Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Breaking! 15 Marines injured when their AAV catches fire.

via Stars and Stripes.
Fifteen Marines were being treated for injuries after their amphibious assault vehicle caught fire Wednesday morning during a training operation at Camp Pendleton, according to the Marine Corps.

The injured Marines were assigned to 1st Marine Division at the southern California base, said 1st Lt. Paul Gainey, a spokesman for the division. It was not immediately clear what caused the fire, which happened on land, but authorities were investigating the incident, he said.
Story here.

Wow. This Marine Colonel was a scumbag.

via The Australian.
The Australian has confirmed new details behind the highly unusual removal of USMC Colonel Daniel Hunter Wilson from his role as liaison to the US Marine Rotational Force in Darwin in February 2016.

Colonel Wilson was returned to a new posting in the US where he was alleged to have gone on to sexually molest the young daughters of another officer and sexually assaulted a female friend of his family.
Last week he faced a court martial over the offences and was found guilty of sexual abuse of a six-year-old child and sentenced to five and half years in a military jail.
The Australian understands that high level US commanders are under scrutiny over a decision to return Colonel Wilson to another posting after his conduct in Darwin in 2016 had been flagged by his highly respected Aussie counterpart Royal Australian Navy Commander Greg Mapson.
Story here. 

Note:  I usually don't dabble in punishments handed out to Marines.  Even the people that are involved in questionable behavior (like attending a white supremacists rally) I feel deserve the benefit of the doubt(that famous "oh shit moment I talk about).  That's why I don't post about it.  But this particular thing  needs to be highlighted.  You might have read about his case down in Lejeune but the story coming out of Darwin shows that the warning signs were glaring and the Officers Club/Fraternity protected their own at the cost of a molested child.

I know what you're saying.  Doesn't this count as an "oh shit moment"? In my opinion no.  The higher in rank, the less tolerance for poor judgement.  This dude was a Colonel in the United States Marine Corps.  One step away from General and potentially could have been in command of a Regiment.

To cut an individual at that grade any slack when it comes to not being able to handle his alcohol, not knowing when chasing tail turns into harassment and we won't even talk about what he did to a child means that the only thing he rates is 20 plus years in jail, not slack of any kind.

I hope this is isolated and not a canary in the coal mine of a breakdown in discipline in the Marine Corps.  If the officers are starting to go bat shit stupid its gonna roll downhill and we're gonna be looking at the Marine Corps of the 70's...and from what I heard that was a real bad time for the Corps.

The Foreigner | Official Trailer

Looks pretty good to me.  I'll wait for it to come out on DVD though.

US - Russia cooperation in space ... pics via NASA Instagram Page.

For all of you guys that say I'm naive when it comes to cooperation with the Russians and expect too much when I applaud Putin for trying for a complete reset I present the above images.

NASA posted them at 12am this morning and they're a sight to behold. No, I'm not talking about the power of the rocket but the power of the cooperation.  Despite all the friction the Russians and US ARE cooperating in many areas.  What we're seeing is the kabuki theater being put on for the benefit of the Democrat base.  The reality is much different.

But it could be better.

Ending useless wars in the Middle East would be more easily accomplished with an ally that is apparently waiting in the wings IF someone in Washington had the moral courage to do the right thing.

Is this the most lethal airgun ammo ever made?

via The Firearm Blog.
Umarex is now offering what it claims to be is the “most lethal air gun hunting ammunition ever created.” That’s a pretty big claim, so lets take a look at what the new Havox ammo is.

Havox is made for small bore air gun hunting. The projectiles are made of specially drawn pure copper that have cuts machined in the business end. When striking soft tissue, the machined cuts allow the copper to open up creating six petals. The petals have “razor sharp cutting edges” and create a “massive wound channel in the target.” Expansion size is said to be twice its original diameter.

The .177 caliber Havox projectile is 7 grains in weight and penetrates 3″ in synthetic gelatin. Both .22 caliber and .25 caliber pellets are also available. The .22 weighs 10.9 grains and penetrates about 3.5″. The larger .25 caliber pellet weighs almost 20 grains and penetrates 4″.
Story here. 

OK.  I admit this is twisted right up front.  But have you ever wondered what a person with an airgun could do from a slight elevation, from the back of a room in a major city?

Ambient nose would make it almost whisper quiet.

Gun shot detectors would not notice it.

People would either drop like flies from head wounds or would think that they got a nasty sting if they were morbidly obese or in thick winter clothing.

No one ever thinks of it but airgun tech could soon make them the next harassment weapon of choice.

To bring this to the here and now.

Could you imagine what would happen if some pissed off joker decided to attend the next white supremacists rally with antifa in tow to protest? Can you imagine someone plinking both sides to send a message to cut the nonsense?

Fantasy land over.  But seriously.  I think a properly tuned airgun will soon be able to do some serious damage.

NOTE!  I was just pondering for a fictional account of a future event.  The author IS NOT planning on plinking people nor does he have a desire to see violence at one of those rallies.  Is that good enough to keep the lawyers off me?

Open Comment Post. Sep 13, 2017

State Dept approves sale of Super Hornets to Canada...

via Defense News.
The Canadian government has yet to reach a final decision on whether to buy F/A-18E/F Super Hornets, but on Sept. 12 the U.S. State Department gave the green light for an eventual purchase of 18 jets.

Last November, the Canadian government announced that it would explore a potential interim buy of up to 18 Super Hornets, allowing the country to take more time to figure out whether to eventually purchase the F-35 joint strike fighter.

Since then, signals from Canada have been mixed. In May, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau suspended talks with Boeing after the company lodged a trade dispute with Canadian aircraft manufacturer Bombardier. Earlier this month, Reuters reported that Canada was considering buying used F-18s from Australia instead.
Story here. 

I have never seen State approve a sale and the country that is approved declined to buy the weapon systems.

Canada has been gyrating all over the place when it comes to the Super Hornet vs F-35 decision.  They have planes about to fall out the sky so my guess is that they're gonna try and label this interim to keep Lockheed Martin from suing.

We also need to keep an eye on Bombardier vs Boeing to see if that is resolved to get a better idea of how this might play out.

Australia investing billions to modernize its Army.

via National Defense Magazine.
“The Australian army has embarked on a major period of modernization which will recapitalize our force over the next decade,” said Maj. Gen. Kathryn Toohey, head of land capability for the Australian army during remarks at the Defence and Security Equipment International Conference held at the ExCel in London.

In 2016, the Australian government released a defense white paper that called for increased investment in the protection of Australia and its immediate region, she said.

It directed “the development of a capable, regionally superior defense force with the highest levels of military capability and technology sophistication,” she said. “To underpin this aspiration, the government committed to return the defense budget to 2 percent of GDP by the early 2020s, with much of this additional funding going toward the capitalization of capability across the” army, navy and air force.

One major area of modernization is the army's vehicle inventory, Toohey said. The service fields M1A1 Abrams main battle tanks, heavy equipment recovery combat utility lift and evacuation system (HERCULES) vehicles, M113 armored personnel carriers and Australian light armored vehicles, she said.

The newest vehicle, the M1A1, is 11 years old. The oldest, the M113, is 52 years old, Toohey noted.

“We have had the same vehicle in service with one upgrade for 52 years,” she said. Because of their age, the vehicles aren’t as capable in defending themselves against the threat of rocket-propelled grenades and improvised explosive devices, she added. 
Story here. 

Before we get started tell me this.

Why does discussion of Australian defense programs get so emotional with some of you?  I'll never understand it.  I guess its that nasty beer the Aussies love so much that drives them insane when it comes to their military!

Just joking...sorta.

Back on task.

They want a regionally superior force?  I wonder if the Aussies understand that they're gonna be spending an enormous amount of money to get and maintain that kind of lead.  Can it be said that they're at this very moment behind others in various fields and that even after this modernization they're only gonna be catching up to what others are doing?

For better or worse the Aussie Defense complex is about to get REAL interesting.

Hurricane Harvey News. Final Dispatch from T in Houston. LEO perspective on the ground.

via T.

  Saturday I bugged out of Houston. The city was almost back to normal other than the sinkhole on the beltway that's causing huge traffic jams throughout the city. Like I said I worked nights so I wasn't able to participate in any of the evacuations or recovery efforts. I did start to notice that some of the areas I worked were completely flooded just days prior. It was amazing seeing people that had their apartments or homes flooded going about their daily routine. I very rarely dealt with anyone from middle class to upper middle class neighborhoods. Most were low income and went on as if nothing had happened. It was odd to be thanked for coming down to help as to me its just something that you do.

 To me it comes down to the real hero's are the guys that heard the Hurricane was coming and hooked up their boats and went to go help whoever they could. They had no government red tape to follow. All they needed was fuel to go help more people. Or the people that found out where the boats were dropping people off at and showed up to drive people to shelters. The average everyday person made the biggest difference in saving lives. That's the story that needs to be told.

 By the way you hit the nail on its head in your breakdown of what I sent you. The guys that went prepared for whatever was thrown at them all had one thing they kept saying. "I have not really done anything that should make me feel this tired, but I'm so freaking worn out." For the most part we felt like dogs chained up fighting to get loose and really do the things we were never allowed to do.

 I know with every major disaster debriefs will be done and things hopefully will get better for the next major incident, but red tape needs to be cut. I am all for limited government but this is one of those things that its actually meant for and to me it failed. The everyday guy and gal on the ground did the best they could with what they had, but assets need to be mobilized faster.

 A quick note on the looters. It seems that the majority of looting businesses was actually done while the hurricane was hitting not after it had hit. I have a buddy that does contract work and he put out an urgent need for police/former military to secure businesses in Florida before and during Irma's landfall. 
That's alot to unpack and I can't wait to hear from JD Strike in Georgia so we can compare and contrast and make a solid after action.

What have I noticed and are a few concerns?

1.  Did you catch the part about goblins coming out during the weather event?  Interesting.  I never considered that but should have.  Why do most burglaries happen at night?  Because the goblins want the cover of darkness.  Same would apply to a storm that caused evacuation warnings.

2.  Many thought I was an idiot when I complained about the slow response by the Marine Corps.  I bang on the Marines cause I take pride in it.  I expect more, better and faster than the rest of the govt include the other services.  Seems like a slow response is the only speed in which our federal govt can react.  That's telling on so many levels.  What does it mean for individuals?  Some publications say 3, others 10 and some even 14 days.  I now believe that if you're not able to stand on your own without govt aid after a disaster for at least 30 days you're wrong.  Fix yourself or your family might pay later.

3.  The resilience is real.  T said people went on like nothing happened.  I wonder if that a bit of societal shock in that region or a real indication of where they're at.  Time will tell.  I've personally seen too much whining to be optimistic but I WILL ACCEPT what a person on the ground tells me.

There is so much more to say and chew on.

Hopefully JD Strike will report in, then I can compare notes and put together a real deal lessons learned from these two mega hurricanes.

Russia wanted a reset with the US? Great News! But why is it a controversy?

via Buzzfeed
 In the third month of Donald Trump’s presidency, Vladimir Putin dispatched one of his diplomats to the State Department to deliver a bold proposition: the full normalization of relations between the United States and Russia across all major branches of government.

The proposal, spelled out in a detailed document obtained by BuzzFeed News, called for the wholesale restoration of diplomatic, military, and intelligence channels severed between the two countries after Russia’s military interventions in Ukraine and Syria.

The broad scope of the Kremlin’s reset plan came with an ambitious launch date: immediately.

By April, a top Russian cyber official, Andrey Krutskikh, would meet with his American counterpart for consultations on “information security,” the document proposed. By May, the two countries would hold “special consultations” on the war in Afghanistan, the Iran nuclear deal, the “situation in Ukraine,” and efforts to denuclearize the “Korean Peninsula.” And by the time Putin and Trump held their first meeting, the heads of the CIA, FBI, National Security Council, and Pentagon would meet face-to-face with their Russian counterparts to discuss areas of mutual interest. A raft of other military and diplomatic channels opened during the Obama administration’s first-term “reset” would also be restored.

“This document represents nothing less than a road map for full-scale normalization of US-Russian relations,” said Andrew Weiss, the vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, after reviewing the proposal provided by BuzzFeed News.
Story here. 

Wow.  Do you realize how monumental this would be?  Do you realize how much MONEY it could save the US?  Do you understand how we could immediately shift our focus to real threats like China?  Can you imagine how much good we could do in the Middle East?  ISIS would be crushed completely in weeks.  Space travel?  Rockets to Mars could happen in 2018 if we can get our spacecraft together!  Russian rockets, US spacecraft!

But instead of seeing the possible we instead see a fake controversy.

This could stun the world, reinvigorate the European economy overnight and spark all kinds of innovation that would make DaVinci blush.

Am I suddenly a Black Russian?  Nope.

We could EASILY build in safeguards.  I'm not sold that the Russians did anything in our election that we didn't do in theirs.  I'm not at all sold that the Russians somehow "stole" the election.  Hillary was a PATHETIC candidate and she's trying to rewrite history with the help of the news media and apparently both the Russian and US intel agencies/some politicians.

But this is too good an opportunity to pass up.

What do you guys think?

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

F-35 By the Numbers

This is a serious piece of propaganda.

What stood out to me?

1.  100,000 flight hours fleet wide and they still haven't gotten this thing to work right?  We should be impressed and its still not ready?  They definitely didn't think that talking point thru.

2.  The early and in my opinion illegal IOC declaration (Dunford has forever tarnished his legacy with that move and the lack of clarity in Afghanistan/Iraq) is a serious bragging point for them.  I wonder why?  Everyone knows that in the way that it was done it's meaningless.  Maybe they expect to fool those in the public that don't follow the program?  Regardless they sure chest thump about the USMC/USAF IOC declaration.

3.  250 planes delivered now and 1000 plus by 2022?  That sounds stupidly optimistic but maybe they know something I don't.  I do know that they're wrecking the Marine Corps budget even more.  The longer the F-35 resides in limbo land the longer the trainwreck extends for the Marines.  Think about it. The Corps has been in budget funk land since 2003.  Why?  Because the F-35 is the logjam.  They can't clear other projects until they get the F-35 solved. The order has been set.  F-35 first.  CH-53K second.  ACV third.  They've stuck to that and if they can't remain on schedule then the CH-53K will be further delayed pushing back the ACV.

Other than that this vid will fool many.

UK in talks to buy MH-47G

via Shepard Media.
The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) is in talks with the US Army in relation to standing up a new variant of the Chinook, a senior military officer revealed at DSEI 2017 in London.
The UK RAF currently operates the HC2/2A/3 versions of the Chinook. The MoD official confirmed that while the US does not currently export the model, the two countries are currently in discussion regarding the MH-47G.
The G model is currently operated by the US Army 160th SOAR special operations aviation regiment; the most recent of the 61 re-manufactured aircraft were delivered to the US Army last year.
Although it is still early in the negotiations, the official did state that the G-Model was an ‘aspiration’ aircraft to bring into the UK inventory.
Despite the early nature of the talks, an aircraft quantity could be anything from a dozen to 14 aircraft.
Story here.