Wednesday, September 07, 2022

UK to repeal ban on fracking...

Ya know what we're gonna see in just a bit? We're gonna see reality after all these freakish, idiotic, stupid and morally repugnant ideas get shown to be the batshit craziness they are. Why did it even get as far as it did? Because of the old meme of Good times making soft, stupid people, and then those soft, stupid people make hard times, and finally those hard times make hard people.

The sad part?

We're just at the beginning of the hard times.  Every govt institution is filled with morons that will make life a living hell. It will take the entire country to be on the verge of raising holy hell before they finally realize how silly they've been.

Unfortunately the stupid, moronic institutions include the US military.  I pray they don't go to war because I have NO DOUBT that they will get rolled in the next war.  Not like the past either.  Not because politicians squandered the hard work but because this woke military ain't worth a bucket of hot dogshit.

But back on task.

Europe is just now wrapping its brains around the dire energy situation.  I'm sure the massive buildup in arms shipments from the US (yeah I've been monitoring it) to Ukraine has an eye toward winning/ending the war before winter.

The calculation has been made that the public will start replacing govts when the full effects of the sanctions in the West start showing up.

But its already too late.

Watch for spoiling actions.  Watch for the Russians to fight delaying actions.  Witness the Russians allow the Ukrainians to get overextended and then watch the losses flow in.

I mean FUCK BRO!  We've seen offenses in this war.  They always start off magnificently then they bog down, then the attacking side loses ground and finally the lines stabilize and we're in a modern day WW1.

Meanwhile the UK and the rest of Europe will be fucked.  Govts will fall because the DEEP RECESSION will start and the people in the West will become restless because the SHEEPLE will realize that they've been lied to again.


Japanese Coast Guard going HARDCORE on Chinese activitsts/nationalist!

Polish 16th Mechanized Division...

Open Comment Post. 7 Sep 22

Now THIS is a "show of force"!

Jumper: Hey, Jumpmaster, how long do I have to deploy my reserve if I have a complete failure? ///// Jump Master: The rest of your life.

Australian combined arms training

BMC's AltuÄŸ

EU will propose a "mandatory target for reducing electricity use at peak hours" in order to "flatten the curve."

I swear to God, if I hear an American politician talk about "flattening" the curve then it might be hunting time! Just kidding but geez. Fool me once!

Navy of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps new catamaran vessel Martyr Soleimani (FS313-01)