Saturday, February 09, 2013

Red Bull Machine Gunner...

LAPD can't shoot!

Check out the pic below of the truck that was misidentified as containing the madman, Dorner.  The two women are lucky to be alive and the marksmanship skills of the LAPD have to be called into question.  Not in the case of bullet placement but in the basic skill of IDENTIFYING your target before you shoot. Read the story here.  One thing is certain.  Dorner is already dead, his body just hasn't stopped moving yet.  He will NOT be allowed to surrender (unless he heads to an FBI office) and the Southern California law enforcement agencies are spooked.  This will be interesting to watch.

Bullet-riddled vehicle
Police investigators examine a blue pickup truck riddled with bullets on Redbeam Avenue in Torrance. Officers, thinking shooting suspect Christopher Dorner might have been in the vehicle, unleashed a fusillade, wounding a woman and her mother. (Bob Chamberlin / Los Angeles Times /February 7, 2013)

Friday, February 08, 2013

F-35 Projected to cost 67 million per plane by 2020.

Check this out from the Ottawa Business Journal.
After a year of bad press following the federal government’s botched estimate of how much it would cost to procure 65 of the stealth planes, officials from Lockheed Martin Corp. and Pratt & Whitney hosted a telephone press conference to refute perceptions of cost overruns and noting the involvement of several Canadian firms – including Ottawa-based GasTops – on the project.
Steve O’Bryan, vice-president of F-35 programs at Lockheed Martin, said the jets have undergone a 50 per cent price reduction compared to five years ago, and estimated that each plane will cost $67 million by 2020.
Great news.

But it just adds fuel to my argument that the USMC should delay purchase till 2020 and divert funds to the Amphibious Combat Vehicle and Marine Personnel Carrier Programs.

The F-35 will be a winner but we can afford a capability gap until the costs go down and my opinion getting the Marine Corps armor in shape is a much more pressing matter.

We're at a point where the F-35 isn't in danger of being canceled.  It will be built.  Can we say the same about the ACV and MPC?  If we can't then they should become our number one priorities.

Why do Sheriff's support gun rights and Police Chief's oppose it???

If you've ever asked yourself the question, Why do Sheriff's support gun rights but Police Chiefs oppose it then TACTICAL GEAR BLOG has the answer (copied entirely from their blog...subscribe,  they do good work).

Shults Media Relations is an industry PR firm that supports the constitution. We found this to be a fairly succinct explanation on the topic discussed.  While there are no absolutes, there is some fair reasoning.

This contains some concepts that many folks haven't considered. We are not siding with or against the police or advancing excuses for them and we hope it does not appear we are picking on them either; we aren't.  
For this work, we interviewed 17 chiefs and sheriffs from around the country. From those conversations (emails and phone) we have some quotes in this work. We were asked not to source the particular quotes and that is fair since this was not an on the record news interview, we just wanted their thoughts and opinions. So, as Joe Friday said, "just the facts ma'am."
When it comes to various politicians and others speaking against gun ownership (the 2nd Amendment and Constitution by definition) politicians will many times cite city and state police chiefs who allegedly may support the anti-gun movement. These politicians may have police chiefs and their officers appear with them as props or spokesmen in news conferences. So the logical question to ask is why are these top cops so seemingly against firearm ownership?
Chiefs are at the beck and call of their political bosses, mayors and city councils. "We chiefs get our opinion on firearm ownership when it is issued to us."--A recent quote by a chief.  
A sheriff told us "There is an active debate between sheriffs and chiefs that is affected by the big city chief culture because chiefs tend to emulate each other."
For our purpose here let's just deal with city police, not state/national officials. If city politicians are against gun ownership (Chicago, Washington D.C, San Francisco, and New York for example) and the chief doesn't agree he can (and probably will) be fired or demoted by the mayor or possibly by a simple majority of the City Council. In most towns over 50,000 population chiefs generally get paid between $70,000 and $140,000 a year plus benefits and retirement. Large city chiefs get well over $200,000 plus benefits, retirement and every once in a while you run into a chief earning well over $300,000.00 plus benefits. They want to hang onto that "chief" position, title and income.
This is why you see chiefs and their officers in the background when privileged officials posture against citizen firearm ownership and the Constitution by definition. Sure some chiefs may believe in citizen gun control and may be willing as a backdrop for self-serving politicians--especially if they were appointed by those in power at the time. So whenever a mayor, senator, representative or president wants a show of "top cops" showing support, a message is delivered to the particular city where the top officials are anti-2nd Amendment requesting top cops as props. The chiefs and officers are obediently delivered for props or advised to get their resume updated.
Sheriffs are by and large a different breed. They are elected by the people with a larger proportional number of citizens than city officials. The sheriff does not have to please a few city council members, a goofy mayor (or a governor). Sheriffs represent the beliefs and values of the majority of the area of his or her citizens who directly voted them into office. Yes, there will be sheriffs who do not want guns in the hands of citizens, but nothing like the number of police chiefs who have a near immediate career ending gun held to their heads by anti-Constitution politicians or the chief culture.  

And most sheriffs take their Oath supporting the Constitution very seriously. And while they currently follow and enforce Constitutional applicable federal, state and county laws they reserve the power invested in their oath and position as elected officers of their county to resist or not to enforce Constitutional infringing law if or when that might come. If that were to occur, the state police and/or federal government may be ordered to step into that particular sheriff's county to enforce those particular unconstitutional laws. The ramifications of those legal incursions might be very interesting to watch, especially, we were told, if that particular sheriff is actively supported by the citizens of that county.    
The bottom line is city, state and even federal chiefs will almost always bend to the will of their political masters--He who has the gold makes the rules."  Then this might be something to bring up in various press conferences with officers in the background.
I never put it together but this makes sense.  

I called the JCS I'm saying they're full of shit.

If this story from Amy Butler is correct...and she is a careful and precise reporter (I don't call her Wonder Woman for nothing...then the Pentagon has jumped the shark, they're full of shit and I need to see some General's tossing some rank insignia on some tables after they're led out in handcuffs by the biggest, roid taking MP's that can be found within shouting distance.

Check this out....
Hey Mahmoud, Kim: You may have a one in three shot of hitting the continental US if you happen to have and are able to fire an ICBM after sequestration takes effect. Maybe ...
At least that is what Gen. William Shelton, who leads Air Force Space Command, is implying in a press release issued late today.
Shelton, who oversees the Air Force's missile warning and space surveillance missions -- the guys who look for hostile ICBMS and tip off a chain of events, including protective interceptors, should there be an attack -- says that as part of budget drill in preparation for sequestration, he submitted a list of potential reductions to service headquarters. 
The first among them reads:
"Reduce some missile warning and space surveillance 24/7 hour operations to 8/7 hour operations, impacting national missile warning, missile defense, space situational awareness and the intelligence community."
This seems to imply that personnel will not be constantly monitoring for ballistic missile launches -- known as infrared "events" -- provided by the Defense Support Program and/or the Space-Based Infrared System satellite and payloads in orbit. When asked for a specific explanation of the practical impact of this proposal, an Air Force spokesman said he'd take the question for the record.
For a USAF General to even suggest such a thing just boggles my mind.

I realize that its part of a budget exercise but I'm calling foul!  For him to even put forward this proposal as a possibility illustrates whats wrong with our defense establishment.

This is bullshit. 

This is now 100% political.  They're shilling for the President.  They're totally without any speck of honor and not a SINGLE one of them is to be believed.

Congratulations General Flag Officers.  You've just lost the most valuable thing you had going for you.  Once you were considered credible.  Once you were respected.  Now you're just another group of slimy DC politicians.


Note:  With this we can stick a fork in the military.  Now tell me which part of our Federal Government we can have faith in?

LaRue comes out hardcore for the gun rights community!

via Soldier Systems...
02/08/2013 LEANDER, TX.
Updated Policy for State and Local Agency Law Enforcement Sales:
Due to the recent and numerous new Anti-gun/Anti-2nd Amendment laws passed and/or pending across our country, LaRue Tactical has been forced to reconsider how we provide products to state and local agencies.
Effective today, in an effort to see that no legal mistakes are made by LaRue Tactical and/or its employees, we will apply all current State and Local Laws (as applied to civilians) to state and local law enforcement / government agencies. In other words, LaRue Tactical will limit all sales to what law-abiding citizens residing in their districts can purchase or possess.
State and local laws have always been a serious focus of this firm, and we are now dovetailing that focus with the constitutional rights of the residents covered in their different areas by the old and new regulations.
We realize this effort will have an impact on this firm’s sales – and have decided the lost sales are less danger to this firm than potential lawsuits from erroneous shipments generated by something as simple as human error.
Thanks in advance for your understanding.
Mark LaRue
* * This policy does not apply to Military / Federal Agencies * *
Freaking awesome!

That means that a law enforcement officer can't use Department Letterhead to score himself a LaRue Predator for personal use on the means that their are no "superior" individuals in certain states...I hope the other gun manufacturers follow LaRue's lead!

LaRue!  I love you guys!

Question on Marine Expeditionary Units...

Hey All..

Quick question.  Do MEU's still train to receive the Special Operations Capable designation or is it a thing of the past?

Quite honestly I'm leaning toward that (MEU-SOC) being tossed in the scrap heap along with rolling sleeves but I'd like the real deal answer instead of my guesses.


Kalifornia is going full retard!

Read it and weep...
Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, unveiled the gun control package in a news conference Thursday at the state Capitol.
The package includes:
  • Banning the possession — not just manufacture and sale — of magazines holding more than 10 rounds.
  • Making possession of hollow point bullets and similar “assault bullets” a felony.
  • Requiring anyone wishing to buy ammunition to first get a permit by passing a background check.
  • Requiring the registration and reporting of all ammo purchases. Limits the number of rounds anyone can have at one time to 500 rounds.
  • Requiring all gun owners will have to be licensed like drivers, and will be forced to carry gun liability insurance.
  • Banning any gun that has a detachable magazine, and requires a 100% prohibition of all fixed magazines greater than 10 rounds.
  • Making all previous grandfathered magazines become illegal, and it will become a felony if you keep one.
  • Prohibiting anyone barred from owning a weapon from living in a home where weapons are kept
  • Expanding the list of crimes that would bar a person from gun possession.
  • Letting the state Justice Department use money from the state’s Dealer’s Record of Sale system to eliminate the backlog of people identified as no longer allowed to own guns but not yet investigated and contacted by law enforcement.

A lesson learned from the Dorner incident.

"I will bring unconventional and asymmetricalwarfare to those in LAPD uniform whether on or off duty,"

Its a sad thing to say but Dorner is giving terrorist a game plan on how to attack law enforcement in the US.

I did not believe that they were as weak as they appear after the 9/11 day of infamy but they are.

Consider this.  What if this guy stayed on the attack.  He certainly would have been hunted down and killed but the death toll that he could have extracted from the LAPD boggles the mind.

Something else to consider.  The LAPD and surrounding law enforcement agencies indicate the fear that they must feel because they're firing on unarmed/uninvolved civilians.

We have one man hiding in a geographic area that contains millions of people.  We don't know what contingencies he has built into his planning and for all we know he could be in Texas by now.

My point is quite simply this.  The US is NOT ready for a Mumbai style attack...not with our border wide open...not with their being clear indications that people from Muslim countries have crossed....not with law enforcement seeming able to only act decisively against law abiding citizens.

Blast from the past. Para-sail concepts...

Quote of the day...

Every citizen should be a soldier. This was the case with the Greeks and Romans, and must be that of every free state.
Thomas Jefferson

Now what is it that every gun grabbing hoodlum says about the militia being the National Guard????

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Gun control. Some bitter truth for the gun grabbers.

Kuech!  Thanks for this vid.

This guy is freaking awesome.  I love his statement and it just sings to me.  This guy told those in power an uncomfortable truth.  Its not about guns its about our country's moral decay.

Are the feds artificially creating an ammo shortage?

Thanks for the heads up Mike.

via InfoWars.

The Department of Homeland Security is set to purchase a further 21.6 million rounds of ammunition to add to the 1.6 billion bullets it has already obtained over the course of the last 10 months alone, figures which have stoked concerns that the federal agency is preparing for civil unrest.A solicitation posted yesterday on the Fed Bid website details how the bullets are required for the DHS Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Artesia, New Mexico.The solicitation asks for 10 million pistol cartridge .40 caliber 165 Grain, jacketed Hollow point bullets (100 quantities of 100,000 rounds) and 10 million 9mm 115 grain jacketed hollow point bullets (100 quantities of 100,000 rounds).The document also lists a requirement for 1.6 million pistol cartridge 9mm ball bullets (40 quantities of 40,000 rounds).
Read it all here. 

NOTE:  No one trains with hollow points. They MIGHT qualify with hollow points but you don't train with them.  Second.  Even if DHS is buying for the entire federal law enforcement alphabet soup then this is still a lot of ammo.  Last.  It sure looks like they're stockpiling the stuff.  The real question is why?

Lockheed claims F-35 kinematics better than Typhoon????

via Flight Global...
Lockheed Martin is claiming that all three versions of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) will have kinematic performance better than or equal to any combat-configured fourth-generation fighter. The comparison includes transonic acceleration performance versus an air-to-air configured Eurofighter Typhoon and high angle-of-attack flight performance vis-à-vis the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet.

I have never doubted that the F-35 would be a superior dog fighter.  Where the F-22 relies on performance, the F-35 will use superior electronics to win the WVR fight.

But if this claim is true then the F-35 will be dusting everything thrown at it.

I still think the Marine Corps needs to get its armor house in order ..... I still think we need to take a break from updating the wing to get a new Amphibious Combat Vehicle and Marine Personnel Carrier...

But this is some holy shit news...if its true.  Read the entire article here.

Pic of the day. French Army Sniper in the snow...

And he's rockin' a HK417....

Blast from the past..Ryan COIN Vertifan

Description: Ryan COIN Vertifan - landing gear extended - Artwork 2 Feb 1969 
Collection: Ryan Aeronautical Negative/Transparency Collection
Tags: Ryan, Ryan Aeronautical, RPV, drone, firebee
Repository: San Diego Air and Space Museum Archive

Harden up....

Dorner. This is what they fear.

This is what the authorities fear.

A military and law enforcement trained individual going on a rampage.

He's already killed a couple of people and he knows law enforcement and military tactics inside and out (apparently).

I don't condone this guys actions but imagine if you had a group of guys that decided to do this?  They could shut down a region of the US.

Homeland Security better up its game....

NOTE:  I just saw the pic.  This guy is a former Marine?  Nope...Navy.  Thank Goodness!  LAPD is in for a world of hurt....and supposedly he's run to Big Bear...not far from 29 Palms...he went home.  If he can make it to an impact area aboard the base he can chill for months without worry.  Yeah.  They better up their game big time.

You call preppers crazy? Check this out from Greece...

via SHTF Blog (SHTF=Shit hit the fan)...
Hundreds of people jostled for free vegetables handed out by farmers in a symbolic protest earlier on Wednesday, trampling one man and prompting an outcry over the growing desperation created by economic crisis.
Images of people struggling to seize bags of tomatoes and leeks thrown from a truck dominated television, triggering a bout of soul-searching over the new depths of poverty in the debt-laden country.
“These images make me angry. Angry for a proud people who have no food to eat, who can’t afford to keep warm, who can’t make ends meet,” said Kostas Barkas, a lawmaker from the leftist Syriza party.
Other lawmakers from across the political spectrum decried the images “of people on the brink of despair” and the sense of “sadness for a proud people who have ended up like this“.
People have seen their living standards crumble as the country faces its sixth year of recession that has driven unemployment to record highs.

The free food handout in Athens began peacefully as hundreds of Greeks lined up in advance outside the agriculture ministry, where protesting farmers laid out tables piled high with produce, giving away 50 metric tonnes (55.11 tons) of produce in under two hours.
Tensions flared when the stalls ran out of produce and dozens of people – some carrying small children – rushed to a truck and shoved each other out of the way in the competition for what was left.
One man was treated for injuries after being trampled when he fell to the ground in the commotion.
“I never imagined that I would end up here,” said Panagiota Petropoulos, 65, who struggles to get by on her 530-euro monthly pension while paying 300 euros in rent.
I can’t afford anything, not even at the fruit market. Everything is expensive, prices of everything are going up while our income is going down and there are no jobs.
Lets be clear.

The US of A is not special.  We're unique because of our current position as global superpower but make no mistake about it.  If it can happen in Greece it can happen here.

A proud people...the cradle of Western civilization...reduced to begging in the streets for food.  Not able to afford even basic items.

Now fast forward this same scenario to the US.  Imagine what will happen in the big cities.  Imagine what people will do to get things that they NEED...not what they WANT but what they NEED!

If you're still calling preppers and those like them tin foil hatters then you're not paying attention.

Get in shape, get trained and gun up.

If you've trained with Haley, Costa, Vickers or another reputable trainer....

If you've trained with HALEY, COSTA or VICKERS or another reputable trainer then you're ahead of what the average US Infantryman gets when it comes to close quarters combat.

I've heard from quite a few active duty Marines and Soldiers and the message remains the same.

They've gotten more out of one course training with those three that I highlighted than they have with the services.

I've been a doubter in the past, but no longer.  Save your pennies, get in shape, and go attend one of these guys classes.

If you have the means then I'd probably recommend all three and then pick and choose which methods work best for you.

NOTE:  The weak link in the students that attend these classes (and I'm just going off videos of what I've seen) is the physical conditioning of the people attending the classes.  If you're not in shape then I don't think you'll get the full benefit of the courses.  I'm not talking about being able to compete in an Ironman Event but just in good manageable condition.  So get off your ass and get in shape.