Friday, February 01, 2013

This basically confirms that Typhoons kicked the F-22's ass.

via Flight Global.

"Without a helmet, that means the missile will need a very tight cue from somewhere," one F-22 pilot says. "[That's] something that is not always available in a dynamic, turning environment."
To be clear, the AIM-9X is a huge improvement over the AIM-9M version even without a HMCS . "Don't get me wrong, it will still be better than having a 9M, but it won't be anything close to what a fighter with a helmet and an externally carried missile has," the pilot says. "Hence, probably not the savior we've all been waiting on."
 "We've been screaming for years that the F-22 needs to have the capability fielded, and fast," the Raptor pilot says. "Once the jets transitions from BVR [beyond visual range] to WVR [within visual range] with only AIM-9M-9s it is hugely vulnerable."
That boys and girls basically confirms it.

Royal Air Force and Luftwaffe Typhoon drivers along with French Rafale and Navy F/A-18 goons have all bragged about getting the F-22 in its cross hairs and getting kills on it.

Everyone chalked it up to pilots simply boasting.

The article by Dave puts all that to rest.

In WVR the F-22 is just another fighter.

Data Sheet of Para-Rescue's new truck.

   GAARV by  

Major Hat Tip to Soldier Systems

Vid of Para-Rescue's new truck.

Soldier Systems found this vid of Para-Rescue's new truck.

This along with what is a new operational philosphy (at least to me) of fighting to the objective, securing the person or object and then fighting to a pickup new.

I don't know if Para-Rescue is about to beef up and become more of a direct action/rescue force but this truck seems part of that change.

Of note:
1.  Drop internal carry for a vehicle and you can get some cool stuff.
2.  The truck wouldn't last five minutes in a fire fight but it can get you where you're going in a hurry....
3.  It's going to be interesting to see what the Rangers pick for their Ground Mobility Vehicle and then what the rest of SOCOM picks....I'll bet money Special Forces and SEALs and MARSOC all go in different directions.

Sticker shock will kill the 2nd term of the Obama Administration.

If you've wondered why the Obama Administration appears to be trying to rush so many agenda items through Congress so fast, well I have your answer.

Obama Care.

Via The Daily Caller.
( – In a final regulation issued Wednesday, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) assumed that under Obamacare the cheapest health insurance plan available in 2016 for a family will cost $20,000 for the year.
Under Obamacare, Americans will be required to buy health insurance or pay a penalty to the IRS.
Full story: IRS: Cheapest Obamacare plan will be $20,000 per family
Once guys start acting like guys again, and adults start acting like adults everyone will take a serious look at this plan and a collective "what the fuck" will be heard all over America.

They have to rush and get everything they want passed by summer (my guess) because after that people will start waking up to the biggest power grab by the federal government in the history of our country.

The good news in all this?

Lame duck status will occur by December of this year...Democrats will suffer another blistering loss in 2014 and the massive flirtation with liberalism will finally end.

EUROCOPTER Wishes 2013

I'm a fan of several defense companies....I like Lockheed, BAE, Sikorsky, Textron, KMW, Rheinmetall and a couple others...notice I didn't include Boeing or General company I've been on the fence about is Eurocopter.  But quite honestly they're getting it done.  Hard not to like them...besides they don't hide behind a corporate Maginot line.

Too much time, too little brains...too cool...

Canada upgrades its LAV III

The first upgraded LAV III is unveiled in London, Ontario.

T-11 finally in service.

A paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team descends to a drop zone on Fort Bragg, N.C., Jan. 29, 2013, using the Army’s new T-11 parachute system. The square canopy has nearly a third more surface area than that of the T-10D that it replaces. U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Michael J. MacLeod
Awesome to see.

This should save many a Para-troop from the agony of bad knees and backs.  Wonder how it performs under a combat load though...and not a state side combat load out but one of those actual go to war loads that has guys struggling to put on packs type of load.

UPDATE:  Meanwhile...US Army Special Forces is still jumping the old chutes!  I don't get it!

U.S. Soldiers with the 7th Special Forces Group descend after exiting a C-23 Sherpa aircraft at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., Jan. 24, 2013. (DoD photo by Spc. Steven Young, U.S. Army/Released)

German CH-53's in Afghanistan. A photo essay...

2012 F-35 Highlights

Decorated Combat Veteran Arrested In New York: Charged With 5 Felonies For Possession of AR Magazines

via SHTF Blog...
In the latest attack on the American people, a decorated War Hero has been arrested and charged with five counts of third degree criminal possession of a weapon, for having empty 30 round AR-15 Magazines in his vehicle.
On Sunday January 6th Staff Sgt. Nathan Haddad, a decorated combat veteran, was driving through Jefferson County New York when he was randomly pulled over for a vehicle check. Haddad, who had five 30 round empty magazines in his possession, was arrested by the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department and charged with five felony counts.
According to Haddad’s brother, Michael Haddad, Nathan thought these magazines were legally made before the New York Assault Weapons Ban. When Nathan Haddad was arrested the new ban had not even been fully enacted yet.
This is not a criminal, this is not some thug looking to hurt people; this is a decorated combat veteran who was recently honored by the Philadelphia chapter of Blue Star Mothers and the Union League’s Armed Services Council for helping disabled vets get back on their feet. What’s happening to Army veteran Nate Haddad is an absolute attack on liberty. Here we have a man who honorably served his country, who was trusted with weaponry that far exceeded anything he was carrying, that now finds himself facing the possibility of spending years in prison.

Still think these gun control laws are meant to stop criminals?

Nathan Haddad’s brother has set up a legal defense fund for his brother who cannot afford to fight these charges on his own. We ask that you share this story with everyone you know so that this attack on Hassad is seen for what it is, an attack on every law abiding citizen in America.
And so it begins.

There is an armed standoff with a madman in Alabama.  Word is, this guy has anti-government leanings.

I wonder how many more Americans will become radicalized when word of this gets out.

We're almost designing another WACO or RUBY RIDGE.

Sexual Assault in the military?


It showed up as a big issue in Hagel's confirmation hearing.

I'm of two minds on this.

First.  Geez.  Get the offenders out, slam the bastards in jail, throw away the key and chemically castrate them while you're at it.


We're about to place  women in combat units?  We're expecting women to close with, and destroy the enemy by hand to hand combat if necessary?

Like I said I'm of two minds on this.  It doesn't make sense that we're about to put women into the  most macho, masculine, roughest parts of the military while at the same time the Commandant is admonishing male Marines to protect female Marines?

The world is upside down.  It doesn't make sense.  I just don't get it.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Super Tucano's to Angola.

via DEFESA...
Brazil´s Embraer Defense and Security has delivered today 31 January the first three A-29 Super Tucano light attack and advanced training aircraft (also known as EMB 314 Super Tucano) to the National Air Force of Angola (Força Aérea Nacional de Angola).
A total of six aircraft were purchased for border surveillance missions.
There is no doubt about it.  The Super Tucano is a beautiful plane.  Angola is beefing up its attack capability on the cheap...

Tiger Warrior...Fantasy Art by Slawomir Maniak

Mack nails the anti-gunners!

Miss making mission in S. Dakota and this is what happens...

Ya get color guard in a freaking blizzard!

Non-military Inspirational Friday.

This should bring a smile to your face ....

Blast from the past...F-111B...