Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Sky Warden NNbS....

A neat compact and lethal system with a useful payload of missiles. This is what the "Stand In Force" needs. They're still gonna get micro fragmented but this will keep them in the fight a little longer.

Eurofighter "Growler"?

This makes sense.

Not sure the Eurofighter (or any fighter) is the proper platform but everything I've read lately about the next big fight talks about jamming, being jammed and degraded communications.

So why the Navy would even tout the idea of mothballing the EA-18G is beyond me.

I don't think the current (or projected) crop of UAVs will get the job done either.

I believe you need a G550 electronic attack variant is the way.

Arquus Upgraded VAB MK3

This lady has lost her mind (regarding current economic conditions)....This is why the Dems are gonna get pummeled in Nov

U.S. Air Force AC-130 aircraft is refueled by KC-135 Stratotankers, assigned to the 50th Expeditionary Air Refueling squadron within the CENTCOM area of responsibility

ATMOS. The 155mm Howitzer that the USMC needs!

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Towed artillery really is dead on the battlefield...

MLRS/HIMARS won't fill the void though. The obvious answer is artillery must be motorized/mechanized. Towed arty is just a sitting duck.

Bayraktar AKINCI UCAV departed from Çorlu, successfully completed its first firing test in Sinop offshore with KGK-SIHA-82 (Wing-Assisted Guidance Kit)

Australia's Land 400 Phase 3 IFV to be cut by a third!

Just plain wow.

Marine Air-Ground Task Force 7....what is its composition, what is its job?

U.S. Marine Corps Col. David J. Hart, the commanding officer of Marine Air-Ground Task Force 7 (MAGFT-7) “Ripper”, boards the amphibious assault ship USS Essex (LHD2) in the Pacific Ocean, June 17, 2022. MAGFT-7 is integrated with the U.S. Navy to strengthen international maritime partnership, enhance interoperability and promote a free and open Indo-Pacific. 

So its not a MEU, definitely not a MEB or MEF. It's also not SPMAGTF. So what is it? Is it new? What is it's composition? I'm assuming its job is sea denial so composition will be interesting.