Sunday, February 19, 2023

General Atomics - ASI might be onto something.

If they can actually get this to work then we could fill the skies with these things. If they can become suicide drones with some range then we're cooking with gas. I hope they can make this work, it might not win a war but certainly could help. The old bragging point was destroying entire grid squares. Could it become destroying your enemy across hundreds of least all their armor?

Israel is now an oil Europe

Europe hasn't seen outrageous energy prices BECAUSE of herculean efforts on the part of the Biden administration (at the expense of the American people in my opinion) and the world wide begging pleading etc...for the rest of the world to make up for Russian oil. The problem is that any major disruption (and we were extremely lucky this year that no major hurricane struck the Gulf Of Mexico) and with our oil reserve being tapped for prices and not an emergency and the whole thing crumbles and the effects of this war is felt by the little guy.

Which brings me to the real reason why we see so many wars in the modern era.

The number of people affected is CONTAINED to an outrageous degree.

The politics of war has been so refined that it is no longer an issue for a nations society (unless your country is the center of the action).

The last time that the US society felt the full effects of a war was Vietnam.  Since that time only a small segment of the country felt the burden of the conflict.

That's what's happening here.  All the war boosters don't experience the burden of the war.  In the US, our children will feel the results of this folly but in the present everyone can be cool, hip, "on the right side of history" etc...because they can cheerlead without suffering any repercussions.

What would you do if your son's teacher did this to him?

I'd go to jail for at LEAST simple assault. Then the school board meeting would be a sight to behold!

The Tweeter sees enemy being destroyed. I see a small boat raid by our Marines being eviscerated on a dark night in the future.

Our guys would be just as vulnerable as those terrorists. We've got to do it better. Small boats used at distance is NOT the answer. Not against a peer force!

N. Korean Hwasong-15 ICBM

Iran has near weapons grade uranium

If the IAEA says near that means they actually have it now. Wonder how long before the Israelis launch a strike. I don't think they'll allow that risk. Of course that means that we'll be seeing a regional war in the Middle East, damn near a regional war in Europe (in all but actual combatants) and the whispers of war with China. I don't think our military is ready.

Pipe bomb found on train tracks in Philly...

If we're entering a period where all the loons are gonna start doing their domestic terrorism bit (like the 60's and 70's) along with out of control crime then we are truly headed toward a period of the wild wild west where the average citizen will take matters into their own hands. Oh and jail reform is dead. The public is already back to the lock them up and throw away the key times.

Simply vicious