Friday, September 10, 2021

Open Comment Post. 10 Sep 2021

INDOPACOM Warfighting Exercise B-roll

HMH-463 and CLB-3 Conduct HST

PLA Air Force J-10B/J-16/Y-20

Nexter Griffon "Genie"

In its first fleet mission (9/5/21), the CH-53K lifted a Navy MH-60S from a draw in Mount Hogue, California.


For the 1st time, Russia will air drop a full BMD-4M battalion from the VDV’s 137th Airborne Regiment

Sparks was right. Air-Mech-Strike is where the US Army should be heading. A mechanized airborne force is a SERIOUS headache for the enemy. Instead of expending resources to deal with "Little Groups Of Paratroops" (LGOP) they're instead having to deal with the tactical mobility of a mechanized force that drops behind their lines? An annoyance becomes a concern.

Thursday, September 09, 2021

25th Air Support Operations Squadron (ASOS) and Marines from 3rd Radio Reconnaissance Platoon conduct regular scheduled proficiency jumps!

Pic of the day...

Brits are out the box first with Manned-Unmanned teaming on the PoW?