Friday, September 23, 2022

A hottie explains the danger of boxing Putin in...

As a Russian immigrant, I understand something that many Americans simply don’t. And that’s that Putin’s back-slide in Ukraine is actually a bad thing. Not a good one. Because the last thing the world ever wants to see is a desperate Vladimir Putin.

You got the good.  

You got the eye candy, but I hope you're hearing her words. I don't think anyone is thinking this thru.

I don't know where this will end but things are heading from bad to worse.

This thing is ramping up and despite some of the non-sense I've heard on these pages, the Russians have been restrained. Many point to atrocities carried out.  Ok.  I get that but blame the officers in the field for lack of control. 

I'm talking about obvious targets that have gone untouched. I'm talking about a capital that has not been ravaged by long range fires.

IT IS A TWO WAY RANGE!  Ukraine has been hit but despite it all we have yet to see total warfare waged against its people.

I think that's coming and I think it will be bad.

Note.  I think many here have no idea of what total warfare looks like.  We've been involved in insurgencies for so long that historic memory has faded.  Let me repeat.  Think Dresden.  Think Hiroshima.  Think of the destruction that those cities faced then think about what we've seen here.  The "law of war" go out the window when it becomes a fight for national survival.  Russia is quickly approaching that point and few here seem to understand that.  At the start this was to preserve a buffer between Russia and NATO.  Now its becoming a fight to preserve his country. In that light NOTHING is off the table for a semi nationalist like Putin (semi because the hardcore nationalist will chill your blood if you see what they're saying!).

Best day? Jump day?

You can muscle thru damn near anything but there are actually some crazy fucks that actually enjoy this. Going out the door you get the sideways motion which quickly moves onto that (from your view) falling forward and down, while trying to keep your head together to make sure your canopy is right, then you have to check the LZ, deploy your gear, check the wind, pray to God that you're not going backwards, make sure to look at the horizon and not the ground and then perform a proper PLF. The most hectic few minutes of your life and some people actually enjoy that shit. I'll never understand it.

NATO establishing an additional 4 Battlegroups.

NATO already has 8 Battlegroups. They're building 4 more. Add that info to the announcement the other day that they will begin ramping up production of ammunition and weapons and its hard to imagine that we're not seeing war preparations. 

Singapore's Hunter AFV fires the Spike anti-tank missile @ Exercise Panzer Strike in Germany (2048x1365)

The EU considers right wing govts problematic. Threatens to do to Italy what they did to Poland & Hungary?

3d Battalion, 12th Marines, 3d Marine Division conduct Artillery Relocation Training Program 22.2 at the Combined Arms Training Center, Japan

2d LAR Fires TOW Missile (4250x1121)

Thursday, September 22, 2022

I fully expect a more savage fight ahead.

 I've been tooling around the internet taking in all the views of the recent Russian mobilization.

Most have focused on the reports of forced conscription, soldiers being drunk while waiting to deploy and other stories that depict this in a bad way.

I won't even touch on how a mobilization of Western age fighting men would go.  There would be protests and riots all across the Western world.

I will touch on the fight I think is coming up.

I do believe Washington believes the Kremlin when they say that they will go nuclear.  I'm not sure if they have contingency plans ready to go if they do.

But if the allies are able to keep the Ukrainians on a leash and have them push to only recover the lands lost since Feb then I believe we'll still have a problem (oh and make no mistake...the Ukrainians will keep the conflict going because they want that land part 3 will happen).

The Russians know that the new forces are substandard (by their standards!).  They know that their infantry and mech forces will be dog meat to battle hardened Ukrainian infantry.

So this will turn into a more brutal artillery war.

I expect missiles and artillery rounds to be flying hard and heavy. The somewhat limited bombardment of Ukrainian cities will be replaced with full on blasts that will shock the Western world.

I believe that its switched on for Putin and Russian intelligence. 

The Ukrainians are gonna fight and not welcome them as liberators.

What does that mean?

I believe the Russians are gonna get medieval on them.

Don't care how you feel about the guy...this is funny!

Iranians are fighting back against their govt. This could be an opportunity...

Don't get it twisted!

The opportunity isn't regime change but a chance to moderate their behavior (if possible).  The West could throw a lifeline to the govt by asking for certain reforms that would help modernize their society.  I'm pretty sure the people would rally behind that.

If we offered increased trade INSTEAD OF sanctions then perhaps we could prime the pump for them to want to join the rest of the world (them being govt officials).

Just an idea.  The over reliance on sanctions has (out of necessity for those affected) created a rival market to that controlled by the US.  If we're being smart we should seek to disrupt moves to the rival market place while we still can.