Saturday, August 20, 2022

US Army's 5th SFAB validates 17 teams for the Indo-Pacific.

CH-4 UCAV made its first flight with a Heavy oil engine (probably a DB416 "Skylark" engine from Anhui Airlines X Aviation Power Equipment Co Ltd) Shi Wen (UAV Chief engineer) explained it will increase its range of operations by 30-50%

An increase that great just by going to heavy oil? Didn't know that was a thing. If so then why hasn't it been done before?

Open Comment Post. 20 Aug 22

Large crowd of people looting a 7/eleven in Los Angeles California

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Death Korps of Krieg Will Never Falter!

Luv WarHammer!

Updated, fully painted, modification of the Chinese amphibious aircraft AVIC AG600...Why are we dicking around with putting floats on a C-130? If China can do it so can we...or at least buy Japanese!

The Chinese economy is experiencing a near-complete collapse? Is this Twitter Thread true?

Read the whole Twitter Thread...sounds like a real-estate bubble and we've gone thru those...they're recoverable...hard but recoverable.

I guess I need to reassess my views on AirSoft...regardless WELL DONE!

via Reddit

The Holosun 508T is pure fire!

Bought the Holosun 508T for my G45 and let me tell ya. PURE FIRE!

Never thought that the "circle - dot" would actually be a gamechanger on a platform this small but I WAS WRONG!

Quick sight alignment at the 15, got it locked in and then it was a few rapid fire drills from the 25 on in.


Faster target acquisition and more importantly placing shots on target (where I want the hits to be...remember body armor is a thing for the baddies so head and groin shots are mass is so yesterday).

Gotta see how it performs at the 50 and even run a few drills at the 100 to get a feel for long distance shots (don't laugh...we did it in the Marine Corps...and quite a few Sheriffs Depts run the drill not for qualification but for "knowledge" and worst case scenarios).

Overall I'm beyond pleased.

The fit and finish is spot on.  The casing seems bomb proof although I'll do my best to never test it.

This thing is a winner.

BUT!  Just found out Holosun is shipping their enclosed optic now.  I'm gonna have to see a real justification for moving on from this one though.

I think I'm sold.

Late Open Comment Post. 18 Aug 22