Monday, September 12, 2022

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping are expected to meet next week in Uzbekistan

Some of this shit ain't hard. Just think a little and consider the ramifications of your actions. The US Dept Of Defense has come out and stated the its own detriment. It declared that China is the pacing threat and the SecDef said that Russian should be militarily downgraded (or something to that effect).

If you're China what would you do?

What you sit back calmly while Russia is defeated by the combined might of NATO (make no mistake this is not a battle/war between Russia and Ukraine...its Russia vs NATO)?

The answer is no.

You would act cautiously but its easy to see why China would want Russia to remain the "threat" to the West as it currently is.

You have European nations so scared to participate in war against China because they fear that Russia will gobble them up and its a no brainer.

Our leadership continues to act tactically INSTEAD OF strategically.

I just don't see a person with a grand strategy to sew together all these far flung obligations.

This is a big planet.  We can't engage in hostilities with 75% of it...even if a large portion of that 75% is what we would consider undeveloped.  We've seen how primitives with proper motivation can blunt our efforts.

Think about this.

Think about Afghanistan 2.0 but this time with the Taliban receiving full support of China and Russia.

Do you get it now?

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Found the vid of the Taliban BlackHawk crash (Reddit)

via Oddly Terrifying/Reddit

This is....I can't properly comment, but oddly terrifying fits the bill.

NTC is about to wreck 1st Armored! They're sending out drone swarms to put them to the test...the USMC should get some of this training!

I almost feel sorry for the CO of that unit. They're about to get hammered, used as an example of what not to do and his fitrep will take a hit. If they classify the after action then the dude might as well retire. Just kidding but it won't be fun. Think I'm gonna follow NTC-6 and see what the outcome of this attack was...

Iran's Shahid Qassem Soleimani Corvette is an impressive looking ship...can't wait for more info

A hornet is powerful enough to kill a mouse?

Russians hit thermal power plant...

I hope the powers that be have an idea of what is going to be the "structure" of a post war Ukraine. It's gonna be a mess. It's still gonna be corrupt. They're still gonna be whining for aid. Lastly they're still gonna be begging the US for money (well Ukraine and the EU). This isn't a win. This is another fucking obligation for people we owe nothing to. Meanwhile we are a basket case, have sold off our strategic oil reserve, have sunken deeper in debt, have depleted our warstocks and have only gotten in return memes. I so fucking hate war cheerleaders.

Is the spike in crime part of a larger plan or just plain stupidity?

I personally think that the spike in crime is due to a few factors.

* The lockdowns pushed many mentally troubled people over the edge and they're acting out now that they're "re-socializing".

* The desire to express compassion to criminals resulted in extremely shortened sentences for some of the most dangerous people in our society.

* Despite all available evidence that these policies are NOT working, it seems that the powers that be continue to double down on them.

The worst thing?  The people that all this was supposed to help are the ones being most hurt by them.  I have yet to hear one politician from the left side of the isle speak out against them (wait ... the Mayor of New York made a feeble effort).

This is either a plan or stupidity.  Either way its troubling.

Open Comment Post. 11 Sep 22


Sep 11. I remember but we're making the same mistakes...

I am so conflicted by this "day of remembrance".

America is fucked up on several levels.  I despise the elite, politicians, "influencers" and just the average joe blow that tries to become so sick and somber.

It was a tragedy.  We fucked up on every level imaginable. We went to war.  But we're still fucking up.

*  The border is wide open and no one is talking about the HUGE number of illegals crossing, but also IGNORING the number of threats to our security that are flowing across with them.

*  Everyone got jacked up and primed to act for the Afghanistan evacuation but we didn't vet the people coming and we brought over more than a few other threats to our security.

*  We went to war against Afghanistan and Iraq.  We ravaged both countries, both countries are basket cases and both countries will probably be fucked for several more generations (thereby generating EVEN MORE terror threats) but we left the Saudis alone and they're the home of all this bullshit and home to the ACTUAL terrorists that struck us.

*  We had a window of opportunity when the WHOLE FUCKING WORLD was ready to climb aboard a RESTRAINED and FOCUSED operation to kill terrorism world wide.  RUSSIA, SYRIA, IRAQ, CHINA, the EU, S.KOREA, JAPAN, AUSTRALIA and more were all aboard killing terrorist wherever we found them.

Bush Jr, Cheney and Rumsfeld pissed away the good will and led us into feckless, useless ass wars.

If they had made different choices the world would be different. They fucked up and fucked us all.

We witnessed this terror event and yet no heads rolled.  No one paid the price for their failure.  We do the solemn moment thing.  We lower our heads in prayer for the victims but when it comes to actually do some FUCKING WORK to make sure it doesn't happen again, everyone is sitting on their hands masturbating in sorrow.

So yeah blog.  I remember this day and it pisses me the fuck off.