Thursday, June 09, 2022

USMC Discusses Land-Based Tomahawk Missile Launchers....NOTE! IT IS NOT LOW SIGNATURE!


That is NOT LOW SIGNATURE!  That thing is gonna be big as hell and attract every Chinese asset in the area to neutralize it.

The more I see the more convinced that the Marine Corps...the new Marine Corps is being used as a bullet sponge to protect ships.

It's the only thing that makes sense.  You're gonna deploy missiles from pockets of land that can destroy enemy ships?  If you're lucky enough to hit one or MAYBE two, you're gonna eat a metric shit ton of munitions.

The good thing for the Navy?  Its missiles that aren't flying toward a destroyer.

I am more convinced than ever that the Stand-In-Force/EABO concept is not about being a fighting force.  It's about being a tripwire force to take the punches while the fighting forces get their shit together to actually conduct the war.

Today's Marines are already being sized up for body bags but most are so busy doing shit that they don't even realize it.

National average price of gas in the U.S. surpassed $5 per gallon today for the first time ever, according to GasBuddy.

This is it now.

Nothing else will matter to the American public.  The window for Ukraine has closed.  No one will care about that war.  The economy and especially gas prices will dominate the conversation no matter what the mass media tries to push to the top of the page.

With no relief in sight till next year, the world economy will plunge into a recession...probably a deep recession...that will kill far more people than the war in Ukraine ever will.

This is the type of thing that WILL trigger regional conflict, heightened global tensions and possibly lead to failed states.

Oh and it will lead to catastrophic losses for the Dems this fall. 

Worse for some of my readers?  This is the type of thing that could lead Trump back into office.

The guy was a blowhard, tweeted too much, was nutty as a nut factory but the economy was good, gas was cheap and crime was under control.

In the 2020's I don't think you can ask for more than that.



3rd Canadian Division (Canadian Army Of The West)

I have no idea whether I'm calling these guys by the correct name. Can a division also be an army? Weird.

SAIC Advanced Reconnaissance Vehicle (ARV) Technology Demonstrator with Kongsberg RT20 turret

NOTE! If you're into Armored Fighting Vehicles (AFV) then make sure to follow Ronkainen!  Dude is on point with current and past vehicles!

China's first domestically produced 100t-class USV succeeded in a maritime autonomous navigation test conducted near Zhoushan Island in Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province.

Turkey says Russian demands for removal of sanctions to help grain exports 'legitimate'

Is this Turkey "bucking" on NATO or is it Turkey seeing the potential chaos in the Middle East and North Africa and trying to head it off before it explodes onto Europe?

Press Release on MV-22B Mishap

Lancer Brigade @ Yakima Training Center