Saturday, June 25, 2022

Friday, June 24, 2022

Warning - Rant! America 2022....they keep distracting us with "social" issues

NOTE! I shut down comments because we're not gonna debate the abortion issue. Why people keep hijacking my posts is beyond me but its getting annoying. America has much bigger fish to fry than worrying about what MOST consider a problem between an individual and their God. I don't have a dog in the fight when it comes to abortion.

I've called myself a conservative but I definitely have STRONG libertarian feelings on most "social" issues.  As long as you're not hurting anyone else, interfering with their ability to simply live their lives and not being an obvious pain in the ass then you do you boo boo.

But I don't want to talk about that.

What I do want to talk about is how it never fails.  Whenever people start to focus on important areas...fuel costs, our jacked up healthcare system, out of control crime etc....they find a way to distract us.

I swear to God this is a country of children.

Swing a shiny ball in front of them and they'll go stupid.

You can bet your last dollar that a few things are going on here...

*  The Dems think that this is a winning issue so the news media will help pump it up to the rafters.
*  Economic conditions must be worst than even I imagined.
*  The war in Ukraine WILL be measured in years not months.

From the moment that Trump was sworn in and the false Russian scandal stuff, to covid, the impeachments, June 6th hearing, the riots in the summer, the storming of the capitol, to a crashing economy, the war in Ukraine and now this.  This nation always seems to be embroiled in idiocy.

If I didn't know better I'd think we were a nation of drama queens.

Rant over.

Random acts of crime...

Ukrainian troops will be withdrawing from Severodonetsk, says Luhansk regional governor Serhiy Haidai — an effective surrender of the embattled city.

River crossing take too long...we've got to figure out a better way...

Looks like clockwork.

Looks like they're well drilled.

Still takes too long.  Once this is detected...and on the modern battlefield a river crossing will be detected...then it can be killed.

Combat Engineers have got to figure out a better way.

Gross pilot error.

Fri Funny.

1/3 is now 3rd Littoral Combat Team