Tuesday, June 14, 2022

First live firing from the Type-X Robotic Combat Vehicle

ROBUST - Israeli MOD & Elbit Medium Robotic Combat Vehicle. Credit: Israeli MOD

R400S | EOS Defense Systems USA

Rheinmetall releases Panther KF51 Main Battle Tank

KF 21 Boramae ready for first flight

Famous Ukrainian activist Roman Ratushnyy was killed in the Izium battle.

Monday, June 13, 2022

Tracked Boxer & Boxer image sporting identical Infantry Carrier Vehicle modules

Hard pass on the tracked Boxer. But the idea that this idea was revitalized after GD tried it with the Stryker is curious. Is there a problem with the mobility of wheeled vehicles that is showing us that we're evolving back to tracks? Is this wheeled IFV thing just a fad? Did it go the way of the dodo bird with a rethinking of urban combat?

Front view of the KF51

Later today I really have to sort these new offerings. A tracked Boxer? Saying outloud sounds weird and its as strange looking as GD's attempt at the same with the Stryker. Weird times. Weird vehicles.

Interesting Tank...

Interesting vehicle. One thing disturbs. Why would you place a UAV operator on a frontline fighting vehicle? Seems like a waste. The crew is having to fight the vehicle. Operating a UAV should be done at the battalion level. Network the thing, put a mast on it if you must (with a tethered UAV if you need to see that far out), but fight the vehicle and get info from other sensors. Besides if you're getting targeting data from your UAV then its probably outside the range of your main gun so it'll be killed by other assets anyway.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

A Judgment Day Is Coming for Zelensky

Zelensky was rocketed to extreme heights and will be, in the end, the fall guy for a failed response to Ukraine.

My prediction?

The Russians will achieve their objectives (I don't think Odessa is in their calculations anymore), they will approach China & Turkey and certain other countries about a UN sponsored peace deal/ceasefire, the Ukrainian people and US/European elites will cry foul....and he will be blamed for losing the war.

Considering Ukraine's past and some of their more "nationalistic" citizens, he could end up next to a wall if he doesn't play this correctly.