Thursday, September 23, 2021

Italian industries 3D render proposal of the CIO (IVECO-OTO Melara), for the AICS (Armored Infantry Combat System), Italian Army project of a next generation IFV family.


China loves churning out some really big drones...

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

MRF-D aircraft staged for departure

US Marines assigned to 1st Recon Bn. & Indonesia's 1st Amphibious Recon Bn., participate in joint training during RECONEX 21 (USMC Vid)


U.S. Marines with 1st Reconnaissance Battalion (1st Recon Bn.), 1st Marine Division and Indonesian Marines with 1st Amphibious Reconnaissance Battalion, Marine Corps of the Indonesian Navy, participate in joint training during RECONEX 21 on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California, Sept. 2-10, 2021. The two-week exercise was hosted by 1st Recon Bn. to improve combat readiness and increase interoperability between both nations. (U.S. Marine Corps video by Lance Cpl. Emeline Swyers)

The Oldest and the Proudest (USMC Vid)

U.S. Marines with 4th Marines, 3d Marine Division are constantly forward deployed within the first island chain, prepared to deter and defeat any threat to regional security. The “Oldest and the Proudest” regiment wields some of the most lethal infantry battalions the Marine Corps has to offer, and they are always ready to fight now. (U.S. Marine Corps video by Sgt. Josue Marquez)

St Croix is crazy!

Really loving my Hi-Lux TD-3!

Before I got pinned to the bed (after my surgery...up and running hopefully early to mid next week), I bought the Hi-Lux TD-3.

How would I describe it?  LUV IT!!!!

First up is the glory shot from the Hi-Lux page before I get to showing it to you on my daily carry.

Let me post another pic a few more pics from their website so you can see what made me gravitate to this budget option.

If you're still wondering what the hell I'm talking about its how much glass you have there.  No pin prick glass to look thru.  I believe that complaint about the RMR caused Trijicon to develop the SRO.

That's a totally different blog post though.

The Hi-Lux TD-3 is a solid build.  It feels good in hand, fits the RMR foot print and costs SIGNIFICANTLY less.  The list price is $199 but I know they were on sale for about $150.

Take my word on this one guys.  GET IT AT THIS PRICE POINT WHILE YOU CAN!  Once word hits the street people are gonna be gobbling these things up like candy!

A few pics of the thing on my daily carry...

No jokes about my G26.  It's small, I like it and I carry it everywhere.  No jokes about the slide!  I wanna a little flavor.

Oh and in before someone says it (cause someone will) I (had to re-write this portion cause the original writing would be taken out of context!!!), DON"T ABUSE MY GEAR!  I need it to function and I take care of it so that it does! Some dudes on YouTube do that type of thing so get them to beat the hell outta the thing if that's your vibe.

Back to the red dot.


I FREAKING LOVE IT.  Nailing shots at distance even with my tired eyes.  This is good stuff.

I need to check on the discount (got it thru Expert Voice membership) because if I remember correctly I could pass it along to friends.

Since my tribe (that's you guys) are all my friends I'll see if it applies to you all.

Check it out here for yourself though.  

BONUS!  I was supposed to do a post of how it came in the packaging.  Never got round to it so here ya go...

Israeli Ministry of Health announces that the "Green Pass" for vaccinated expires when 6 months have passed after the 2nd dose and now also 6 months after the 3rd ("booster") vaccination.


THIS IS GETTING CRAZY! THE EXPERTS KEEP MOVING GOAL POSTS!!!! At this rate we might as well say fuck it and go back to normal.

Personal public whine...

 I'm in the process of recovering from a hernia.  Let me tell ya.  You totally underestimate something till you go thru it yourself.

This thing was a beast.

Wiped me out the day of the Surgery (last Thurs) and kept me on my back (literally) till yesterday.  I don't believe I've slept so much since I was a baby.

The weird thing.

I thought I'd be up and running by now but I'm still sore as hell and something messed up when they pulled me out of anesthesia cause (according to my girl) I was bucking hard and told the nurses/doctors that I couldn't breathe.

Don't quite remember it but she said they called in some respiratory techs (men) and VA police because they couldn't hold me down and simply compromised by letting me sit-up with something to rest my legs on so I could finally chill the fuck out.

The sad thing.

I've had this since last year.  My surgery was delayed because of covid.  In the meantime and between time I put myself on a self imposed "profile" but kept lifting.  

I went high volume on most days but had at least one day of going heavy.

I don't think my profile helped and might have hurt.  Gotta ask about that for my personal after action on this thing.

Probably too much information but yeah!  BRO!!!!  Take care of yourselves!  I'm not a fan of the medical community but assess the guidelines they give you to get the best outcome possible.

I'm not saying go 110% with their pronouncements cause for the most part they're pussies, but consider it.