Sunday, March 24, 2013

What's with MAGPUL

I was checking out MAGPUL's facebook feed this morning and one thing struck me.

They made a huge deal about how they were going to move out of Colorado if the Governor signed the various gun bills.  They talked about making plans and talking to various states about the move but ever since the signing....


Not a damn thing.

I listened to a Denver Radio Show featuring an executive from that company and he talked about how agile they are, how they would become a multi-state corporation.

I think the boys at MAGPUL fed gunrights people a steaming pile.  I would bet that they aren't going to move...they will take the sweetheart deal that the Governor will give them to stay...that they're willing to take the hits and hope it blows over.

Those are just guesses but I think gun rights guys need to keep an eye on enemies AND so called friends.

If MAGPUL doesn't execute the move as stated then we need to be prepared to retaliate with a boycott of their products..

If they flip on us that is.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Leopard Heavy Mine Breaching Vehicle.

I wonder what drove the Germans to develop an Assault Breacher Vehicle when they already have a fully developed Engineer Vehicle based on the Leopard chassis that is a world beater.

Warrior Commandments

You ever read something that has you saying "fuck yeah" and "that shit is over the top" at the same time?  If you haven't then check this out from Soldier Systems.

Shrek’s 10 Warrior Commandments
I. CRUSH YOUR ENEMY TOTALLYLeave no room for doubt. Kill them, then kill them twice to be sure, then check and make sure they are dead. Crush your enemy. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. This is not a James Bond movie where your enemy spills his guts and then gets away. Do not waste one word. Kill them and make sure they are dead. If they aren’t dead, they will seek revenge. Crush them not only in body and spirit, but take their will to fight. This especially includes warriors with no honor.
II. LEAD BY EXAMPLEIf it’s time to get your kill on, then start killin’ first. If you need to get through gunfire, get through the fire first. If you lead the way, this tells other warriors that if they want to get a kill in today, “You better beat me!” It tells your soldiers that if they want to prove themselves as warriors, they need to be on their “A Game” just to fight by your side.
III. TREAT EVERYONE EQUALLYAs a warrior, remember who got you to the dance. That vehicle didn’t fix itself. That weapon works because of your armorer. Spend time with those around you. Get to know everyone personally. This will ensure that in any situation, everyone that surrounds you will give you personally 110 percent.
IV. PLACE YOUR FULL TRUST IN NO ONEYou can trust a friend, as long as he remains honorable. But a warrior’s friend today might become his enemy tomorrow. Those who worship you today have envy, and will stain your armor and break your sword if given the chance. When the time comes, you will know who has honor, and honorable warriors will always forgive, for they understand your actions as a warrior.
V. TAKE CARE OF THOSE UNDER YOUDefend your subordinates to the bitter end. Defend them against any and all friends, enemies and warriors. Let it be known to anyone under your control or aligned with you, that you will kill for your warriors if anyone else tries to test your territory or boundaries. This tells others to come to you first; because you rule your warriors. Other honorable warriors will understand this and want that same respect in return. Your subordinates will feel protected and go to the ends of the earth for their master.
VI. TRAIN EVERYONE TO BE THE MASTERIt’s every warrior’s job to want to be the master. From day one with your pupils, you’re training them to be the master. Withhold no information, no skills, nothing back from them. Give them everything they need personally to become a master. If you have 5 masters, versus 1 master and 4 pupils, this will strengthen your force. Honor will keep the balance of power for you, if you are the true master.
VII. LET YOUR WARRIORS SOLVE THEIR OWN PROBLEMSAlways let warriors solve their own problems or conflicts. If it’s between warriors, let them go. Watch every move they make to ensure the problem gets fixed and no one gets killed. There will always be problems. As the master, watching this will show you if the problem was fixed, or if your warriors have a problem with honor.
VIII. ALWAYS LET YOUR PUPILS TAKE THE CREDITWhen fighting another master or formidable enemy, always let your pupils have the final killing blow while you watch. This is the biggest form of dishonor to anther master. Being crushed by warriors of lesser stature will haunt him for eternity.
IX. NEVER WASH YOUR ARMORSavages always smell like scum. They will always bring their families to a gun fight. This includes babies and small children. If you don’t wash your clothes, you will smell like a savage, and if handling savage babies they will not cry. Babies use smell to identify who you are, friend or foe, so smell like a savage.
X. DO NOT FIGHT IN ANOTHER MAN’S PANTSKnow where your own kit is and use it! Messing around with another warrior’s gear is against any warrior code. This is viewed as hiding another warrior’s sword, and he won’t know until he is in battle. This is a sure way to get yourself beheaded, and this is not an honorable death between warriors.

If not the F-35 then what?!

A real simple question.

If not the F-35 then what?

The Typhoon, Rafale, Gripen, Super Hornet?  Against Russian and Chinese stealth fighters?  Against sophisticated air defenses?

I keep hearing that the F-35 should be killed but no one ever has a real answer for what would replace it if it is.  If you can body slam the F-35's performance then the same can be done to every fighter listed above.  And they don't come with stealth or sensor fusion.

So tell me oh wise one.  What do we buy if F-35's aren't good enough?

Friday, March 22, 2013

Tunisia Aero Technologies Industries S.A.

Tactical News Magazine.

Super Hornet International. In reality just a modern F-14 Bombcat.

Want to know exactly how "lost in the woods" carrier aviation is?

Consider the fact that the proposed Boeing Super Hornet International, a huge leap ahead in capability over the F/A-18E/F and an even bigger leap over the legacy Hornet, simply returns Carrier Aviation back to the reach that it had during the 80's and 90's.

The F-14D Bombcat had greater range, speed, a decent payload, IRST (built in), an extremely long range missile and a two man crew to divide the workload.

Quite honestly the only thing lacking were engines to properly take advantage of a world class airframe.

IF US Navy Carrier Aviation had gone down the road of necking down to the F-14D instead of the Super Hornet then the Navy would easily be able to wait until a 6th gen fighter (developed to Navy specifications) came along.

As it is circumstances are forcing the Navy's hand.  Potential adversaries will soon have stealth fighters and SU-30 aircraft that are at worst a match, if not better than the Hornet...Missiles are being developed that will ensure the safety of the launch aircraft so killing the shooter is no longer a possibility...and finally advanced anti-air systems are coming online that will negate any advantage that our own standoff weapon systems currently enjoy.

If the Navy decides to buy Super Hornet International tech then it'll be simply a blast from the past...not a real advancement in technology.  As much as Naval Aviation hates it, they need the F-35 just to remain competitive.

FNSS begins delivery of 8x8 APC's to Malaysia.

I missed this but earlier this month, FNSS began delivery of a new 8x8 Infantry Fighting Vehicle to the Malaysian military named the AV8.  FNSS did a good job of changing the design and modernizing it.  Turkey through its defense sales is soon going to be a force to be reckoned with.

Chinese landing craft air cushion

via Chinese Military Review.

Its a Magazine!

Red Arrows Spring Training 2013

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The U.S. Army – America’s other Marine Corps.

Simply put, the US Army is caught between a rock and a hard place.  Goure lays out the bad news here.

Gun Control was a serious miscalculation for the Senate Democrats.

via The
The Senate’s upcoming vote on the assault weapons ban is going to put vulnerable Democrats in a difficult spot.
Democrats facing tough reelection races will either attract the ire of the National Rifle Association or prominent gun control activists such as New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg (I). A vote against the ban could spark primary challenges that could weaken Democrats in the general election.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) this week decided to remove the ban from firearms legislation scheduled for the floor. However, he has promised Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) a floor vote on her assault weapons amendment.
Reid said Tuesday the proposal would not muster 40 votes, and interviews with rank-and-file lawmakers show that seems accurate.
A wave of Democratic defections on the assault weapons ban would not sit well with gun-control and liberal advocacy groups. They warn Democratic senators who vote to kill one of President Obama’s biggest priorities will suffer political repercussions.
The entire article is worth reading.

The point of it all is this.  This is the second miscalculation by the Democrats in this short year.  First they misread Republicans on the Sequester threat, and now they're about to risk losing the Senate AND not picking up seats in the House over dubious gun legislation.

The irony is delicious.  The article fails to admit another stunning fact about this gun debate.  Its killing the clock before the midterm elections sucks up all the oxygen in the room...and on capital hill.  You can pretty much stick a fork in climate change legislation.  You can forget about getting further stimulus bills done.  After gun control is done the only thing that stands a chance of passage is immigration reform, and even that is sketchy because of the needs to secure the border to the satisfaction of members in the House (unless the Majority Leader goes maverick).

What if the F-35 is cancelled. What now Marine?

via What If Model Site.

Just a simple mind exercise guys.

Forget the fact that its darn near improbable, lets say it does happen.  Lets say the F-35 is cancelled.  What now?

My thinking goes like this....

*We ride the F/A-18's we have till they break.
*We DO NOT buy Super Hornets.
*We re-engine the Harriers with upgraded Pegasus engines.  The current model puts out about 23,000 pounds of thrust.  If Rolls Royce can get us more thrust then we're cooking with gas (literally)...I know nothing about engines so it may or may not be possible.
*We re-wing the Harrier and optimize it for a swing role.  That means longer thinner and swept.
*The Harriers that were bought from the British are upgraded with parts taken from F/A-18's (some parts will have to be the AESA arrays).
*Lengthen the air frame to allow the carriage of more fuel internally.

That pretty much covers it.

What do we get out of this?  We get a potentially more maneuverable airplane.  A plane that gets closer to going supersonic (it might cross the threshold...who knows).  But we also get to complete the plan and neck down our aviation squadrons to one type of attack/fighter plane.

This is all fantasy.  But if the improbable becomes possible then its better to have a fall back plan than to be jumping through our ass trying to figure it out!

Congressman Timothy Huelscamp

VBCI in action (Mali)

IWI Tavors are shipping.

Press release.

Harrisburg, PA (March 21, 2013) - IWI US, Inc., a subsidiary of Israel Weapon Industries (IWI), has commenced shipments of the long-awaited TAVOR® SAR bullpup rifles to their distributors. Shipments have been carefully choreographed for product arrival to various distributors across the country at relatively the same time. IWI US continues to ramp up production and shipping in the coming weeks. An assortment of black and FDE TAVOR® SAR rifles in 16.5" barrels and several black, left-hand rifles along with a small quantity of the TAVOR® SAR IDF model are among the initial product shipments.
I lust after one of these. Perfect truck gun...SBR sized without the tax stamp.

YAK-41. Daddy of the F-35???

I've read (can't remember where) that the F-35 owes much to the Russian YAK-41.

I don't know if that's true and I'll leave that to people like Eric Palmer, Bill Sweetman and other to figure out.  What I do know is that this small passage from Wikipedia is beyond interesting....
Following the announcement by the CIS that it could no longer fund development of the Yak-41M, Yakovlev immediately entered into discussions with several foreign partners who could help fund the program (a tactic they were also pursuing for development of the Yak-130 trainer, which was eventually developed in partnership with Aermacchi of Italy). Lockheed Martin, which was in the process of developing the X-35 for the US Joint Strike Fighter program, quickly stepped forward, and with their assistance 48-2 was displayed at the Farnborough Airshow in September 1992. Yakovlev announced that they had reached an agreement with Lockheed-Martin for funds of $385 to $400 million for three new prototypes and an additional static test aircraft to test improvements in design and avionics. Planned modifications for the proposed Yak-41M included an increase in STOL weight to 21,500 kg (47,400 lb). One of the prototypes would have been a dual-control trainer. Though no longer flyable, both 48-2 and 48-3 were exhibited at the 1993 Moscow airshow. The partnership began in late 1991, though it was not publicly revealed by Yakovlev until 6 September 1992, and was not revealed by Lockheed-Martin until June 1994.[1]
How much the Russians contributed to the F-35 is unknown.  I'd love to find out though.

But how about this for a what if.

If the F-35 was cancelled, which way would the Marine Corps go?  A stripped down version without stealth?  A re-winged AV-8B Harrier with a more powerful Pegasus engine?

Or would they stand pat and wait for a 6th gen to come out.

These aren't crazy questions anymore.  Sequestration.  A defense review this year, and another next.  Its obvious that the defense budget is about to get ravaged.  And we still need to get our Armored house in order.  How do you accomplish all that with decreasing funds? 

EC142 T2

Why gun control will never work.

Crazy people (no I won't be politically correct) are highly motivated people.

Highly motivated people are tough to beat.  They don't have an "off" switch and will push through when others would quit.

Laws, restrictions and "rule making" by government officials will never beat a determined, highly motivated individual.

That's why gun control will never work....

Sidenote:  Read about Charles Whitman here.  Its really fascinating.  He had a brain tumor.  Drugs, damaged brains...its obvious that something biological or chemical or both is pushing people over the edge.  You can regulate the drug part but you won't be able to stop it as long as people want it.  Mass murderers will always exist as long as mankind exists.