Wednesday, September 15, 2021

The Australian plan for enhanced strike capabilities in one snap.


It Looks Like A C-130 Seaplane Is Finally Happening via THE DRIVE


This is darn curious.  Why modify a C-130 instead of buying a purpose built model from our Japanese allies?  The drag on this thing seems like it would be HUGE.  Range limited.

Regardless.  If Air Force Special Ops develops this then you can bet Berger will push so hard to get these in the Marine Corps that he'll develop hemorrhoids.

How long before they try and flex it into a full on amphibious gunship or Harvest Hawk.

Somewhere in the South China Sea ...


This Army Armor Officer's confidence is kinda inspiring

I wonder if he believes all the shit he's talking? If he does then that's fucking awesome! Did anyone notice the distinction he put on this?  Large Scale Ground Combat Ops.  Not counter-insurgency/small wars shit.  He's talking about full scale no holds barred, grab an objective/own the ground type warfare.  With that being the case I kinda believe him!