Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Singapore introduces new mortar carrier and weapon locating radar (a very neat and relatively compact solution!)



2d Recon Exercise Caribbean Coastal Warrior - 2021

U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. Alexander Hermann, a native of San Antonio, Texas, a joint tactical air controller with 2d Reconnaissance Battalion (2d Recon), 2d Marine Division, participates in a night mission during Exercise Caribbean Coastal Warrior on Savaneta Kamp, Aruba, June 27, 2021. The exercise allows 2d Recon to expand its knowledge and proficiency when operating in littoral and coastal regions while increasing global interoperability with 32nd Raiding Squadron, Netherlands Marine Corps.

Eitan; Israel's New Eight Wheeled Armored Monster Weapon

1/2 EMAV B-Roll

U.S. Marines with 1st Battalion, 2d Marine Regiment (1/2), 2d Marine Division, rehearse maneuvering an Expeditionary Modular Autonomous Vehicle (EMAV) during a training event on Camp Lejeune, N.C., June 24, 2021. The purpose of this training is to provide electronic warfare services to a supported unit commander. The EMAV is a highly mobile and fully autonomous ground vehicle that has a payload capacity of 7,200 pounds.

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

We gave Afghanistan 20 years...what more do we owe them?


Nation building sucks and I have yet to see evidence of ANYONE doing it right.

Backwards countries are like the poor in the bible...they'll always be with us.

The idea that we would be able to establish a democracy, women's rights, and a modern economy was just plain crazy.

What's even crazier is that after 20 years of hard work, lives lost and wasted money, we still have some saying that we owe Afghanistan to stay.

My question.


What more do we owe them?

Monday, June 28, 2021

Poland's Army receives more Leopard 2PLs...

Story here

31st Meu conduct a night raid exercise on the flight deck of USS America (LHA 6) in the Philippine Sea

Israeli Air Force's 118th ("Night Riders") squadron on exercise

Late Open Comment Post. 28 June 2021

 ** Sorry folks.  Work is a bear...and that bear is eating me up.  Don't get it twisted.  Grinding is good but the blog is on cruise till I shake back tomorrow.  Chew it up in the "open comment" section here and we'll be back to normal Tues.

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Once we were told to believe the we know the scientist at best deceived, maybe were horribly mistaken or worst lied!

I don't know if you've been following this but the change of tone on this things has been dramatic and stunning.

When this hit we were told without a shred of doubt that this thing was natural.

I had certain members of this tribe yell those of us that doubted that down, and damn near called us idiots after they went thru a supposed laundry list of why this thing was natural.

Now the scientist are walking this back.

Now the conspiracy talk about this thing being man-made aren't being shouted.

They're trying to pivot to the position of admitting that this thing got loose.

It's becoming obvious that this was all political.  The societal trauma that was let loose on our nation all served the trolls in Washington...the bureaucrats that actual run this country.

No one should know Fauci's name but we all do. As a certain Romanian reader of mine would say...he was a useful idiot.

Before its all over he's gonna be a shattered, crushed, shell of a man.

I'm calling it now.

His fall from grace will be dramatic.