Sunday, September 04, 2022

Tell me what ya'll think about this short vid...

If your enemy is destroying itself just sit back and watch....Russia is sitting back watching European countries on the brink

The strategy is clear.

The funny sad thing is that the Europeans/Americans did it to themselves.

I personally believe that it was a mix of hubris, a belief in technology that wasn't ready and the desire to push an agenda that is leading to this pain.

Let me explain.

The hubris.

It wasn't about Ukraine.  It was about punishing Russia to the max extent possible with the added desire of toppling Putin.  They believed that sanctions to a degree never seen before would quickly end Putin (not the war, Putin) so they thought that vicious sanctions mixed with keeping Ukraine in the fight would make this a short war.  They were wrong.

Belief in tech that wasn't ready.

This was their chance.  They're true believers not in climate change but in resetting the Western population.  A push to clean energy (what a joke....if they went to nuclear power it could get further along but that's a different discussion) mixed with making Russia a threat that rose to a national survival level would get them there.  The problem is that no one is falling for the idiocy. No one believes Russia is a problem for anyone but Ukraine (and Ukraine has been a basket case for YEARS...MAYBE DECADES!) and the tech just ain't ready.  They were wrong.

The agenda.

They're finally saying it out loud.  They don't actually care about Ukraine.  Ukraine is a good talking point but this thing has never been about Ukraine.  It's been about Putin.

These protests?

Expect it to get worse.  Winter is coming.  The pain hasn't started yet.  

I don't know what to expect but if it's cold then the people will become restless.  Ain't too much bread left to give.  When you're cold circuses don't entertain.

I'm expecting at least a couple of govts to topple, side deals to get cut for Russian energy AND a few leaders make the push to get involved in this war and finish the fight since the Ukrainians won't be able to.

Winter will be max danger for the start of a bigger European war.

Weird report. Supposedly Germany is supplying Ukraine with the JFS-M...

This is weird as hell. They just introduced this missile THIS YEAR...a couple of months ago!

Open Comment Post. 4 Sep 22

3rd LAR (Mobile Recon Bn) @ Range 500

Every EU country is in energy hell....

The idea behind the sanctions was so stupid that at this point its comical!

The fact that many on this blog are...

1.  Still supporting the sanctions in their current form even though they are starting to see the fruits of the idiocy hit not only their citizens but also their corporations/energy sector is mind blowing.

2.  Still believe without any thought that the memes/propaganda/group think about this war is going to win it is laughable!  

3.  Still think that they can keep track of who is winning or losing this war by keeping a ledger of losses.  I personally find that a disgusting act.  Count the killed or injured, tanks lost, aircraft shot can't do a Rumsfeld to determine the calculus.  If you could then we would have won every war since WW2.  We haven't. The Pentagon and White House did the same (ledger/stats/etc..) in Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, Syria and now Ukraine.  If you're doing the accountant thing then we should have won every war easily.  We didn't.

Winter is coming!

Buckle up Europe.  You're gonna get skull fucked.

Saturday, September 03, 2022

If you live in a big city in the USA you're either living in a 3rd world country or quickly heading there...

Crazy to see this.

This is worst than third world crap.  I wonder why the citizens that live there accept this so easily.

Rheinmetall Lynx KF41 deploys in Greece

Saw this on Reddit. They wanted to know what Smock the Canuck was wearing. I wanna know what all that stuff is on the 50 cal!

I mean geez. An Elcan, EOTech and I don't know what the rest is.  Educate me!

Rest easy to James Yeager via Reddit


James Yeager was a controversial dude to some, a real bro to many.  If you search many sites in the Gun Community you'll read alot of different takes on the guy, but the one on Reddit seemed to be the consensus opinion of the community.  Check it out here.

On a side note, I don't know what afflicted him but he went down fast (or rather fast to me...looking from the outside).

Don't care how you feel about the dude, I hope he rests in peace and that his family finds his memory a blessing.