Thursday, July 15, 2021

Navy cuts F-35C squadrons on carriers from two to one...while losing 6 planes in the downsizing...

via USNI News
Navy officials told a key House panel this week that by creating a different mix of aircraft in the future carrier air wing, the service could shave five years off the timetable to close the shortfall in its strike fighter aircraft inventory.

By 2025, the Navy will have solved its strike fighter shortfall in part by changing how it will field the F-35C Lighting II Joint Strike Fighter. Instead of two squadrons per air wing with 10 tails, the Navy will now field a single squadron with 14 tails, Rear Adm. Andrew Loiselle, director of the Air Warfare Division (OPNAV/N98), told the House Armed Services subcommittee on tactical air and land forces on Tuesday. testified it was reducing F-35C Lightning II Joint Strike Fight from two to one squadron per air wing.


This is a wow story for me.

It sounds good to solve the fighter shortfall.

It sounds good to combine squadrons so you have less overhead, thereby driving efficiencies.

It even sounds good to at the end of it all to pull off a stealth (pun intended) cut to F-35C production while singing a happy song to Congress.

What concerns is that everything is getting smaller.

Less wings/aircraft acknowledges (at least in my mind) that we have a carrier surplus.

If we have a surplus (according to the accountants) then that means we can cut carriers.

We cut carriers then we're shrinking while China is growing.

I cheer the cuts to the F-35 but the implications for our overall stance against China (which is supposed to be the end all be all for the least for now till another shiny ring shows up) is taking a beating.

That super big reconciliation bill the Dems are gonna pass don't help either.

Defense analyst were predicting a terrible 20's for the DoD. Its not gonna be terrible its gonna be savage and brutal.  

I'm drinking this in but it looks like we're headed toward fortress America.  The entire defense establishment is about to be ravaged and nothing can stop it.

Massive flooding in Germany...Army activated

U.S. Black Hawk made an emergency landing in the middle of the Romanian capital, Bucharest.


Wednesday, July 14, 2021

PARS IV 6x6 Special Operations Vehicle


Landing Craft, class LC23 under construction for Italian Navy/Marine Corps...

Australian Army's 7th Combat Brigade, mid-year update

Summer Fury 21: Defensive Counter Air Operations...Video by Cpl. Levi Voss

Royal Netherlands Defense Helicopter Command


Summer Fury 21: Defensive Counter Air Operation


AH-1Z Viper's with Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron (HMLA) 469, Marine Air Group 39, 3rd Marine Air Wing (MAW), maneuver through the air while executing a defense counter air operation in support of Summer Fury 21 in California, July 13, 2021. HMLA-469 deployed two AH-1Z Viper’s loaded with Air Intercept Missile (AIM) 9 Sidewinders to neutralize an unmanned aerial system in order to maintain a competitive edge over our adversaries. (SNAFU! Blog question...can an AH-1Z fly high or fast enough to engage a heavyweight UAV? If not then can it effectively engage Predator sized birds?  Could they,Chinese UAVs, knock it down if they're engaged?)

Truck Gun coming together...

My truck gun is coming along nicely...just a bit more to do.