Tuesday, September 26, 2017

BPC Tonnerre doing work off the coast of St. Martin

You love the American Flag and Constitution but this triggers you?

You say you love the American Flag and Constitution and everything they represent but quiet dissent....not violence in the streets but quiet dissents triggers you?


No safe space here.

AH-1Z striking low and fast @ Chocolate Mountain...pics by Lance Cpl. Brennon A. Taylor

Fitness talk. Sugar is more addictive than cocaine...

I'll beat on this drum but if you don't care then so be it.  If you're not working out and trying to get better/harder everyday then oh well.

I personally love those that don't give a fuck.  Makes me harder to take out and them a walking future target.


Open Comment Post. Sep 26, 2017

SAAB's solution to modern air defense (mini-talk)...they agree with the US Navy...

After watching this video it occurs to me.  The escort jammer mission should really be given to high speed, combat capable, stealthy UAVs.  Imagine a scenario where an escort jamming UAV flies out ahead of a strike package of Super Hornets, loiters over the area jamming whatever pops up.  They remain in the area before, during and after the strike to protect the strikers and even conduct post strike analysis.

Regardless it seems that SAAB and the US Navy is on the same page when it comes to penetration of enemy air defenses.

The USAF is stuck on stealth being the solution.  On that I believe they're wrong.  Time will tell.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Has America lost the ability to go fast? USAF General Hyten thinks so!

Thanks to Moebius 2249 for the link!

If I didn't embed this right start watching at the 25:52 mark.

I never heard this guy but he gets it.  America HAS lost it's ability to go fast. The reason?  The military has embraced the bureaucracy and loves it more than it loves mission accomplishment.

Maybe this is just something that all empires go thru.  Maybe this is a sign that we really are in decline.  I'm not sure, but I'm positive of one thing. Other nations appear to be hungrier than we are.  They seem more willing to do the hard thing.

They seem ready to do what is asked of them by their nation instead of asking what the nation can do for them.

They are clear eyed, confident and working while we're sleeping.

We HAVE lost our ability to go fast and the wars in Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq is the proof.  Somehow, someway we've lost our direction.  If we don't course correct we will lose the future.

The terrible news?   It might already be too late.

N. Korea says Trump has declared war on them.

via CNN
North Korea's foreign minister said Donald Trump has declared war on his country.

The US President appeared to threaten regime change over the weekend, tweeting to say if the country's foreign minister echoed the thoughts of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un they "won't be around much longer."

Ri Yong-ho said Pyongyang reserves the right to take countermeasures, including shooting down US strategic bombers even if they are not in North Korea's air space.

"The whole world should clearly remember it was the US who first declared war on our country," he told reporters in New York.

"Since the United States declared war on our country, we will have every right to make countermeasures, including the right to shoot down United States strategic bombers even when they are not inside the airspace border of our country."
Story here. 

Yep.  The march toward war has quickened.  Now we enter the silly season.  Both sides are gonna be on a hair trigger.  This is the time when what would normally be a simple incident could spiral out of control.

Kalashnikov's Compact Assault Rifle

Thanks to Galvars for the link!

Oh God yes!

Take my money!!!!!

Politics Talk. I'm done with Trump. That NASCAR tweet was obvious...

via CNN
President Donald Trump is not putting to rest this weekend's uproar over professional football players' protests during the national anthem, declaring early Monday that a rival sports franchise was more suitably patriotic.
"So proud of NASCAR and its supporters and fans," Trump wrote on Twitter at 7:25 a.m. ET. "They won't put up with disrespecting our Country or our Flag - they said it loud and clear!"
Story here. 

I'm done with Trump.

This tweet this morning is obvious and obscene to anyone from the South. White or Black you know exactly what he meant by being proud of NASCAR.

Oh you don't know about the racial dynamic in NASCAR?  Well as you PROBABLY KNOW, Blacks in America aren't into motor sports.  I like rally racing but it isn't popular in the states.  The Baja's are cool and so are the off road endurance races but I got exposed to that overseas.

The deal with NASCAR is that its a uniquely OLD SOUTH thing.  NASCAR has been working hard to change things up but fans are holding on.

Long story short?  When Trump said he was proud of NASCAR fans he was in essence throwing a dog whistle to Nazis/KKK/White Supremacists.  WTF am I talking about?  Check out the pick below.

Now Google the wording on that piece of shit.

Yeah.  Trump knew exactly what he was doing.

Valhalla's line of 57mm turrets!

The company's webpage on this system is here.

What do I think?

Shut up and take the Marine Corps' money!!!  Yeah, we'll need a couple hundred and since we're buying in bulk you guys conduct the fit test on AAVs, the Iveco/BAE SuperAV (my projected winner of that contest) and just for shits and giggles let's see if it really can be fired from the back of an MTVR!

Warhammer News. Mainstream media is catching up to our thinking!

via National Interest.
 But it is better to ask what China would do if its core national interests were threatened and there was no trusted plan in place among Beijing, Washington and Seoul that addressed its concerns.

The first and most intuitive concern for China would be to contain the flow of North Korean refugees that would spill across the border. North Korea is a fragile state home to over twenty-five million people, many of whom have been living under conditions of extreme starvation, poverty, oppression and brainwashing. In the past, Beijing has had to deal with an influx of around two hundred thousand North Korean refugees. More recently, it has increased its border patrols and fences, often cooperating with North Korean authorities in trying to find and forcibly repatriate escapees. A war would likely kill hundreds of thousands to millions, which would increase large-scale flight.


Finally, Beijing would likely assume that a post-North Korean world would be harmful to its core interests, especially if the peninsula were to be administered by a U.S.-allied South Korea. The two countries have often worked under the assumption that both Koreas would eventually be reunited. Seoul’s Ministry of Unification has been planning for such a goal, intending to absorb North Korea into its democratic and capitalist fold much as East Germany was annexed by West Germany in 1990. Given South Korea’s aging population and the fact that reunification would likely cost $1.13 to $3.2 trillion, Seoul would want to maintain at least a minimal U.S. defense alliance as a way to subsidize a reduction in defense spending. Furthermore, South Korea would still have historically antagonistic neighbors to worry about, including, obviously, China.

A world without North Korea would be dangerous for Beijing. Though China would be happy that South Korea would take on the economic burden of reunification, a united and U.S.-allied Korea would still give American troops access to the Yalu River. Washington might withdraw its troops, but it might not. One may recall that many thought the United States would leave Europe and NATO would end after the Cold War, but much to Russia’s chagrin that did not happen. China knows this and remembers that lesson in realpolitik.
Story here. 

First you got to notice one important thing here.

The talking point has changed.  Its not a matter of "if" N. Korea gets invaded, they've now moved to the idea (that we had first on this blog) that China could intervene in N. Korea (we said under the banner of the UN as a peacekeeping force) for the sole purpose of preventing a reunified Korea on its border.

Many assume that S. Korea and China would be natural allies.

That's HISTORICALLY untrue.  I am more convinced than ever that we will strike N. Korea.  The mainstream media is finally catching up to the idea.

Expect an information campaign to be launched on the people in the West.  I include the US, Australia,  NATO in Europe, Japan and S. Korea with limited but still important news reports to hit the wave throughout the Pacific.

Warhammers are beating.