Wednesday, November 09, 2022

1st Squadron, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, fire the Stryker 30mm Infantry Carrier Vehicle-Dragoon (ICV-D) during ICV-D night gunnery at the Grafenwoehr Training Area, Germany


Open Comment Post. 9 Nov 22


2nd time Trump has screwed over the Republicans ... Time to dump his ass!

My theory. Red wave was in full effect, then Trump reared his ugly head and re-energized a defeated group. This is the 2nd time that he's done this. The first time during the last presidential election and we needed the Georgia seats to win the Senate and then tonight with the clown car candidates that talked more about the last election then what we're facing today. Make no mistake I also blame the RNC for wasting money and sending it to seats that we should have controlled from the start---meaning we couldn't go after vulnerable Dems full force. Long story short? It's past time to dump his ass!


PS. Kelly in Arizona should have been dogmeat if the RNC supported his opponent!

The stage is set for political violence now. We're at a dangerous point in the US...

 Entering tonight we saw predictions of a red wave with Republicans taking over the House and Senate.

At midnight we're looking at a serious possibility of the House AND Senate remaining in Democrat hands.

Policies that were put in place for covid have been allowed to continue and no one trusts the election process (unless your team wins).

Why say all that?

Stuff like this has set the stage for political violence.  Things were dicey before when it comes to politics and now its gonna get ugly.

The US is at a dangerous point and I don't think enough people realize it.

What you better hope?

Hope that energy prices go down, the food prices go down, that unemployment stays low, that the border gets under control and that major efforts are made to tackle the surging crime problem.

If the powers that be fail on ANY one of those issues and this country could pop.  

Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Does this mean that China has already won the economic war?


What you see is a crumbling empire.

Its apparent to me that we wasted our luxury years following the fall of the Soviet Union and are now faced with an early 1900's view of the planet.


Shifting alliances.


National interest based foreign relations.

The stage could have been set (looking in hindsight) of the US establishing a "world order" (so hate that word...but we had a chance to ESTABLISH it!) but that chance has been missed.


A liberal view of the world (meaning people seeing what they wanted instead of how it is).

Corporations run amock.

Our only saving grace is the military and the power of that institution to kill people, destroy infrastructure and keep challengers at bay.

But without economic strength is that good enough?

It also brings up something else.  Is Taiwan worth the fight? Should we accept its demise to build up for a fight on our timetable instead of Chinas?  Is it possible to avoid the fight yet maintain strength?  We have lived with two superpowers and before that multiple powers.  Is co-existence possible or is the fight inevitable?

If we determine that a fight is inevitable then we need to ramp up hard NOW!  We also need to start prepping the American people for the sacrifice that they will need to make AND they need to work on the propaganda to justify to our citizens why we are once again risking the lives of our servicemen for the benefit of others.

How can such a simple card be such a kick in the ass?

Don't talk shit just try it. Kicked my ass. Geez. Glory days are definitely gone!

CNN exit polls

Textron RIPSAW Family Of Vehicles

Pray for this dude. He's in for a very rough ride....

I hope God has mercy because these bastards won't.

They still mad