Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Textron Commando Family of Vehicles.

Green Blade 2012

F-35A weapons release pics...

First F-35A Weapons Release

And the gun sales go crazy today.

Well you can bet body parts that gun sales are going to spike.

Starting today.  Probably last night.

No one is talking about it outside of the gun community but that was the biggest mistake made by the President during the debate.

He called for gun control.  Again.

It killed the Democrats once and it might not again but I can guarantee that every gun owner in the US will vote in this election, every fear of those that believe that the government is too big and intrusive is being confirmed and this minor issue to some might be the thing that causes them the election.  We'll see what happens but this was a serious miscalculation in my mind.

Glock Grip Length Reduction Project. The next hot thing?

I don't quite know what to make of this.  I carry both the 26 and the 19.  The 26 during the summer months and the 19 during the winter...or I use a mag extension adapter on the 26 so that it accommodates 19 mags.

I've seen grip reductions that Lone Wolf and others specialize in but this is the first grip length I've seen.

I didn't even know they were being offered.

What I do know is that Ayoob preaches against modifying any weapon that you might use for self defense because of legal issues.  He also states that the non-shooting public will view you as a gunslinger looking for a fight if you have too many of these mods.

One other thing.  I also know that you're killing the value of your investment and reducing a family heirloom with too many modifications to your weapons.

In the end I guess its interesting but just not for me.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I hope this guys fitrep takes hit update.

Steve stated that my response to a comment was better than the post itself so here goes....
well think about it another way. this celebrity just got an invitation from a service member ... everyone wants to support service members but a date? its like abusing a position of trust for personal gain. its not good press, its childish, its selfish, its taking advantage of the publics good will, its misusing the uniform for personal gain and its putting another individual in a terrible position.

its almost blackmail.
And it is almost like blackmail.

Remember when the first flurry of these things hit?  Everyone was thinking cute but I could almost see the stars cringe.

They were thinking about this on a couple of levels.  How would you react if someone that you didn't know that could be from anywhere asked you out on a "date"?  How would you feel if you realized that the ramifications of improperly handling this situation could affect your CAREER!

Wouldn't you feel a bit bitter?


Put in an almost no win situation?  What about the celebrities schedule?  Just cause the Marine is having a good time at the ball doesn't mean that its something that the celebrity wants to do!

Its just bad form and no one seems to be taking the view of the celebrity...Everyone is being so childish and hip and thinking that its cute.

In reality its anything but.  I usually don't feel anything for celebrities but in this instance I do.

For all you clowns that think that this is simple fun need to seriously check yourself.  This is creepy at best.  And I repeat my earlier stance.  The Service Chiefs and their Enlisted Advisers have lost direction if they can't see this and have lost perspective if they don't see a need to stop it. 

F-35B BF-20 First Flight

Lockheed Martin test pilot Bill Gigliotti flew F-35B BF-20 (US Navy Bureau Number 168718) on its inaugural flight on 14 October 2012 from NAS Fort Worth JRB, Texas.
Lockheed Martin test pilot Paul Hattendorf flew F-35A AF-22 (USAF serial number 10-5010) on its inaugural flight on 14 October 2012 from NAS Fort Worth JRB, Texas.

31st MEU Marines live-fire new Expeditionary Fire Support System

I hope this clown's FitRep takes a hit after this stunt.


Really LT.?

How much did you have to drink before you put this vid up?  What makes you think this is a good idea?  How do you not think that this is NOT embarassing to the US Navy and to the Naval Aviation?

Your FitRep should take a big hit.  If for nothing else than for showing a distinct lack of maturity, bearing and respect for the uniform.  But the service chiefs have allowed the environment for shit like this to take place so I doubt that it'll happen.  But it should.

JLTV madness!

Thanks for the article Jonathan!

Check out this article from the whole thing but this tidbit has me ready to punch walls...
And these legacy systems have value into the future. It is noteworthy that the Marine Corps has elected to retain 2,600 MRAPs in its inventory as it prepares to reset its capabilities, along with Humvee rejuvenation and JLTV fielding planned for 2017. The Army has plans to preserve the capability, as well. However, the aforementioned researchers and authors who state that MRAPs were a waste of resources acknowledge none of this.
The timing of the article also raised our curiosity, coming precisely at a time when the services seek to reset their armored wheeled vehicle capabilities as the wars draw down. After all, the JLTV program is working diligently to synthesize the best qualities of MRAP protection with lighter, more agile vehicles in a full and open competition. The authors promoted Humvees but failed to note its JLTV successor.
The article is penned by Franz Gayl, science and technology adviser for Plans, Policies and Operations Department, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps.

What I want to know is this.  What are they smoking at Headquarters Marine Corps?

First he states that the Marine Corps will retain 2600 MRAPs.  Then he states that the HUMVEE still has a role to play in the vehicle fleet of the future.  And lastly he states that the JLTV is needed.

What the fuck dude?

So instead of operating MRAPs (and that's assuming that the Marine Corps settles on one particular model to go into storage instead of at least 3 that are currently in service), along with uparmored HUMVEEs, we'll now have 3 and possible 6 different vehicles performing the same mission.

Uparmored HUMVEEs, JLTVs, and MRAPs.

We get that instead of going with the good enough and buying a good, workable HUMVEE and going with MRAPs if we get into IED territory again!

So instead of necking down vehicles in the Fleet Marine Forces we're going to be increasing the variety of them.

Say that out loud and see if it makes sense to you.  The Marine Corps is screwing the pooch on this one.  This is not how America's most frugal and cost effective fighting force does things.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Michelle Viscusi on Team Glock?

Blow up the pic and you can see her tatoo of the Military Police motto on her right inner forearm!
I never heard of this lady before but she's the newest member of Team Glock. 

Amazing.  I did a google search cause like I said I never heard of her.  The problem for Glock?  I didn't see her pictured with one of their weapons.  Regardless, she looks like she can handle big guns.  Reference Full Metal Jacket for the joke...and it is a joke.

An integrity test for Marine Leadership.

Now we'll see if Marine Leadership has any integrity or if they're just a bunch of politically correct lemmings.  via Marine Times.
The Marine Corps’ effort to evaluate whether more combat jobs should open to women marked another milestone last week when the second of two female volunteers washed out of infantry officer training.
A second lieutenant, she was dropped from the program Friday after failing to complete required training due to unspecified medical reasons, a Marine official told Marine Corps Times. It’s unclear whether she was injured or if she became ill.

The other volunteer, also a second lieutenant, dropped out Sept. 28 after she was unable to complete the program’s introductory combat endurance test. Nearly 30 men also washed out on the first day.

No shame on the Marines.  Male or Female that washed out.  30 men washed out on the first day.  But that is as its suppose to be.


Shame on the SgtMajor of the Marine Corps.  He knows the real deal even if the Commandant doesn't.  He's spent his entire career in the Infantry.  He's a Marine Sniper by God!  He knows the pain that these women were about to be subjected to and he stood by and let it happen.


Now comes the integrity test.  Either the Marine Corps Leadership will MAN UP and tell the powers that be that its just not going to happen without lowering standards (and then when they decide to lower standards to submit resignations because it will get future Marines killed) and to let the program die as it should.

Clarification. Costa fights Zombies.

Ok.  Here goes.  On Friday I wrote this.
I don't know whats going on but every government around the globe seems to be gearing up for mass riots and social upheaval.  The latest being the Swiss...and now we have this vid from Costa.  When will life imitate art?

Oh and I first saw this on Soldier Systems but they took the vid down...wonder why?
I posted that with the above video and to be honest thought nothing more about it.  Well today I saw this in the comments of that vid and thought it needed to be highlighted.
I am the producer of the above project "Operation Z".

The word "zombie" is never mentioned directly in the production. If you see the "zombie" scenario as metaphor for something else, and you want your wife or family to understand the implications of that, please check out the project when it's released (soon).

Its not about Zombies.

But even if it was I'd have watched it.  I mean seriously producer guy, you have to admit that it has alot of the hallmarks of modern Zombie lore in that highlight.

Now with the clarification I can see its tilted more towards survival after societal collapse.

Still gonna watch it....but I wonder why the Zombie meme is being shot down when it definitely gives out that vibe?  Either way I'm still a Costa fan.  I still cringe at the CHE (Costa Haley Effect).  And I still hate the blurring of the lines between Combat Shooting, 3 Gun Matches, Pistol/Rifle Competitions, Civilian Self Defense and Law Enforcement Shooting.

Now that we have that cleared up I hope I'm on the mailing list for new Costa gear.  I missed out on that leg platform.  

The Lockheed Martin Havoc. What do they mean by "modularity"?

I'm gearing up for the interview with the folks over at Lockheed Martin and in doing my research I keep coming back to one unanswered question.

What is modularity when it comes to the Havoc?

From my reading S. Africa will have the most versions of the vehicle.  A Tank Destroyer, Command, Mortar Carrier, Fire Support and Infantry Carrier.

Unfortunately that still doesn't answer the question because Patria has shown that the vehicle can mount several different type all those functions can be carried out by simply swapping out the basic setup.  I looked hard but was unable to find the Command version.  I think that will be most telling in how that vehicle is equipped and set it a module swap or is it a distinct version.

Another major issue in the interview will be weight.  The Polish version of the HAVOC, the Wolverine is the heaviest version so far fielded.  The Marine Corps version will be just as heavy yet will be required to swim.  Indications are that the Poles gave up the swim requirement because of the weight gained with making the Wolverine anti-IED capable.  Seeing how Lockheed Martin and Patria achieved the same type protection yet maintained the swim requirement is something I can't wait to ask.

The thing is happening Thursday so if you have any questions to hit them with send them my way.

Nice try Hillary. I ain't buying it!

via CNN.
I take responsibility" for what happened on September 11, Clinton said in an interview with CNN's Elise Labott soon after arriving in Lima, Peru, for a visit. The interview, one of a series given to U.S. television networks Monday night, was the first she has given about the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi.
Clinton insisted President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are not involved in security decisions.
"I want to avoid some kind of political gotcha," she added, noting that it is close to the election.
The attack killed Chris Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya, and three other Americans at the consulate.
I've seen leadership like this before.

A piss poor Commander that decides to saddle a subordinate with blame when everyone knows that its the Commander that set the conditions for the break down to occur.

If Hillary thinks she's being loyal then I need to inform her that she isn't.  If this thing is thoroughly investigated the truth will come out.  And instead of being viewed as a good soldier she'll simply be labeled as one of the persons covering it up.

UFC 153. Not much to talk about.

Silva toying with Bonnar.  He dodges the kick and then walks back to the spot he was standing on. Bonnar looks dazed and confused already.  The guy was beat before he stepped in the ring.
The finish.  Angle 1.
The finish.  Angle 2.
I just don't know.

Dana has got to get a better grip on these fights.  Maybe fewer pay per view shows, but he has got to get a grip.  If Silva only fights twice a year then so be it as long as he's fighting worthy competition.  Seriously!  Everything I feared for Bonnar came true in this fight.

Its time for him to hang it up.  Silva?  I still like him, but he's starting to seriously rub me the wrong way.  I would just like to see someone really push him hard.  If Sonnen can stop talking and work hard for a couple of months and then get a good ring strategist then maybe it could be him.  But I don't think he wants anymore of Silva either.

Bad times for the UFC unless they can mix it up a bit.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

M27 IAR review...

Want a good review of the M27?

Check out the article by SMALL ARMS DEFENSE JOURNAL.  The Marine Corps continues to fail to explain the whys behind the decision to field the M27.  The concept seems at best shallow and at worst a waste of money.  SMALL ARMS DEFENSE JOURNAL is at least beginning to fill in the missing pieces.  I haven't been a reader but I think I might start if this is the type of writing they do!

Violent females. How do you respond as a man?

Forget all the stupidity you see in this video.

Concentrate on a few things.

1.  It appears that the female strikes the male first.  Supposedly she also spit on him.

2.  The male retaliated by launching a vicious upper cut.

3.  The reaction from the crowd and the female that struck the male was that "hey! she's a female!"

Consider those few things and then think that if a woman has an object she could brain a male considerably larger than her.  Consider that women are placing themselves in occupations where they will meet men in physical confrontations (in the instance  of this post Women in the Infantry).  Consider that even though everyone still screams about women and men being equal...even when it comes to physicality (I support this except when it comes to women being physically equal), yet these same people that are fully indoctrinated in that ideal still scream "she's a female when a male retaliates after being struck"...and lastly consider that laws in our society are  edged toward women when it comes to physical confrontations....

And I ask you.  How is a guy suppose to react if he is assaulted by a woman?  If you say that if he isn't hurt he's to walk away then I ask how can you define pain in someone else?  Is he suppose to simply report it?  Aren't we developing a society where women can behave badly with little consequence?

Don't laugh.  You could be minding your own business and get assaulted by some deranged female and have to consider your response to the attack.  Think about it before it happens!

I knew it would happen if I wrote this post.  Let me say again.  I am not anti-woman!  I know plenty of women that are much smarter than me, have better social skills and can teach me a thing or two about a thing or two.  But I'm not talking about brain power, this is a discussion of physicality.  Its about how a guy is to react to a woman if she is clearly wrong, yet decides to engage HIM in a physical confrontation.  Nothing more or less.

A whole new ball game.

I keep looking at how much different the jungle fight is from the desert fight and in one word its...IMMENSE!  When some of the younger Marines how hard the jungle is compared to the desert they will appreciate the WW2 Marines alot more.  Vietnam era Marines too.  More than jungles, more than arctic and more than desert the jungle will test a hard man...and many hard men will fail that test.