Friday, July 16, 2021

German Army is hard at work assisting flood ravaged communities in that country...


Shooting house of the Chelyabinsk SOBR via The Dead District Twitter Page...

Rescue was obviously never an option!


White House Nominates Next Marine Assistant Commandant

 via USNI News

The Marine Corps’ deputy commandant for combat development and integration has been tapped to serve as the second-highest-ranking officer in the service, the Pentagon announced on Thursday. Meanwhile, the current head of the Navy’s Atlantic submarine force and the current head of the service’s requirements office have been nominated to lead U.S. Fleet Forces Command.

Lt. Gen. Eric Smith was nominated for a fourth star to serve as the assistant commandant of the Marine Corps and succeed Gen. Gary Thomas. Smith has been the deputy commandant for combat development and integration since 2019. It is dual-hatted position, with Smith also leading the Marine Corps Combat Development Combat (MCCDC) as its commanding general.

Prior to leading the Quantico, Va., command, he led Okinawa, Japan-based III Marine Expeditionary Force. He previously was the commanding general of 1st Marine Division and has led Marine Corps Forces Southern Command, according to his service biography. Before leading 1st Marine Division, he was the assistant deputy commandant for plans, policies and operations. He also served as the director of the Capability Development Directorate under CD&I and has commanded 1st Battalion, 5th Marines; and 8th Marine Regiment, according to his bio.

Smith has been a key figure in reshaping the Marine Corps to operate as a more nimble and expeditionary service as part of the service’s Force Design 2030 initiative. As the head of CD&I, he has worked to implement Commandant Gen. David Berger’s Commandant’s Planning Guidance, the strategic vision driving the Marines’ force design work.

I see Berger is working overtime to get his sycophants into place before he departs. 

Still don't think it'll work and I still believe the folly of designing an ENTIRE SERVICE to conduct operations SHORT OF WAR (Grey Zone) is idiotic in the extreme.  

But having handpicked subordinates in positions of power helps.

One more year to solidify or disrupt this foolishness. He has one more year to see his jacked up vision take hold. We have one more year to either kill this in its crib or see the Marine Corps of the future morph into a butched up coast guard, only good for "grey zone" operations.

Is the new Russian single engine fighter multi-role or the future F-35 killer?

They're building it and I can't wait to see it in all it's glory but what is it for? Is it a future F-35 killer? Multi-role? I can't pin it down. If this is a 4.75+ (Gen 5-) then could we be looking at the future backbone of the Russian air force?

S. African Army deploys Armored Fighting Vehicles to deal with unrest


Boxer CRV Pics by PTE Jacob Hilton/LAC John Solomon via Gregory Knowles Twitter Page...

Open Comment Post. 16 July 2021


Talisman Sabre 21


U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. Jonathon Lindgren, a High Mobility Artillery Rocket System section chief with 3d Battalion, 12th Marines, 3d Marine Division, surveys a firing point during Exercise Talisman Sabre 2021 at Shoalwater Bay Training Area, Queensland, Australia, July 15, 2021. TS21 supports the U.S. National Defense Strategy by enhancing our ability to protect the homeland and provide combat-credible forces to address the full range of potential security concerns in the Indo-Pacific. Lindgren is a native of Katy, Texas.

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Wait! WHAT?? We asked Turkey to secure the Kabul Airport after our departure?



I was surprised to hear this in the video.  The Taliban are gonna go after Turk troops once they secure an airport that we (the US!) asked them to?

Wow again!

One thing though.  Its gonna be interesting as hell to be supporting Turkey's mercenary force in their fight against the Taliban.  The fight in that country is as crazy as a chicken on crack.

Taiwanese "Clouded Leopard" Fighting Vehicles operate on roadways for realistic training (Pic Heavy)...


TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A unit of “Clouded Leopard” armored vehicles have taken to Taiwan's roads instead of using trains, in order to make training more realistic, reports said Wednesday (July 14).

The 333rd Mechanized Infantry Brigade, based in Pingtung County, would have shipped its vehicles by train or truck in the past to avoid creating traffic problems or disputes with civilian road users, CNA reported.

However, due to increasing threats from China, the military thought it wiser to test in a more realistic situation. After technical checks, the Taiwan-made vehicles hit the road Wednesday morning to reach their destinations by a variety of routes.

Having tanks and armored vehicles move over streets and roads increases the familiarity of soldiers with possible war theaters and improves their ability to respond to real-life situations, the military said.