Saturday, November 05, 2022

China has more topline fighters than we previously thought...

China is popping out J-20's like candy. They should be moving on to an upgraded version in about 2 years (my estimate) and after updating current models that will put them at around 400 of them.

Exercise Puma22 has started in Poland


Closeups of China's Chengdu J-20 fighter aircraft


Rap culture is the most destructive thing to happen to urban (black) America in more than 150 years....


Old man get off my lawn time.

Rap music is destructive to urban (really black) America than anything else in 150 years.

How many of you remember the Cosby show?  Yeah the guy might be a rapist (don't know wasn't there) but ya know what he pushed?

I know cause I partook in the style.  Colorful sweaters.  Dockers. Casual shoes at all occasions (fuck basketball shoes unless you were engaging in sports).  More importantly to youngsters at the time?  You had the Fresh Prince and other young black men on the show modelling the style.

Then came gangster rap.  It hit hard, you saw the drugs, the guns, the senseless killings.

I thought it was a phase.  I thought that with a little knowledge that sagging pants and rap music would fade into the dust bin of history.

It hasn't.

The question is why.  Everyone talks about the CIA planting drugs in the black community but no one talks about the damage done by the entertainment industry pushing this.

Oh and spare me the talk about truces between gangs.  Seen it, watched it and witnessed it fail, time after time after time.

You want to cancel an industry for the sake of the community?

Then we need those that really care cancel the rap industry by withdrawing funding from companies that publish the music.


Rant over.  Sorry boys.  Bad day and I'm a bit pissed at the moment....gonna lift and wind down.

Redditors call this the most disciplined cop they've seen. I call it the most idiotic cop ever seen and only God kept him from dying that day.

This fucker is lucky to be going home. Do they not teach the Tueller Drill in his academy? Only God kept him from getting his throat slit that day. Pure idiocy. This is exhibit number 1 of the anti-cop movement and district attorney's on a crusade though.  The public would (at least in my area) wonder why they hesitated.  In other areas it would be why didn't the cop die to let that guy live.


Open Comment Post. 5 Nov 22


Its amazing that a little $8 tab for the blue check mark has so many CELEBRITIES ticked...


Too funny. Why celebrities would be upset by an 8 dollar charge is beyond me but this could easily be considered part of their own personal marketing. I'm sure they pay more for stupid stuff and don't blink once. The level of arrogance on display with these clowns is telling. What's worse is that they don't even realize how much they look like spoiled brats.

Chinese Wing Loong 1E displaying a formidable weapons load...

*NOTE* Once again the focus is on Europe while China takes advantage of our idiocy and continues their arms buildup. Russia IS NOT a threat to America. Attention needs to be focused like a laser on the real threat, CHINA!!!

Every time I see this airplane all I can think is that they'll be used to hunt down our MLR and kill them at distance.  I imagine an almost "scout" type role where they fan out in all directions and once they find it, every available airframe will be sent to micro fragment our people. 

Every one talks about the Chinese ISR net.  It might not equal ours globally but I bet in the first island chain its every bit if not better than what we have.  Between sats, planes, UAVs, merchant ships, tourists, spies, etc....I think they'll easily track us once we leave port.

Friday, November 04, 2022

Ukrainian company Inguar presented concepts of armored vehicles


Your tax payer dollars at work! You do know you're subsidizing this work while that nation is at war don't you????

US military entering a time of max vulnerability...

 via Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner: You were invited by the Heritage Foundation to preside over the release of its Index of U.S. Military Strength , which rates the readiness of the U.S. Army as “marginal,” the Navy and Space Force as “weak,” and the Air Force as “very weak” — the lowest grades in the nine-year history of the highly respected index. Only the Marine Corps, in which you served, and U.S. nuclear forces were rated “strong." What’s going on?

Rep. Mike Gallagher: I think it's a confluence of a few things. One, notwithstanding an infusion of dollars during the Trump administration to fix some readiness gaps, we've cut the military at a time when threats are increasing. Every budget proposed by recent presidents has amounted to a real term cut, at least the initial budgets [and that's what] the Biden budget was.

Two, we have the rise of China. We haven't really seen anything like we've seen with the massive military investment that China is making in its military. And of course, this isn't just a military threat. It's an economic threat. It's an ideological threat. And it's a threat for which we were completely unprepared. We were incredibly complacent, and we deluded ourselves with a naive assumption that integrating them into the global economy would moderate their political and military behavior. But precisely the opposite happened. They grew more aggressive, they militarized the South and the East China Sea, and of course, they have designs on taking Taiwan.

The third thing is that, in particular under the Biden administration, but also under the Obama administration, we have adopted a set of naive utopian assumptions about how the world works that has allowed liberal presidents to attempt to justify defense cuts. This idea that we've somehow evolved beyond wars of territorial expansion, that bad men like Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping have some allegiance to the rules-based international order. So, all of this conspires to downgrade hard power and elevate soft power, and that's a recipe for deterrence failures.


He nailed it.

But did you notice that his concern extends beyond the US military and ventures into our ECONOMIC, and IDEOLOGICAL vulnerability?

China is beating us on every front that matters.

Sorry to venture again into politics but we are CULTRUALLY weak. Our MORAL fiber is weak.  We are NOT united on anything except a huge majority wanting NO responsibility  for shouldering their load!

Economically we did everything possible to destroy our own economy and now we're destroying our energy independence HOPING for a technological revolution that will render fossil fuels obsolete.

In essence we're getting beat on every metric that counts.  Pumping out what would once be considered B-films does not represent a strong culture.  Bowing to dreamers of a utopian future does not make that future happen.

And now its infected our military.