Thursday, January 24, 2013

First Presidential V-22 takes flight

Aircraft 197, the first MV-22 to be assigned to Marine Helicopter Squadron (HMX) 1, hovers over the runway during a test flight at the Bell-Boeing V-22 assembly plant in Amarillo, Texas, on Jan. 22. The aircraft, crewed by pilot Marine Corps Maj. Chuck Bodwell, co-pilot Capt. William Thomas and crew chief Staff Sgt. Ronald Benton was performing a governmental test flight prior to expected delivery to the Marine Corps in February 2013. The aircraft engine nacelles and tail empennage are painted in the iconic green of the Presidential Squadron; the remaining parts of the aircraft will be painted before delivery. More than a dozen MV-22s, the Marine Corps variant of the V-22 Osprey, will be assigned to HMX-1. The MV-22s will be assigned to the executive support squadron, providing logistics and passenger support to Marine One flights and will be responsible for flying very important persons (VIPs) to various locations in and around Washington, D.C. The MV-22s will replace the CH-46Es operating with the squadron. (Photo courtesy of Bell Helicopter)

Did the Obama administration abandon France in Mali?

Thanks Chris for this article.

The article is from the Wall Street Journal and its by subscription only so I'll highlight a few of the eye catchers...

*French officials involved in planning the Mali campaign say they had expected quick, robust U.S. military support based on comments by Pentagon officials in a series of private meetings, including one last October in Paris about how to tame violence in North and West Africa. According to French officials in attendance, the message that day from Michael Sheehan, the Pentagon's point man for special operations, seemed clear: Stop the group known as AQIM—al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb—and its allies from creating a desert safe haven.

*French officials say they consulted their American counterparts. One senior French official sized up the feeling in Paris after the White House balked at Paris's request for air tankers to refuel French fighters over Mali. "We are doing the job without you," the official said.

*Skeptical of the need for a big U.S. role, the White House so far has authorized the Air Force to ferry a mechanized infantry battalion of about 800 French troops to Bamako. The U.S. hasn't responded to the request for air refueling tankers needed by the French air force to keep up the pace of attack sorties in support of ground troops.
The national security team the President assembled...the incoming and outgoing parts of it...are in disarray. Ideology is trumping practicality.

Russians to get a new Amphibious Assault Ship.

via Naval Show. ru

On January, 18th the ceremony of a keel-laying of the first serial air cushion amphibious assault landing craft "Denis Davidov" of the project 21820 a class of "Dugon" is laid down on "Yaroslavl shipyard" JSC.The head boat of this project "Ataman Platov" has been laid down on February, 2006 and since 2009 carries out missions as a part of one of connections of the surface ships of Caspian fleet. The project of a landing boat is designed by the "R.E. Alexeev's Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau" (Nizhny Novgorod).The full displacement of air cushion amphibious assault landing craft of a class "Dugon" is 280 tons,  the length - 45 m, the width - 8,6 m, the full speed - 35 knots. The ship is equipped with two diesel engines M507A-2D with a capacity of 9 thousand h.p. each. Load-carrying capacity - 140 tons, crew - six persons. It is possible to place on the boat three tanks or 5 armored transport vehicles .According to the Central Naval Portal, two more landing boats of the project 21820 will be laid down this year on "Yaroslavl shipyard".The building contract of a series of boats of this project has been signed by the Ministry of Defense and "Yaroslavl shipyard" JSC on June, 23rd, 2011
I don't quite get this.  The display ship doesn't look air cushion but who knows.

Enemy strength in Mali equivalent to a Motorized Infantry Brigade?

When Navy Recognition gave me a heads up on the enemy strength in Mali I was expecting a bigger number of enemy fighters.

Instead it looks like the French are up against a pseudo-army.

I'm talking BRDM's and PT-76's in addition to a large number of technicals (gun trucks) and even truck mounted MLRS'.

I don't need to finish that little work of fiction I had going.  It's playing out in real life.  The only thing missing is US forces.

Second F-35A Reaches 500 Flight Hour Milestone

The second Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II stealth fighter, known as AF-1, joined the 500 flight hour club during its 272nd flight in January, 2013. It joins AF-2 which passed the milestone June 26, 2012.The conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL) fighter begin flight operations when it made its inaugural flight Nov. 14, 2009.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Blast from the past. C-97.

I wonder if a 747 could be modded to have a ramp like the C-97's?  If so then we have a ton of airlifters in the desert waiting to get converted.

Small boat swarms? Guns are a better solution.

Was over at ID reading about the Navy testing the Griffin missile.

All things considered aren't guns simply a better solution? The ranges that we're talking about are well within gun range and if you include your close in weapon systems in the fight then you're talking about almost all Navy warships having a built in advantage against small ships...and that's before you even think about placing crew served guns on deck.

I think we're talking about an issue of tactics and perhaps strategy more than a technological issue.  Swarming missile attacks?  Potentially a tech problem.  Swarming boats?  Loosen up your rules of engagement and declare an exclusion zone around US warships and this problem is solved.

Leclerc Main Battle Tanks head to Mali.

Thanks to Navy Recognition for the heads up (again).

This is getting good.  The French are methodically beefing up forces in this North African nation and the addition of Leclerc Main Battle Tanks points to an "enduring" presence.  via Les

The operation Serval gaining momentum, and it is not saying much. After three Tiger combat helicopters already in place, the armored infantry latest VBCI, coming to take the road on a building projection and command, France is in a position to send Leclerc tanks in Mali, it was learned from sources.At this stage, the plans provide for four Leclerc are projected, but the figure seems low for some specialists. Sign it anticipates their arrival on site, the Army has baffled the Mali a stock of spare parts, first aid, a "AIP" in military jargon (autonomy initial projection). This AIP was bound for Qatar where the second armored brigade must participate in a year in April.

The translation is through Google so it might not be spot on (probably isn't spot on) but it gives an idea.

This is a major undertaking.

This is more than is needed to simply hunt down a small band of terrorist.

The French are gearing up for war.  Full scale, knock ya to your knees war in Africa.

Things to look for now?  Iran.  Do they fund terrorist elements in Africa to make the fight by the French much tougher?  China. Do they stand by and do nothing while these African countries start to migrate to the French/European sphere of influence?  The US.  Do we stand by and do nothing while France/Europe engages our mutual enemies?

Blast from the past. Sentry Removal.

  Sentry Removal by  

There is no affirmative action on the battlefield.

three shit and die gentlemen.

Liberals I hope, are getting ready to send their daughters in mass to the US military in the hopes that they can join the infantry, fight, get raped, be drug through desert streets, raped again and then hung up to die in a far off place.

Check this out.

"This policy change will initiate a process whereby the services will develop plans to implement this decision, which was made by the secretary of defense upon the recommendation of the Joint Chiefs of Staff," a senior defense official told reporters on condition of anonymity.Some front-line military roles may open to women as soon as this year. Assessments for others, such as special operations forces, including Navy SEALS and the Army's Delta Force, may take longer.

Read more:
There is no affirmative action on the battlefield.  Our enemies don't follow the Geneva Conventions.  Our women will become playthings to hostile foes.  The following quote is from General Chesty Puller...
"Our country won't go on forever, if we stay soft as we are now. There won't be any America because some foreign soldier will invade us and take our women and breed a heartier race!"
They don't need to invade us now.  We're serving them up on a plate.

Lexington Institute lauds America's Premier Crisis Response Unit.

Daniel Goure talks about the MEU in his article.  A small bit...
Fortunately, the U.S. military has such specialized formations with the inherent capability to respond rapidly to a spectrum of crises ranging from the outbreak of conventional conflict to amphibious raids, special reconnaissance, terrorist incidents, non-combatant evacuations, humanitarian disasters and even partnership training opportunities. I am referring to the Sea Services' team known as the Marine Expeditionary Unit/Amphibious Ready Group (MEU/ARG). The MEU portion of the team consists of a reinforced infantry battalion supported by additional command and control, logistics and aviation elements.
Unfortunately for Marine Corps supporters and theorist the leadership is focused on the Marine Expeditionary Brigade instead of further leveraging and developing the capabilities of the MEU.  With budget cuts coming, it'll be interesting to see which one the Marine Corps bets its future on.

Politically correct craziness over a mask.

The above photo is causing a huge controversy in France.  I'm paraphrasing a French Commander back in Paris, but he stated something to the effect that this Soldiers actions bear no relation to the French Army in Mali.


Terrorist put bomb belts on hostages.  Terrorist decapitate Westerners.  And our (meaning military leadership in the West) gets its panties in a twist because someone wears a skull scarf or writes "fuck you" on a bomb?

People are actively trying to kill each other and yet leadership gets upset about silliness like that?

All might not be lost but we're getting close.  Read the story here and here.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

First production Airbus Military A400M in French Air Force colours

Dual Refueling First

F-35C CF-1 and CF-2 take on fuel from a KC-130 tanker during a test flight on 18 January 2013 from NAS Patuxent River, Maryland. This was the first time two F-35Cs aerial refueled at the same time. US Navy test pilot Chris Tabert was at the controls of CF-1 for the mission. Lockheed Martin test pilot Dan Canin was at the controls of CF-2.

British military's Mali support mission

He forgot the economy that's why he will fail.

In his speech yesterday the President had a plan for everything but the economy.  If any one of a dozen hot spots erupt over the next 2 years, causing gas to spike and the puttering economy to sink back into text book recession (and I think it will) then you can put a fork into this transformatve agenda.

Add to it the massive defense cuts that will hit mostly blue states and you have a perfect storm.

Even his biggest supporters will tire of defending him.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Is Obama the new Neville Chamberlain? Plus the backstabbing of a Marine Corps Hero.

Read about Neville Chamberlain here.
Thanks USS Helm for pointing out this disgusting news (seriously though...thanks).

So let me get this straight...we have rumors that Obama wants to negotiate with Iran over the nuclear issue when we've tried that for the last 10 years and it hasn't worked...Not only do we have that bit of news but when you add the info that Iran has been feeding the insurgents all over the Middle East with weaponry and money, plus our ally the French are currently in North Africa hookin' and jabbin' with another subset of the same group of terrorist and then we get this from the Free Bacon...

“Word on the national security street is that General James Mattis is being given the bum’s rush out of his job as commander of Central Command, and is being told to vacate his office several months earlier than planned,” reports veteran national security correspondent Thomas E. Ricks.It now appears likely that Gen. Mattis, a Marine Corps legend, will leave his post as head of America’s most important combatant command in March, several months earlier than planned

They go on to say this...

The reported departure will have consequences for U.S.-Iranian relations, civil-military relations, Marine Corps morale, and inter-service politics, Ricks writes. “I am at the point where I don’t trust his national security team,” he adds. “They strike me as politicized, defensive and narrow. These are people who will not recognize it when they screw up, and will treat as enemies anyone who tells them they are doing that. And that is how things like Vietnam get repeated. Harsh words, I know. But I am worried.”Obama is expected to pursue a diplomatic resolution to the Iranian nuclear program this year.Evidence of Iranian entanglement in Iraq, low-intensity conflict zones in Africa and the Middle East, the Syrian civil war, Afghanistan, and in international terrorism continues to mount.
Don't be confused.  Obama is the modern day Neville Chamberlain.  The idea that he can dismiss this Marine hero because he doesn't like the man doing his damn job says more about Obama than anything else.

My opinion, but he has surrounded himself with sycophants,  camp followers and fellow travelers of his ideology.

This will end badly.  Oh and keep a watch on every Flag Officer in the Marine Corps from this moment on.  If they haven't been purged by the Obama administration then they have head firmly up oval office butt.

NOTE:  Before you bring up the General P scandal please note that if General Mattis had been involved in wrong doing then he would have been forced to resign just like the CIA director--in disgrace.  They (my opinion) are going heavy handed only because they couldn't muddy him up with a spicy love triangle.

NOTE 1:  Something tells me that the Pacific turn is a dead issue.  It ain't gonna happen, not with Obama about to retreat from the Iranian issue, with Syria on the brink--potentially causing issues in Jordan, Lebanon and even Saudi Arabia...with Mali getting ready to go full scale regional (the entire North African area can soon be in flames) and last but not least, lets not forget that a few short weeks ago tensions between India and Pakistan were caused by Pakistani Troops (aided by Islamist) beheading an Indian soldier.  Yeah.  The President thinks he can focus on domestic issues?  Not bloody likely.  Oh and another prediction.  All this will happen during the fighting season.  By July they'll be hating the fact that they dismissed a decorated Marine General that had the balls to ask the tough questions.

Note 2:  Notice that the Army Vice Chief of Staff is taking over Centcom?  Another General that's close to the President getting a major command.  

Fighting in N. Africa...SOCOM time? No. Stryker Brigade time!

The French are gearing up for one helluva fight in N. Africa and when people talk US participation then the first force they think of is SOCOM.

I beg to differ.

The French have all the Special Operations outfits they could ever need.  What they do need is a Stryker Brigade to help fill the line.  The organic ISR, the capability to travel at high speed across great distances will be more important than a few selected raids.

If there was a Special Ops solution to this mess then the French would have already launched raids.

No, they need Strykers and maybe an A-10 squadron.

Heads up guys. Mali is about to get real.

My buddies over at Navy Recognition (you really should check out their websites if you haven't already) sent me a hookup of the discussion happening over at Military Photos.  I can't confirm the info but according to some comments the French are about to deploy over 250 armored vehicles to the fight.  We're talking mostly VBCI, VAB and Panhard recon vehicles and trucks.

By my quick count that amounts to about a Army Brigade (+), more probably just under a full strength US Army Light Infantry Division.  I'm not sure how the French classify their units but just a quick accounting of the units involved indicates that we're seeing something big.

Add to it the fact that an LHD will be off the coast providing a staging base for French Helos and you have a major event taking place.  Mali bears watching.  This thing is about to pop.  The pics are from Military Photos and Navy Recognition.

The 2nd Long War.

With the French sending a Mistral Class LHD to Mali, I think its fair to say that we're seeing the beginning of the 2nd Long War.

I expect (if it hasn't happened already) to see the French equivalent of a Combined Arms Task Force operating in theater.

The next thing to watch out for is British involvement.  If the Brits decide to participate fully (and I mean ground troops) in this action then that's a signal of a much wider operation in the offing.

The question for we Americans is this.  Our allies came to our assistance in Afghanistan.  Now that they're fighting off shoots of the same terrorist group that we've been battling for years do we deny requests for troops on the ground?