Friday, April 12, 2013

Chengdu J-20 Annihilator

I don't know if this is real or not but it caught my attention over at "War Machines" Blog...are they really calling it the Annihilator?

Friday Inspection and Awards Ceremony.

Like Terminal Lance says...I hope you feel professional...but moving on, I hope your Charlies are looking good cause here we go with the praising and punishing....

You couldn't handle her if she was laying buck naked on your bed begging for ya, but this weeks award winners get an honorary Denise Milani for good stuff this week (just like her)...

Lockheed Martin (MPC), BAE (Armadillo), Bell Helicopter (V-280) and the country of Brazil (LAAD).  Good stuff from all.

Our closing time pick up or you suck and this is what you deserve (if you're stationed at Ft. know the evil truth...I've heard the stories) goes to those that basically delivered a steaming pile....

The winners of this dubious distinction are...Department of Defense (sequestration), Republican Senate (traitorous turn on the gun bill), Democrat Senate (same) and Morning Joe (for a gun guy Joe is an idiot).

We'll see how things go next week.  I expect better performance from the losers and a continuation of the strive for perfection from the winners.


Pic of the day. 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division

FORT BRAGG, N.C. -- Paratroopers with 2nd Battalion, 319th Airborne Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division jump from a C-17 Globemaster during an airborne operation over Normandy Drop Zone on April 9, 2013. The operation was part of a live-fire exercise to test the readiness of the "Black Falcons" to deploy anywhere in the world on short notice.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Russian Marines to test a new Wheeled Armored Personnel Carrier


Thanks Jonathan for the link!

via Rianovosti.

SEVASTOPOL, April 11 (RIA Novosti) – A new amphibious armored personnel carrier (APC), the BTR-82AM, is undergoing a series of trials at the Russian Black Sea Fleet’s naval infantry facility in Sevastopol, fleet spokesman Capt. 1St Rank Vyacheslav Trukhachev said on Thursday.
During the trials, the BTR-82AM, which is due to replace the military’s workhorse, the BTR-80, will cover “dozens of miles at sea” to test its stability and endurance when afloat, Trukhachev said.
The new APC incorporates an automatic 30-mm artillery system, which “has significantly enhanced the vehicle’s firepower,” he said.
The BTR-82AM is the latest APC modification of the BTR-80 8x8 wheeled carrier, production of which began in 1986.
It features improved armor, is equipped with the Glonass navigation system and has a more powerful engine of 300 hp.
I'm becoming a bit confused on Russian vehicle designations.  The BTR-90 was (at least appeared to be) a nicely advanced follow on to the BTR-80.  To my eye the BTR-70 and BTR-80 had only a few visual differences.  Now a couple of years after the more advanced "looking" BTR-90 was cancelled, they're about to test the BTR-82AM.  Amazing.

Denmark's Armored Personnel Carrier Contest.

A new variant of our CV90 Armadillo has been delivered to Denmark to undergo competitive evaluation. With its superior performance and ability to protect our troops now, and well into the future, this vehicle proves to be a low-risk solution for long-term sustainment.
I just got back and this is what I found.

Trust me, I'm scrambling to try and find out what modifications have been done for the contest in Denmark and as soon as I know so will you.

I do know that the raised super structure appears fixed, its missing the remote weapon stations/shot detection/anti-IED/smoke-grenade launchers that were on the previous version.

It also seems to have increased ground clearance (another anti-IED feature?).  I like this vehicle.

CV90 Armadillo delivered for Danish Army trials

Brazil's Police Special Operations Battalion gets new internal security vehicle. News from LAAD.

Paramount Group announced that the Brazilian Police Special Operations Battalion is set to buy their Maverick Internal Security Vehicle.

Batalhão de Operações Policiais Especiais

If you ever take the time to check out a few Brazilian websites (Google Translator is a blessing!) then you'll realize that these guys are no joke.

They actually go against the bad guys.  If you remember a couple of years ago, the BPO (the name that the Special Operations Battalions go by) was involved in some pretty serious fighting in the ghettoes around several cities.  Brazilian Marines provided support in the form of AAV's to transport Marines and Police into and out of the fight as well as providing FIRE SUPPORT!

Because of the fighting that they do in these urban areas I'm a bit surprised that they chose this vehicle.  I expected something a bit more heavily armored.

I hope it works well for them.

Regimental Combat Team-7 ...

RCT-7 is on Twitter and FaceBook.  Give them a follow and a like....

Amphibious Combat Vehicle. Back to the drawing board?

via DoD Buzz.
Paxton also said that the Marines’ long-planned push for a new Amphibious Combat Vehicle to replace the aging Amphibious Assault Vehicles for ship-to-shore movement might have to go back to the drawing board under the budget constraints.
“We’re trying to keep it alive,” Paxton said of the ACV.
Budget cuts associated with sequestration were not reflected in the budgets submitted by the Pentagon Wednesday. However, Myers said “you can be assured there is a high degree of thought being given to those decisions we’ve got to make” if sequester continues.
Paxton said they were following the Defense Department guidance to “not self-sequester” and put the onus on Congress for further cuts.

This thing was delayed so that they could dot all the "i"s and cross all the "t"s.

Now it looks like once again a lack of urgency is going to doom this project to failure.

Its really enough to make you want to punch walls.  Something is seriously broken in Marine Land.

Rant. Why do they need Federal Gun Control when states are acting?

This is what we call a starter kit!
I've been reading and watching the latest moves on the Gun Control issue and one thing suddenly dawned on me.

Its a culture war.  Its about control.  Its about imposing urban/Northern State cultural norms on the rest of the country.

Think about it.  Illinois, Colorado, California, New York, Connecticut and Maryland have all passed more restrictive gun control bills.

17 other states have passed laws making gun ownership less restrictive.  If this was truly about gun control and gun control alone then the people have spoken.

Those who support Democrat policies have already acted.  Those that reject those same policies have spoken too.

So since they can't win in the "heartland" states the gun grabbers must nationalize the issue and pass their rules through Congress to get the rest of us to get in line.

Its not working yet, but with people moving out of the North Eastern states/Kalifornia to the sunshine/bible belt/heartland you can expect them to bring their filthy different political thinking with them.

Like they've told us.  This is only the beginning.

The Mexican Meat Soup Maker, Caustic Soda and a grisly war in Mexico.

Imagine trainers from Israel teaching the Cartel how to dispose of bodies...Imagine the simplicity of using Caustic Soda to do the grisly deed (available for 55 dollars for a 50 pound bag at your local Home Depot or Lowes)..Imagine the difficulty of prosecuting a person with only hearsay evidence when it comes to murder.

The only thing I'm really left to wonder is if anyone was alive when dipped into the barrels of acid.  I can't imagine a more gruesome death.

Read about the Mexican Meat Soup Maker here.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Bell V-280 Valor -- The Fact Sheet.

Bell V-280 Valor -- The Pics.

Bell V-280 Valor -- The Video.

Pantsir S1 / SA-22 Greyhound SPAAGM

Photos are via Air Power Australia.  I post this in response to being informed by Humberto (thanks) that Brazil was interested in the Pantsir Anti-Air System.

Click here to read about it at Air Power Australia.  They provide a very thorough write up on this capability.

A few things stand out though...

*  Phased Array Radar which increases detection range.
*  Capable of detecting and identifying both air and ground forces.
*  Has an unusually large weapons carriage of 12 Anti-Air Missiles (SA-22's) with two 30mm cannons.
*  Modular.  This system can be mounted on a variety of highly mobile off road capable transports.

NOTE:  The Pantsir is designed to be used in conjunction with S-300/S-400/S-500 anti-air/anti-missile systems.  If facing a force that contains the Pantsir and S-300 systems, the attacking force would need advanced, high speed, long range stand off missiles to avoid destruction.

Rafael Samson Mk II RWS

Thanks Defesa Global Blogspot for the heads up!  

This is another product that's being introduced at LAAD in Brazil.  Seems like Rafael is trying to push back against Elbits success with a revamped 30MM low profile RWS.  Rafael better hope it sells....the Elbit is gaining market share and is becoming the defacto RWS for guns larger than 25mm.

via Defesa Global

Brazil buys 36 Gepard Anti-Air Armored Vehicles from KMW. News from LAAD!

Note:  I'm beyond a little miffed at the lack of coverage of LAAD by US "military" oriented news sources.

Via Military Technology.
The Brazilian Army has aquired 36 GEPARD anti-aircraft armored vehicles by Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW).
These modernised GEPARD include new C3 capabilities, improvement of target engagement with extended combat range, a new fire control unit, shorter reaction time, and better hit to kill probability.
You're seeing a modern day arms race in S. America.  That many arms flowing into the region with all the simmering rivalries WILL lead to (if we're lucky) at best a few border skirmishes or at worst a couple of regional wars. Yes I'm a broken record but I have yet to see a Think Tank take on the subject.

Perfect Camo.

Disabling DHS MRAPs. Planning has begun.

The longer this gun debate drags on the more alarmed people are becoming.  The left laughs at the concerns of some (myself included) that the bill being brought before the Senate would lead to a gun registry and then to confiscation.  I would point to what New York, and Conneticut has done, but that's besides the point.

Groups/People are starting to actively plan to resist government Law Enforcement Agencies/Personnel.  Check this out from USCROW.
As of 2013, constitutional Americans have witnessed an increase in hostile posturing by the federal government. These hostile actions were clearly outlined by the CMF Website Administrator in the article ‘The American Government continues to target Preppers’. One of the most notable actions outlined in this article was the purchase of 2,700 MRAP Light Armored Vehicles by the Department of Homeland Security. A purchase warranted as unnecessary and irrational by seasoned military and police personnel. This single purchase of MRAPs is understandably unnerving for those in the survival community.
Its high-time Americans wake up and realize our nation is under a continual threat of tyranny. Now let’s step off the soapbox and get informed. When and if (when stressed more than if) the federal government uses light-armored vehicles against Americans, we will need to be fully informed prior to their use. You will need to know what an MRAP is, its capabilities, and its weaknesses. This guide will assist you and your survival group.
Go to their website the read the posting.  I will say that its well researched and although they get a few facts about MRAPs wrong, it does give a good overview of their capabilities and vulnerabilities.

Long story short, the "change" merchants in the nations capital have forgotten something basic.  People are concerned about the economy but they're focusing on anything but.  Next they have forgotten that all the social change that they've succeeded at might be cheered by some, but to others this change is disruptive.

People are reacting.  They're skipping restocking on medications, not eating out, saving on gas buy guns and ammo instead.

The public is armed.  Well armed.  Now we're seeing plans where some people are into planning ACTIVE resistance to Law Enforcement Officials.  These aren't gang members, outlaw bikers but regular people.

America is a powder keg and those in DC don't seem to get it.

LPD's are the new LSD's?

via DoD Buzz.
Marine Corps Commandant Gen. James Amos recommended the Navy replace its dock-landing ships (LSD) with the San Antonio-class amphibious platform docks (LPD) just days after he oversaw the commissioning of the Navy’s newest LPD, the Arlington.
Amos made his recommendation with a caveat Monday at the Sea Air Space Expo sponsored by the Navy League at National Harbor, Md. He said the service must work to make the San Antonion-class LPD more affordable.
An LPD costs about $1.4 billion to build. The ship can transport 800 Marines as well as the 400 sailors that make up its crew.

The Arlington (LPD 24) was commissioned on April 6 in Norfolk. Amphibious transport dock (LPD 25) Somerset is set to go to sea trials this summer and be delivered to the fleet by the end of the year, said Ingalls Shipbuilding President Irwin Edenzon.
The Navy has planned to replace the LSD fleet with a program to build 10 ships. The last one would be delivered by 2032. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the average cost of the LSD replacement ships will cost $1.2 billion per ship.
Navy officials plan to deliver the first LSDs between 2018 and 2022 before the older ones retire. The Navy sees this as a hedge on the risk it took reducing the amphibious ship fleet from 33 to 30.
The cuts to the Navy’s amphibious fleet left many Marine Corps leaders frustrated and worried the service was losing its amphibious roots after ten years fighting land wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The LPD and LSD fleet share similitaries. The major difference is the LPD has a hangar to embark helicopters while the LSD has a helicopter landing area but no hangar.
Ingalls Shipbuilding builds the LPD fleet and supported the commandant’s recommendation, Edenzon said. Ingalls has made the case to utilize the LPD as a LSD replacement and it appears it is receiving support on the highest levels of leadership.
With budgets tightened by sequestration, Edenzon said the Navy will have to perform more missions from single hulls. He highlighted the possibility of building a ballistic missile defense variant of the LPD.
The LPD has the “ability to be the truck” of the Navy’s amphibious fleet, Edenzon said.



No!  I have serious issues with this, but not for the reasons you might think.  The Marine Corps is becoming INCREASINGLY AVIATION CENTRIC!  This might exacerbate the problem.  The LPD is extremely capable.  I would almost classify it as the equal of first generation LHA.  Not only does it carry enough ground combat vehicles to provide a nice combat punch but it also is able to embark a fairly impressive air complement as well.  If the goal is a truly balanced, medium weight force that is TRULY expeditionary, ready when the nation is least ready and is the go to force for the President's 911 calls then we need to reinvigorate our armored force.

Prioritize armor.  Our shipping and aviation is in good shape.