Thursday, October 13, 2022

Wow. The anti-war left is pounding on AOC...


Weird. I never expected to find commoncause with the anti-war folks but here we are. Don't agree with his points but do get his overall feelings. Are we reaching a critical mass where we can FINALLY rein in our foreign policy?

Brits need to gun up. Yorkshire is facing a HORRIFIC crime wave!

I can't even imagine. I've had training on dealing with a knife attack. No matter how good you are its gonna be a bad day. Issues? They're always sudden. You're gonna get cut unless you're Bruce Lee quick (which means every swinging dick and ovary is gonna get cut!). You won't realize you're cut until after the fight is over (assuming you win). Lastly its usually more than one assailant.

Brits need to gun up.

How do you defeat a knife attack.  You recognize the attack, you give up your outer forearms to absorb the cuts/stabs and you use close quarters shooting tactics to put the fucker down (and you hope that expensive ass bullet proof and stab proof vest you're wearing protects your vitals).  Needless to say you're totally defensive in this thing.

It's gonna hurt though.  It's gonna hurt bad.

The Muslim faith does what Christianity was unable to do.

Amazing isn't it. It's taking a religion that I ONCE (probably erroneously because I only looked at a part of it and not the whole) viewed as being backwards and primitive, to come and at least try and save our society. Make no mistake. I don't care what two adults do behind closed doors but don't put it in schools.

France President says they will not use nuclear weapons if Russia uses them in Ukraine

So does this mean that France is being smart or kowtowing to Russia? Personally I see this as common sense.

The audacity is stunning. A day after hearing the news about the initial rollout of the covid vaccine we get this?


They're still pushing boosters after the bombshell report that they lied about the initial rollout? We get news that children's test scores cratered after the govt closed schools for a year? Now they expect Americans to allow their children as young as 5 to get the jab? AMAZING!

Open Comment Post. 13 Oct 22


Hey Germans. Winter is coming...


The title was tongue in cheek mixed with a huge dose of fucking with Freder. Seriously though, I'm kinda amazed ( was easy to see this coming), that it will finally take a few cold nights (guess high gas prices weren't enough) for people to get behind the idea of getting the opposing sides to the table to talk this craziness out.

The psyops boy have got it down pat on how to ramp up peoples emotions over certain causes.

They still don't have a clue on how to ramp those emotions down once they've been stirred up.

Things should get real interesting right around Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Pic of a child with basic food items showing boundless joy. Is this our future?


Seeing this pic of a child with simple food items (bread and milk) is eye opening.

Christmas is coming and if you have small children and you gave them this gift you'd hear crying to the depths of your heart.

Even worse is that you'd be the source of ridicule by family and friends.

Yeah I know.  Different times and economic conditions.

But its really mind blowing to see a child that is over joyed at the receiving a simple (I'm assuming) gift of milk and bread.

We're living in luxury and don't even know it or appreciate it. 

“If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you do read it, you’re misinformed.” - - - - - Denzel Washington



That is all.  Have a good one! 

Pfizer Director makes a stunning admission. We were all played...

This is getting a little play on conservative Twitter but the reality is that this should be a much bigger story. Covid is the biggest scandal of the last 100 years. The effects of the vaccine on healthy individuals will change the course of their lives for as long as they live. Our military and society was turned upside down over a false debate. Surely people need to go to jail over this.