Tuesday, September 21, 2021

I just realized what annoys me about the current Administration.

 I just realized what annoys me about the current administration.

Let me head off on a tangent first.

Have you ever been in a professional class, seminar, meeting or school and while sitting there you got several feels all at once?

* These people actually believe they're as smart as they think they are.

* This shit will never work in real life.

* Who the fuck told these morons that this shit is really a good idea?

* You can tell they've never dealt with a, b, c and/or d in real life...something they're suppose to be subject matter experts in?

Well all of the above I believe applies to the Biden Administration. The smartest kids in the room aren't in charge.  The adults aren't back in charge.

We're being led by adults that never left college and theorize about how the world works while inside gilded cages of an Ivy League campus.

Your problem and mine?

We have to deal with this till at least 2022 if we're lucky.

God be with us cause I don't think our allies are cheering this new administration anymore.

France is butt hurt about the sub deal cartoon...

 Does anyone besides myself find that the French reaction to the Aussies changing their minds seems way over the top?  I don't quite understand the nuance of the French/US relationship but they're hating on the US real hard and aren't barking at all at the Aussies or UK.

Something don't add up with the little poodle on this one...

Covid-19 Political Humor...

It's been said that the difference between the Spanish Flu and Covid-19 is that the general public could actually "feel" the pain of the Spanish Flu. The thought of that paused me up. We just experienced a pandemic that killed more people than the Spanish Flu and vaccine hesitancy is still a thing? If there was a cure for AIDS or Cancer (pick your variety) or any other lethal disease people would be running to take it and it would cost so much the average person couldn't afford it.

I took the shot.

But even with that something seems to be "off" with this thing. A real deal, 100% will put your ass in the grave disease that has a ready cure shouldn't be something to fight about.

It shouldn't be a political issue.

Somehow this is.

Oh and just to toss a few logs on the flame.  In the fitness community a widespread belief is that this isn't an issue with Covid-19 (they admit that at its worse it can make you sick) but they contend that the co-morbidity of OBSEITY is the real deal issue here.

To state it bluntly?  If you're not obese you have nothing to worry about but since America is obese most of America does.

They further contend that the goal posts for herd immunity has been moved...that if herd immunity was gonna work it would have already.

I just don't know folks but we're moving towards the end of our second year with this bug.  

What do ya'll think?

Be Dangerous! Listen, Think & Observe...

RPG, RPG FUCK! via MilitaryFootage Instagram Page.


Second thoughts about the Milley thing...I've heard enough...dude should either quit or be fired...


Yeah there are still parts of the internet that are hot and heavy behind Milley (as the above pic shows), but putting that aside I have issues with the dude that haven't settled with the passage of a little time.

Let's assume that HE WAS CORRECT and that the President was spiraling out of control.

* Dude had legal remedies to deal with this type situation.  A conversation with a Pentagon lawyer could have laid out what could be done in even this most extreme situation.

* Dude had the full attention of the Speaker of the House, Vice President, untold numbers of Senators/Congress members to guide him if things turned bad.

* He had the opportunity to resign if it was getting that bad.

The list goes on alot longer than I have time to type it.

The reality?

Milley damn near put us into a constitutional crisis because of his actions.  He sullied the position of CJCS and he brought everyone on the JCS into a terrible light.

Long story short.

He failed to assess the situation properly.  He made terrible decisions.

The reality?

Confidence in his ability to lead comes into question.  On that alone he should be fired for lack of confidence.

The serious shit?

I don't know if his actions crept toward the criminal but they sure seem to be dancing real close to the line if they didn't.

Weapon retention/recovery training...

Note. Most of the old skool dudes say that's why they carry a backup. Don't fight to get your gun back, utilize your backup in the appropriate manner, dispatch the idiot, write the report, enjoy your days off and bang your wife and/or side chick. I don't know. You guys carry your backup on ankle or vest (assuming you're wearing under duty shirt...outer vests are all the rage now).