Monday, October 03, 2022

One of Northern Europe's largest vegetable brands shuts down production for six weeks due to high energy costs

And here comes Europes food crisis for the winter. The hits just keep coming. The terrible thing? Food will be diverted from the US to fill the need resulting in higher prices here. The pain will be global.


Here comes the nukes...Putin wasn't bluffing...

Escalate to de-escalate is a well known Russian doctrine. 30 plus countries were arrayed against one. Is it any wonder we're where we're at? Oh and do me a favor. They're Russian soldiers not Orcs. It's Russia not Moldar. That shit is so childish for such a serious situation. One last thing. If Putin does even a DEMONSTRATION on his side of the border it will CRASH markets in the West. Europe will be RAVAGED economically from the fallout!

"2023 Will Be Year From Hell" - Martin Armstrong Warns Europe 'Could Suck The Rest Of The World Down The Tubes'

 via Drudge Report

Europe is in big financial trouble with Russian natural gas turned off as a retaliation from the sanctions. Armstrong explains:

In Europe, I believe they are actually deliberately doing this, and this is Klaus Schwab’s ‘Great Reset.’

They know they have a serious problem.

They lowered rates to below 0% in 2014. They just started raising interest rates. Meanwhile, you ordered all the pension funds throughout Europe to have more than 70% in government bonds. Then they took it negative.

All the pension funds are insolvent. Europe is fiscal mismanagement on a grand scale. There is no way it can sustain itself, and we are looking at Europe breaking apart.

So, could Europe suck the rest of the world down the tubes? Armstrong says, “Oh, absolutely. Europe is the problem..."

"The crisis in banking will start in Europe...The debt is collapsing. They have no way to sustain themselves.

The debt market over there is undermining the stability of all the banks.

You have to understand that reserves are tied to government debt, and this is the perfect storm.

Yes, the (U.S.) stock market will go down short term. We are not facing a 1929 event or a 90% fall here... Europeans, probably by January of 2023, as this crisis in Ukraine escalates, anybody with half a brain is going to take whatever money they have and get it over here.

Story here 

Europe is finished.

Stupid fools actually believed it was about Ukraine.

Never was.

We have castrated them.  Some of the smaller, more independent nations might escape our orbit but the bigger players...UK, Germany...the Nordic states?

They belong to us.  (Insert evil laughter!)

The globalist elite must be pouring their favorite adult beverage as we speak!

US Army deploys rocket artillery to Latvia for exercise Silver Arrow

I'm sorry. But if you're riding in the bitch seat on an ATV you just can't look hardcore. Just ain't possible. You can put a TOW Launcher on your shoulder but you're still riding the bitch seat! LOL!

Water may be the strangest thing in the universe

HAL LCH "Prachand" was officially inducted into the Indian Air Force today

Elon Musk has come up with a peace plan...AT LEAST SOMEONE IS THINKING!!!!

He's been writing about this all day. FOLLOW THE DUDE and check out his thinking. Seems pretty damn reasonable!

Open Comment Post. 3 Oct 22

Established international norms? What a joke!

I luv this. All the people that have globbed onto the "established international norms" are idiots! There are no norms. There are variable rules established by the strong and foisted on the weak. As much as we like to think we've evolved. As much as we think we can alter reality, reality comes back and bites everytime.

This pic from a person that stayed behind during the hurricane shows either incredible bravery or incredible stupidity!