Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Don't know what training evolution it is but Marine Corps Martial Arts has dialed it up to 12~! I thought someone was gonna be sleeping with the fishes! I MEAN GAWD DAMN!!!!!

Tues Funny. How many of your wives say the same damn thing!

Well fuck! China is working on a 6th Gen Fighter too...

Is the strategic goal of the Ukraine/Russian war, regime change in Moscow? Nicholas says the quiet part out loud

Proper planning means that you have an established end goal in mind.

In my opinion that was the major failure of Iraq and Afghanistan.  We've made the same error in the fight in Syria.

Regime change with the HOPE of a Jefferson democracy in those countries.

Hearing Nicholas today it appears that we've once again started down the path of regime change being the goal.

Unfortunately I can't see us succeeding.

Even if Putin is toppled I predict we will see a much more hostile, belligerent Russia.

But back on task.

Is it just me or does it seem that we have two default positions when it comes to our foreign policy...

1.  Sanctions.
2.  Regime change.

We gotta do better.

Sky News Australia mocks Biden...


Is the end state goal for the Ukraine/Russia War regime change in Russia?

I've been asking what is the end state goal for the West/Ukraine with regard to the fighting there.

To say that the answer has been a moving goal post of answers is an understatement.

I've watched sanctions that appear to punish the West and 3rd world to such a degree that they're stupid and have wondered why.

We're all seeing our wartime reserves being depleted to support this war and leadership is all about it.  No worries.  It's a risk that MUST be dealt with in order to meet the bigger goal.

But what is the goal?  No one has been able to answer that simple question.

Then Nicholas posted the above.  Nothing unusual in his post and I've read similar a million times.

But it clicked.

It's not about geography. Democracy. Freedom.

The desired end state in Ukraine/Russia War is regime change in Russia.

We're back to that bullshit.  AMAZING!

Monday, August 29, 2022

We have given Ukraine almost a MILLION pounds of 155mm Cannon Ammo...

I guess our guys will be yelling bang bang when they're running ranges. Perhaps the old style cartoon flags will pop out the cannons of tanks and arty when they fire? We screwed ourselves. This much gear? The Ukrainians should be knocking on the door of Moscow!

Germans will be paying 1K Euros per MWH...they're gonna be cold and broke!

Its weird. The elites told us this would happen. Biden not only said this would happen but he also said that there would be food shortages. Phase 1 is almost complete. I guess food shortages will hit late winter. I wonder if we will even recognize our societies by this time next year. Was Ukraine really worth all this? Isn't it time someone on this blog admit that I was right in calling the sanctions idiotic? Not every problem requires a hammer. Not every international issue requires sanctions. No international issue requires the stupid sanctions that the elite applied in this case.

Doesn't matter.

For those that cheer for the madness, keep that same energy when you watch your world go sideways.


I'm good.  Just pass the popcorn.  Your pain will be my elixir of joy.

I told you people that we were dipping past our war reserves and into our active forces with regard to giving gear to the Ukrainians...

It was bound to happen.

You take a country at war that is gripped by corruption yet has a shopping list for American weapons...A false belief by foreign allies and even some Americans that we have endless stockpiles of weapons...add in the idea that for some the defense of Ukraine TRUMPS the defense of our OWN NATION...

And you end up with this madness.

I warned more than one clown about this issue and got shouted down.  Unfortunately we have military leadership that lacks the balls and/or ovaries to tell a civilian leadership that this is becoming dangerous to national security...and we are where we are.

Fuck you/them all for being so stupid.  

What idiot would think that we have endless supplies of anything except bullshit?

We're evacuating personnel from the US embassy in Iraq by rooftop and the Presidential palace is being overrun...Our failure in Iraq is almost complete...
