Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Ark Royal as the SOCOM flagship/mothership.

The Ark Royal as a SOCOM flagship/mothership has alot to offer.

First its communications suite is NATO compatible so modifications to it for US specific gear should be relatively straightforward.  Its been cleared for operations for CH-53, CH-47, AH-64, CV/MV-22 and other NATO helicopter ops.

It has berthing spaces to allow enough space for a Ranger or MARSOC company to be carried with ease and it has a variety of weapons on board that will allow the ship to defend itself against small boat attacks in congested water.

Last but not least, the Brits are about to scrap it for peanuts and SOCOM could make better use of this ship than the USS Ponce.

Its really a no brainer.

SOCOM needs the Ark Royal.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Japan is getting ready for a fight.

Maneuver Combat Vehicle.

Amphibious Assault Vehicle.

via Janes.
The budget request for Fiscal Year 2013 (FY13) announced by the Japanese Ministry of Defence (MoD) on 7 September is the lowest in 22 years but also includes new capabilities such as amphibious assault vehicles, new communications suites and two more Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II Joint Strike Fighters.
The request, which will be sent to the Finance Ministry for consideration ahead of a decision later in the year, prioritises the protection of Japan's remote island chains and maritime surveillance: considerations that have grown in importance during a series of territorial disagreements with China and South Korea.
"The country's fiscal situation is under pressure due to the increase of outstanding government bonds and rising social security costs," Koji Yoshino, the principal deputy director at the MoD's planning and programming division, said on 6 September. "We would like to secure the funds we need while also trying to reduce spending in an effective and efficient manner."
The most notable request was for four amphibious assault vehicles (AAVs) – with the US Marine Corps' AAV-7 series mentioned as a potential platform – for which the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF) requested JPY2.5 billion (USD31.8 million).
Most notable to me is the fact that Japan has a choice of amphibious vehicles and has chosen not to go the wheeled route when it comes to amphibious assault vehicles.

I also note that Brazil also has experience in using wheeled amphibious assault vehicles and has chosen to purchase more AAVs.

Besides the AAV, and F-35 purchases the Japanese are developing three other armored vehicles.  A Light Combat Vehicle which is in essence a wheeled artillery platform.  A Maneuver Combat Vehicle armed with a 105mm gun in a manned turret and a new Tank.

Japan is gearing up for a fight.

Ark Royal for SOCOM!

My buddy KBreak suggested that the USMC talk about acquiring the Ark Royal.

I say no.

It just wouldn't be a good fit.  But SOCOM could use it and use it well.  Plus we could get it for a song!  What do you say Admiral McRaven?

I would suggest they crew it with civilians and a small USN crew for communications and weapons handling...but it should be doable.

Romney wants more F-22's? Not in this lifetime.

via F-16.net
"Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said Saturday he would buy more F-22 Raptors as part of his plan to reverse many of the defense cuts planned by the Obama administration...

'Rather than completing nine ships per year, I’d move that up to 15. I’d also add F-22s to our Air Force fleet. And I’d add about 100,000 active duty personnel to our military team,' Romney said in the interview. “I think the idea of shrinking our military to try and get closer to balancing our budget is the wrong place to look...

Air Force leaders pushed to build more F-22s to add to the fleet because they warned a fleet of 187 would be insufficient to defeat an enemy with a top line air force like China. Former Air Force Chief of Staffs Gen. Norton Schwartz and Gen. Michael “Buzz” Moseley argued the costs of re-opening the production line would be too costly to build up the fleet if Congress changed its mind and wanted more F-22s..."
Nuno Gomes brought this to my attention.

Quite honestly this just ain't gonna happen.  His own party won't allow it.  Many people have listed the Tea Party as a bunch of right wing extremist.  What the Tea Party started out as was a group of people that were concerned about the fiscal mess of this nation.

They didn't give a rats ass about social issues.

All they were concerned about was the rising budget deficit.

The Republican Party has coerced that movement and turned it back toward the petty issues that really don't belong in the government sphere....why they did that I don't know but they did.  If Romney is elected he'll be facing the same budget drama that Obama will.

And regardless of who wins they'll face a House that is filled with pure Tea Party Representatives that won't want to bust the budget.

The next reason why Romney is blowing smoke on this issue is that the US has been at war for 10 years.

Again.  Regardless of who wins, the American people are going to demand their peace dividend.  The Pentagon's budget will get cut.

Its gonna happen and ain't shit anyone can do about it.

Off topic but that's why I'm so pissed by Marine Corps leadership.  I seriously doubt that we'll see needed Marine armor purchased.  Between poor planning that allowed our weapons systems to go obsolete at the same time to the air wing gobbling up all available funds to stupid purchases like $50 dollar rifle slings the Marine Corps is screwed.  We'll get the F-35...so will the Air Force but that's because we have the protection of allies.

The F-22 won't go back into production.  The only thing that will keep the F-35 line going in future years is if our allies stay committed.  Only recently have I seen how clever Sweetman and company's campaign was in going after our allies when it came to the F-35.  They're the glue that's keeping this program running.

And even if the F-35 dies all we'll see is increased upgrades to existing airplanes.  And still no F-22 back in production.

Catastrophic failure.

Very rarely do you get a chance to see it but when it does happen its a sight to behold.

A catastrophic failure.

Of the journalistic kind...especially in a focused magazine.

Awesome.  But what this points to is the fact that "Gun Guys" aren't running many of the shops that are catering to those in the gun community. If you don't know what I'm talking about then Google Recoil Magazine and you'll get more hits on this minor controversy then you probably care for.

But this leads to a bigger issue.  Guns are cool for people that have never handled or trained with them now.  Sharks are out to make a profit so silly ideas are being put forward.  Stupid gear is being offered and those that do know better are going along with it instead of yelling bullshit at the top of their lungs.

Even Marine Corps procurement officials have gotten caught up in the nonsense.  Yeah, I'm saying it for the hundredth time but a $50 rifle sling?

BULLSHIT!  But that's what your Marine Corps and mine got talked into buying.


Photo Release: F-35C aircraft in formation

NAVAL AIR SYSTEMS COMMAND, PATUXENT RIVER, Md. – F-35 test pilots Navy Lt. Cmdr. Michael Burks and Peter Kosogorin of BAE fly CF-1 and CF-2 during a formation flying qualities test Sept. 5 in the Atlantic Test Ranges. Testing formation flying qualities provides data on handling characteristics. The F-35C carrier variant of the Joint Strike Fighter is distinct from the F-35A and F-35B variants with its larger wing surfaces and reinforced landing gear to withstand catapult launches and deck landing impacts associated with the demanding aircraft carrier environment. The F-35C is undergoing test and evaluation at NAS Patuxent River prior to delivery to the fleet.

Finally real talk about our current foreign policy debate.

An honest critique about the current debate in this country regarding our ongoing wars. Refreshig and depressing at the same time.

31stMEU-Harriers conduct night landings while at sea

Sunday, September 09, 2012

HMS Ark Royal to be sold for scrap.

via the Telegraph.
HMS Ark Royal, once the bullish symbol of Britain’s defence diplomacy, will follow the ignominious fate of her sister ship HMS Invincible by ending life as a razor blades.
There had been strong indications that she would sold to a British diving company and sunk off the Devon coast to become a major scuba diving attraction.
An estimated bid of £6.5 million was submitted to purchase the ship that as a diving reef could have contributed up to £30 million to the local economy

Just fucking wow.

Read the entire article but the other options were for the ship to be turned into a casino in China, a museum, a London heliport or a NIGHT CLUB!

31stMEU Harriers join 31st MEU at sea

Think Defence on the containerized missile threat.

"Our systems are programmed to recognise the distinctive shapes and signatures.

Put them inside the ubiqutous ISO container however, and things get complicated.

In a crowded, complex, congested and contested area of operations how would we first identify one of these?"

--Think Defence on the threat posed by containerized missiles.

XC-142A Operational Suitability Testing (1965)

Too good to keep to myself.  Quite honestly I've been trying to figure out how to download this vid of the XC-142A undergoing Operational Suitability Testing.  I still can't get it and I've tried Download Helper, a couple of script keys and other add-ons.  The Texas Archive of Moving Image and Vought Aircraft Heritage Foundation are my new heroes.  Check it out here.


Photos are from the San Diego Air and Space Museum FLICKR page.

Newsreel. Vietnam heats up & XC-142A

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Could the EC725 Caracal's Weapon System work on the MV-22?

Make note of how they've attached the weapon systems to the fueslage.  With them being that close in and with chutes to direct spent brass away from the rotors underneath the airplane this might work.  Add to it a smaller rocket launcher and the addition of guided rockets and you have a real assault craft.

Maybe.  Maybe it could work.

Thank God the Brits are so into music and soccer.

Thank God the Brits are focusing on their brand of music and soccer.  If they paid attention to what was going on in Afghanistan we'd be facing a serious diplomatic incident and we'd probably have to fight to keep a couple of our pilots from being charged in their courts.

Don't get me wrong.  I realize that mistakes happen but check out a few passages from the BBC and their reporting on the Coroners Inquest...
The Apaches were eventually called off and waited in the area while other helicopters were summoned to evacuate casualties.
The pilot of Luger 61 said in his statement how he noted the men on the ground were wearing vests and what appeared to be body armour.
L/Cpl Roney, from Sunderland could not survive his injuries and died the next day.
Earlier, the inquest heard how British officer Capt Christopher Dadd shouted "stop, stop, stop" when he realised the helicopters were mistakenly attacking the base.
Capt Dadd was in the operations room when he realised what was happening, the inquest was told.
Warrant Officer John Pepper said operations room staff realised the error and tried to halt the attack.
He was in the operations room on the ground some distance away from the base handling information coming in from members of the battlegroup.
WO Pepper said he was watching on a screen as the helicopters made one of three strafing runs when his superior, Capt Dadd, became aware of what was happening.
Carried on firingWO Pepper told the inquest: "Capt Dadd shouted 'Stop, stop, stop'. That was when everyone realised in the ops room they were attacking Patrol Base Almas.
"He had his head in his hands."
L/Cpl Johnny Cassell told the hearing the leader of the platoon at the patrol base, Capt Palmer Winstanley, appeared to be weeping when he contacted the Ops room to tell them to call off the helicopters.
Cpl Ben Hall, one of the troops who came under fire from the US crew, said his men carried on firing on the enemy, despite the onslaught from above.
Once the Apaches were called off an air strike was called in on the enemy position and a 500lb bomb brought a halt to the Taliban attack

The pilot noted how the men on the ground were wearing vest and what appeared to be body armor.


The battle appears to have been raging from compound to compound (meaning that the Brits were in one compound and the Taliban in another).


This sounds like fangs were out and they wanted blood.  I would love to hear the conversation between the FAC and the pilots.


I'm absolutely positive that Captain Dadd will never get another unmedicated full nights sleep.


I'm glad the British people aren't paying attention.

Club K Missile System. Follow up.

Sorry gents.

This is one of two issues I can't let go of this weekend.  The other is the killing of British Soldiers by Apache Attack Helicopters.  More on that later.

But let me ask you to do this.

Look around your city or town.  Look at the construction sites.  Look at the big rigs on the road.

Look at all the shipping containers.

Imagine what would happen if a single container was smuggled into the US.  Imagine if it was launched at a big city.

Imagine if it hit nothing.

Imagine the terror.  Imagine if the people that claimed credit were from a terrorist organization.  A drug cartel.  A crimminal organization.

Do you think that such an act would affect world trade?  Do you not think that such an act would ground world trade to a halt?

That's my point with this.  I don't know what kind of controls are on this weapon.  But it has the ability to destabilize world trade just because of the way that its disguised.  If used with imagination these conventional weapons have the intimidation power of a nuclear weapon.

Think about that the next time you see a container at a local site.

Club K. Unrestricted Warfare Herald.

When these missiles first came out I discounted the threat.

But think about it.

At this very minute the Chinese could have a couple dozen waiting off shore at any time within range of our bases in San Diego, or Hawaii or wherever you see US Navy ships.  International trade and shipping have bright lines in the US.  With our enemies not so much.  Container ships could be used for preemptive strikes.  Land forces could easily come under attack from areas that were unexpected because all intelligence indicated in the area were a few merchant ships.

If the Club K were used creatively and to maximum effect it could prove to be one of the most devastating weapons on the planet.

This missile could herald an age of unrestricted warfare like we've never seen.  Answer this for me.  How do you conduct precision strikes on a target when its effectively camo'ed up to look like the same container that is used to ship over Nike running shoes?

Australian Navy Hobart Class Destroyer.

The Australian Navy...traditionally the smallest of the Australian services is putting itself in position to be the major force in that Defense establishment for the future.

Between the LHD's that they're buying...the LPD's that the swindled out of the Brits and the Hobart Air Defense Destroyers they're becoming a Navy dominate force.

No matter what anyone says a Marine Corps is inevitable. 

The Royal Australian Marine Corps.

I like the sound of that!

Sidenote:  Something to watch will be to see if any interest is expressed in upgraded AAVs.  If the Australians start doing more than teaming their Infantry Officers with our AAV platoons and actually send evaluators to check out the possibility of joining with the USMC, Japan and Brazil in buying updated vehicles then you'll know that an Australian Marine Corps is in the works.

Norwegian Advanced Surface to Air Missile System(NASAM) protects DC

Many thanks to Shady Paul for pointing this out!  Thanks buddy!

The US Marine Corps might not have a credible anti-air capability outside of its own fighter airplanes but our nations capital doesn't have that problem.

As a matter of fact they have a robust and capable system...the Norwegian Advanced Surface to Air Missile System.

Follow these links to see a containerized system on a roof top in the DC area and this one to see locations of other systems.

This is open source stuff so no OPSEC was violated.  Relax.

I'm a believer but this airplane (MV-22) is snake bit.

When it comes to MV-22 I'm a believer.

I believe it when they say that it brings new capabilities to the fight.  I believe it when they say that the airplane is an important part of the MEU.

I'm not sure I buy that the buy of these airframes shouldn't be curtailed and a cheaper option bought.  A piggyback on the Navy/Army buy of UH-60's could bring benefits that we aren't properly calculating.

But be that as it may, leadership is all in on the MV-22.  The Commandant himself showed up in Japan to defend the airplane to skeptical Japanese that don't want it based there.  Which brings us to this story.  via the Jacksonville Daily News.

An MV-22 Osprey remained on the ground in a field off of Lejeune Boulevard late Friday after making a precautionary landing Thursday that local residents say included smoke.
Christopher McFarland, of Ellis Park, said he and his wife are used to seeing Ospreys fly over their house because of their proximity to Marine Corps Air Station New River, but the aircraft flying over Thursday evening “sounded a little different.”
“It was definitely an emergency landing,” McFarland said, adding that the plane narrowly missed the tree line in their backyard was smoking on the way down.
Another Ellis Park resident, Deborah Zarinana, said she also saw smoke and felt her house shaking because the plane was so close to the tree line.
“It brushed the top of the trees, the belly of it did. You could see pinecones falling,” Zarinana said. “I was outside with my kids and they were freaking out.”

New River spokeswoman 1st Lt. Kristin Dalton said that the neighbors account was “probably accurate” and that the smoke was the result of “fluid leaking onto hot parts of the aircraft similar to if you spilt oil on a hot lawn mower.”
She said the pilots of the Osprey were prompted by multiple warning lights to land the plane as soon as possible, but could not confirm if the leaking fluid set off the warning lights.
But she added that “just because the aircraft was smoking and there was a fluid leaking does not mean that (the pilots) lost control of the aircraft in any way.”
“The pilots got a warning indication in the cockpit that required the aircraft to return to base as soon as possible,” Dalton said, adding that the addition of a second warning prompted the pilots to land the plane in the empty field, rather than make the trip back to base.
“Based on follow-on indications, and with safety being the top priority, the pilots made the precautionary landing in an open area,” Dalton said.
Military and civilian police officers quickly responded to the landing site, barricading the area with crime scene tape and calling it “a national security issue.”
Dalton said there were no injuries and the cause of the warning light indications is being looked into, but stressed that “there was no mechanical failure in any way.”
The plane was still in the field Friday evening, and Dalton said maintenance was being performed on the aircraft. She added that “as soon as maintenance crews complete any needed repair and testing, the aircraft will return to New River,” but could not confirm when the plane would be leaving the field.
Rick Murray, the owner of Fast Freddie’s, the bar the Osprey landed behind, said Marine Corps officials told him the plane would be leaving later Friday night. He added that because the plane was tucked behind the tree line and difficult to see from the road, he didn’t think its presence would have any effect on his business.
He said he was “glad everybody is OK.”
The neighboring business, Discovery Church, agreed. Melissa Kennedy, human resources director for Discover, said she thought it was “kind of ironic that the (military) is in the backyard because the heart and mission of our church is to support the military and military spouses.”
She said she hopes the attention given to the Osprey behind their building will draw attention to the church, too.
The Osprey, which flies like an airplane but can take off and land like a helicopter, belongs to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Training Squadron 204, according to its markings.
Japanese media who were in North Carolina covering the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, drove to Jacksonville Friday to get a shot of the Osprey, a plane that their officials have heavily criticized after the April 11 Morocco Osprey crash that killed two New River Marines and injured two others.
Multiple Ospreys are currently being deployed to American military bases in Japan, with much opposition from the Japanese, according to multiple reports from The Associated Press.
Japanese media was in the area.

Yeah the plane is snake bit but the STUPID public relations SPIN that the Marine Corps is trying to stuff down the throats of the public is ANNOYING.

You have Public Affairs Officers pushing the "precautionary landing" line when you have eye witnesses stating flat out that it was an EMERGENCY landing.

And that's the real story here.

Forget my doubts about costs and wanting the Marine Corps to become truly frugal with its defense dollars.

Forget the fact that the plane is having a spat of technical issues at the worst time possible.

What is truly annoying is that the public can no longer trust Marines to be brutally honest when it comes to even issues that aren't most favorable to our positions.  This story is an update.  The Public Affairs Officer that spoke to the press emphasized that it was a precautionary landing.

The reporter, SMELLING BULLSHIT, went back and talked to the residents.

They contradicted him and he was caught in a stupid lie.  Or fabrication.  Or spin.  Or whatever you want to call it.

It was stupid, it is unworthy of the Corps and its an indication of a drop off in standards.

What would the Marine greats think?