Oh the Squiddies are not gonna like that at all!  I can't wait to see the reactions to this.  I don't know this Gallagher dude but I love anyone that can start shit with little to no effort.

Dude is definitely a Marine!

BAE has submitted its bid for Amphibious Combat Vehicle downselect!

Our amphibious legacy continues: After delivering 16 fully mission-capable ACV 1.1 prototypes to the @USMC, we’ve submitted our bid for the ACV 1.1 down-select: