Tuesday, October 18, 2022

If Americans can understand how much money is made by keeping us hating each other, in debt, sick, obese, drug addicted etc...


If ALL AMERICANS opened their eyes and realized the games that are being played with their emotions, intelligence, health, wealth, religion etc...we could turn everything around...

We work like slaves to buy shit we don't need, to impress people we don't like and we're stuck on that wheel till the day we die.

It's past time for a change.

Bad foreign policy and draconian sanctions have countries uniting in ways that many will find disturbing...

 Thanks to Moebius 2249 for the link!

via MSN

“The Crown Prince (prime minister Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz al Saud) did express Saudi Arabia’s desire to be part of Brics and they are not the only country,” said Ramaphosa.

He confirmed this on Sunday during an engagement with the media.

Brics held its first summit in 2009, with SA joining the following year. The bloc has generally been seen as an alternative to the dominance of the western economies.

“We did say that Brics having a summit next year under the chairship of South Africa in SA and the matter is going to be under consideration.

“A number of countries are making approaches to Brics members, and we have given them the same answer that it will be discussed by the Brics partners and thereafter a decision will be made.”


Remember when I told you about those sanctions being over the top and how every leader with commonsense would seek to shield themselves from them?

Well look at Saudi Arabia now.

This is what happens when you have an infantile foreign policy.

Saudi Arabia said no to keeping the oil flowing till after the elections and the Democrats (as usual) threw a hissy fit.

Being rational, the Saudis are moving now to blunt the "consequences" that Biden has threatened.

Where did they run?

Right into the hands of our enemies.

America might be the land of lions but we're led by jackasses.

Zelensky & Solovyov during happier times...

China goes hardcore at one of its consulates in the UK

CGI of France's Next Generation Carrier

Chinese Heavy IFV

Open Comment Post. 18 Oct 22

French Army's VBCIs of the 7th Armored Brigade! Loaded on armored vehicle carrier headed to exercises in Romania

Is this unexplained vid proof of Brits training Chinese pilots to shoot down Western aircraft?


Monday, October 17, 2022

China has recruited dozens of former British military pilots to teach the Chinese armed forces how to defeat western warplanes.


Et Tu Britain?