Sunday, June 19, 2022

This might save women's sports...

I find the trans issue interesting. Biological males competing against biological females in sports (IMO) never made sense. It would wreck already fragile women's sports. Luckily this might be a step toward saving it. I'm a women's track and field fan. I would hate to see the 200th ranked college biological male transition and suddenly jump up into the top ten women's sprinters, long jumpers, hurdlers etc...

Boris Johnson: 'We need to steel ourselves for a long war'

 via The Herald

BORIS Johnson has told the UK to prepare for a "long war” in Ukraine.

The Prime Minister, who made a surprise visit to Kyiv on Friday, warned that “no nation anywhere would be safe” if Russia was successful in its bid to secure territory, because “every dictator would feel emboldened to pursue their own ambitions by force”.

Writing in The Times, Mr Johnson said: “I am afraid that we need to steel ourselves for a long war, as Putin resorts to a campaign of attrition, trying to grind down Ukraine by sheer brutality.

“The UK and our friends must respond by ensuring that Ukraine has the strategic endurance to survive and eventually prevail.”

“Everything will depend on whether Ukraine can strengthen its ability to defend its soil faster than Russia can renew its capacity to attack,” he added.

“Our task is to enlist time on Ukraine’s side.”

The first measure on the Prime Minister’s four-stop plan is to provide “weapons, equipment, ammunition and training more rapidly than the invader”.

He said the UK is aiming to work with allies in training up to 10,000 soldiers every 120 days to support Ukraine.

Mr Johnson describes step two as providing “constant funding and technical help,” while the third is developing alternative overland routes to overcome the Russian blockade on ports including at the southern city of Odesa.

Mr Johnson said 25 million tonnes of corn and wheat is being “held hostage” by Russia – and the fourth step of the plan is to free these supplies.

Why would Russia allow that corn and wheat to go out?  Its not in their best interests.

Is this the avenue that is taken to lessen the sanctions?  Possibly end the war?

Me and a VERY few others have been warning about the consequences of the ill advised sanctions.  We've been shouted down.  


Those chickens are coming home to roost and several leaders are getting nervous.  

The problem?

This could lead to NATO attempting to break the blockade.  This could lead to a wider war.  While Biden's camp probably wouldn't blink an eye with a view to the midterms (they need something to distract the public and the Jan 6 hearings ain't working), I'm sure many, many others would be alarmed. 

Things will probably get worse.  Additionally he's trying to sign NATO up to HIS plan because the UK military isn't capable of doing all he's suggesting.

Taliban are having a nasty little dust up with the NRF

NATO members. Talk tough but default to doing nothing to contribute to common defense

Hmm. Where would America be if we followed the lead of some of our NATO partners and decreased our defense spending? I'm sure our infrastructure would probably rise to equal Europe's in a decade or so. Meanwhile, we'll pay to defend others while they complain, whine, bitch and spend money on their internal needs while we provide for their defense.

Ukrainians fled from Liman, but were not told that bridge had already blown up . Watch to the end.

Geez. What a waste. They thought they were on the way outta of the zone and probably died while evac-ing.

Random acts of crime...