Wednesday, August 10, 2022

87K new IRS Agents? My conspiracy theory? It's not about's about gun seizures!

Republicans are focused on this as being a bid to catch more tax cheats. They're wrong. You don't need armed agents to grab tax cheats. If anything you'd hire more computer programmers. Accountants. Lawyers. Hell even more analysts. But armed agents? This many? I believe its about gun seizures. Remember all those guys shouting "come and get them"? Others were asking who the govt was gonna get to do the deed? Well they can't plus up the ATF. That would be a dead giveaway and Congress would be forced to react. But the IRS? That's just perfect. I could be wrong but like I said. You don't need this many armed agents to do tax collection. Uh you do know that's bigger than a fully staffed Marine Expeditionary Force (legacy...don't know how big the retooled force is gonna be). It's bigger than a US Army Corps! Whatever the real deal is one thing is certain. The US govt just added a helluva number of forces to its domestic security force.

Geez. LEO's need a warrior mindset or at the very least skill level. How can society be protected if its protectors are incapable of winning a fight?

Knowing basic hand to hand combat will prevent deadly force situations. 

Watch the vid below. 

The LEO was totally defensive and totally overwhelmed by the THREAT. He would have been justified in using deadly force...if he was even aware enough to protect his firearm, coherent enough to deploy and capable of scoring hits on the THREAT that he encountered. 

Lifting weights is cool and fun. Cardio is a terrible essential. But a hand to hand training is equally as important. 

Help might be coming but until they get there you're on your own!

Helmet cam of Yamam Operators in Nablus in an operation to take down Ibrahim Nabulsi.

USMC has a unique skillset in the MLR? Not according to these bubbas...The Pacific's All-Weather Sensor: Land, Sea or Air

Tuesday, August 09, 2022

My CO-Pilot just ran out the back of the plane...

This is weird as FUCK! I can't even imagine. Story here.
Pilot (P): "Raleigh Approach, Shady 02."
Raleigh Approach (RA): "Shady 02, Raleigh"

P: "My co-pilot just ran out the back of the plane."

RA: "Shady 02, what now?"

P: "He just ran out the back of the plane."

RA: "So you don't have a co-pilot on you, sir?"

P: "No, he just jumped out the back of the plane."

RA: "Uh, roger."

P: "Would you like me to circle where he leapt at?"

RA: "Uh, say that again?"

P: "Would you like me to circle where he got out at, or you got me on track?"

RA: "We've still got you on track, but did you need something else?"

P: "No, the dude literally jumped out the back of the plane without a parachute."

*Seven seconds of total silence*

RA: "Shady 02, did you need to do something else, circle or something, or-"

P: "No, I need to land. I'm just making you aware you're gonna have a dead body out where I just called you at. He just jumped out the back of the plane."

RA: "Roger, continue on your heading 0-5-0."

P: "Roger, 0-5-0, 0-2."

Pilot had to think he was in a real life episode of the Twilight Zone! 

Open Comment Post. 9 Aug 22

Tues Funny.

Lithium leach field

So instead of climate change (which I still doubt that man is contributing to) we get poisoned water...with the added benefit of procuring the wonderful car batteries from countries that can ill afford to have their water damaged? We're virtue signaling while killing others...we're virtue signaling while destroy the environment of other people's countries. Well done. A few guilty people get to feel better by wrecking other people's shit.

JS IZUMO conducted a Japan-Mexico goodwill exercise with the ARM BENITO JUAREZ and ARM USUMACINTA in vicinity of Hawaii.

Note. I keep talking about how the MEU should have been reinforced. Adding HIMARS with anti-ship missiles would have allowed this concept to go forward without totally ripping apart the Marine Corps. YA KNOW! The way the US Army is doing to flex into the Pacific!!! A modern day LST (which you see sailing for the Mexican Navy) would have been perfect. Pump the MEU up to four ships, have the modern day LST capable of breaking off to make runs to the beach to deposit these "Missile Marines" (still don't know why we just don't setup robots to fire missiles on command at these proposed launch sites and monitor from distance to make sure they're not tampered with) and have them do the recon/counter recon thing (launch and die) as currently planned but still being able to handle the traditional missions. But alas. It's not to be. Aviation centric is the way forward but no one noticed that rotary winged aircraft are extremely vulnerable if the Ukraine/Russia war is an example.

French Navy Landing Craft, Arbalète and the Arquebuse were admitted to active service