Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Ariete AMV PT2

Open Comment Post. 13 Sep 22


Monday, September 12, 2022

This is a prime opportunity for PACOM to strut its stuff for the US...

Their tragedy is a prime opportunity to strut our stuff. Foreign aid, not in form of "military assistance", "military partnership", training opportunities or defense pacts. This is an opportunity for PACOM to show that it is indeed a stabalizing influence and that America is more than just about war, selling arms and exploiting others.

From my blog to the PACOM head.  Get an Amphibious Ready Group/Marine Expeditionary Unit headed that way asap.

The new concepts are supposed to be capable or even more capable than the legacy.

Time to prove it in a real life HA/DR.

The Brits have lost their minds. If I was leading the Security Detail for the US President I'd tell them to pound sand or NOT GO!

 via Daily Record

World leaders attending the Queen's funeral next week will be packed onto buses and taken en masse to Westminster Abbey, according to a leaked document.

Royals, presidents and prime ministers heading to London for the state funeral on September 19 have also been asked to take commercial flights instead of private jets. Helicopters, such as Joe Biden's Marine One will be banned, from transporting VIPs about.

A document seen by Politico revealed leaders won't be allowed to use their own state cars to pay their respects at the service, instead they will be bused in from a secret location in west London.

It means Biden and his wife Jill may not travel to the UK on Air Force One or get about the capital in the Beast.


This is totally unacceptable for our head of state and if he were to give into British demands then he deserves to meet his fate.

But the audacity of this is just mindboggling.

We wouldn't ask their Prime Minister to do anything like this (we would coordinate) so I can't understand the insanity. 

They're at it again! Heavy artillery fire being reported from Azerbaijan towards Armenia.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping are expected to meet next week in Uzbekistan

Some of this shit ain't hard. Just think a little and consider the ramifications of your actions. The US Dept Of Defense has come out and stated the obvious...to its own detriment. It declared that China is the pacing threat and the SecDef said that Russian should be militarily downgraded (or something to that effect).

If you're China what would you do?

What you sit back calmly while Russia is defeated by the combined might of NATO (make no mistake this is not a battle/war between Russia and Ukraine...its Russia vs NATO)?

The answer is no.

You would act cautiously but its easy to see why China would want Russia to remain the "threat" to the West as it currently is.

You have European nations so scared to participate in war against China because they fear that Russia will gobble them up and its a no brainer.

Our leadership continues to act tactically INSTEAD OF strategically.

I just don't see a person with a grand strategy to sew together all these far flung obligations.

This is a big planet.  We can't engage in hostilities with 75% of it...even if a large portion of that 75% is what we would consider undeveloped.  We've seen how primitives with proper motivation can blunt our efforts.

Think about this.

Think about Afghanistan 2.0 but this time with the Taliban receiving full support of China and Russia.

Do you get it now?