We have "mini" Embassy Reinforcement Missions going on in Libya, Egypt, Yemen and Sudan...those are the missions that are publicly known.
"We are in a full-court press at every single one of the posts in the Middle East and anywhere else there is any chance of demonstrations after Friday services to make sure nothing bad happens -- and to have the security in place in case bad things do happen," the official said Thursday.Interesting.
Yemeni security forces, backed by water cannons, blocked streets near the U.S. Embassy Friday as several dozen protesters gathered near the mission, carrying posters and shouting slogans. CNN reported witnesses said security forces opened fire on protesters but it wasn't clear what type of weapons were used. Two protesters died in demonstrations there Thursday. The Pentagon sent 50 marines to Sanaa to secure U.S. interests, the Times said.
We have "mini" Embassy Reinforcement Missions going on in Libya, Egypt, Yemen and Sudan...those are the missions that are publicly known.