Friday, September 16, 2022

Air Defenders of 5th Battalion, 4th Air Defense Artillery conducted drivers training for Alpha Battery to license operators on the Maneuver-Short Range Air Defense system in Grafenwoehr, Germany

Where I think we're at in the Ukraine/Russia war...

 Ok.  Lets stir this pot.  This is where I think we're at in the Ukraine/Russia war.

* Ukraine has pushed hard on this offensive.  They regained alot of lost ground.

* The Russian withdrawal/retreat/rout has been hard to classify.  In some places (from my chair) I saw some orderly retreats with units maintaining their cohesion and withdrawing in an organized fashion.  In others it seems like they stood their ground and were destroyed in place.  I see local decisions being made by commanders.  Whoever is calling the shots from 1K miles away seems lost in the sauce.

* The information war has/is being won decisively by Ukraine.  I constantly look for information on dead, injured and destroyed/damage equipment on the Ukrainian side and its EXTREMELY hard to find.  The amount of self censorship is stunning.  The internet has taken sides and navigating Russian sites (I've tried) is difficult with me not being a native reader along with the enhanced security they have on their end.

* Offensives are easy, holding ground is hard.  The Ukrainians have pushed hard and made impressive gains but now they have to hold it, replenish their forces, begin administration of reclaimed ground, take care of the needs of civilians in those areas and be on guard for Russian Special Ops to roam the area (left behind to wreck supply columns, terrorize top leadership etc).

Long story short.

This isn't the end of the war in Ukraine.  

The fighting will go on and it will take skillful maneuvering to hold the ground they've won.

Additionally they've shortened Russian supply lines, lengthened their own and with a fresh supply of UAVs from Iran those supply lines will be threatened.

We have no idea of casualties on the Ukrainian side but we can assume it was more than just a few.

This is about to become an industrial/information/resource war.


How fast will each side be able to rearm and reload.  Will the allies continue to lavishly support Ukrainian desires or are we heading toward an inevitable slow down in this support.  I believe a knockout blow was the desire of this offensive and it didn't land. I don't know how many more arrows are in the quiver of ANY nation to send over to Ukraine.


The propaganda war in the West has been won by Ukraine. Full stop.  I even have govt minions on this blog spreading the bullshit.  But it won't be about the war, instead it will be about to sacrifice required to defeat Russia in Ukraine.  Hard to be patriotic about helping another nation when you're being inconvenienced to help that nation (ask any American).  This will be a European info war and how they handle will determine the outcome of the war.  

We're headed toward a global recession and when German industry goes offline and people across the continent are cold, you will see things go south.  Add in other factors like immigration, covid and then toss in a weak economy (job layoffs will be the final straw) all topped off with being cold and possibly hungry and you will see Europe fold like a cheap suit.


This is part of the information war.  When heating, driving your car and buying food go out of control then you will see the average Western citizen go batshit crazy.  We inched that way earlier this summer and we will definitely be there when winter hits.

Yeah boys and girls.

This thing is far from over.

C1 Ariete AMV will have a bigger power plant, new tracks and carry a crazy thick armor in the form of Peace Support Operations and Symmetrical Warfare packages

PLA 4x4 Dongfeng Mengshi reconnaissance vehicle equipped with a sensor mast

The USMC is taking a look (not at all certain the program will go foward) at an Amphibious Recon Vehicle. The push for it to carry UAVs is so strong that something as simple as a sensor mast is missing. Even on the legacy LAV-25, it never carried a sensor mast. They're not even found on US Army vehicles that are dedicated to the ground fight. I wonder why.

The "Benny Hill Show" was funny, wise and ahead of its time...the moral of the story is to love what you have, not lust for something new!

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Romanian Soldiers Engage OpFor in Saber Junction 22

The second Chinese AC313A takes flight...

Barbarity is world wide. This time we highlight India...

Women's right activists are all screwed up. Forget trans rights. They should focus on this issue. Maybe I'm jaded assaults/sexual assaults on women from my chair seem to be on the rise.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

This is the perfect example of the difficulty of participating in foreign wars. These entanglements were advised to be avoided for a reason!!!!

Ukraine has had an impressive offensive, but be on the watch for (1) Tempo, (2) Fatigue and (3) Black Swan Events ... Must Read Twitter Thread!

Read the entire Twitter Thread to get the complete understanding of his argument!