Monday, April 29, 2013

Landing Craft. The world wide view. Part 1.

Note:  This is just a quick and dirty overview.  It isn't a complete list, just a few boats that tickle my fancy.  I'll list more later.

The current darling of the naval world.  For some reason this boat has captured everyone's imagination but for the life of me I can't understand why.  It isn't particularly speedy, has a decent but not remarkable load carrying ability and the platform raising and lowering seems a bit complex without delivering promised performance returns.  Already they're working on an enlarged version which practically says it all.  Its biggest selling point might be that it isn't made  in the USA.

Selected by the Spanish and Australian Navies, this landing craft seems to be an overlooked powerhouse.  Navantia is pumping these out like candy on Halloween and its easy to see why.  With a decent water speed and fantastic load carrying (120 short tons) it really should be considered for purchase to replace our own aging LCM's.  The only negative is that its restricted to the same type beaches as traditional landing craft.

LCU 1600
An unappreciated workhorse for the US Navy and Marines, this is a big, often overloaded stud of a boat that just works.  It isn't fancy, it isn't loved but a replacement is no where to be found.  A true multi-mission boat, you'll find it working amphibious assaults, shuttling cargo from ship to shore, used as a troop barge and doing anything else that must get done.

LCU Mark 10
A British powerhouse.  Operated by the Royal Marines for the Royal Marines, I am personally intrigued by its concept of operation.  It is and has proven capable of operating independently for up to 14 days.  Remember the British Raid on the Somali Pirates in which they landed Bvs-10's (if I remember correctly) to conduct a mechanized attack?  They launched from these landing craft and did the deed.  If I'm reading the concept of operations correctly they could then re-embark, sail down the coast and attack a different target.  Assault from the sea indeed!

China acquires the Zubar Air Cushion Landing Craft.

Chinese Military Review is reporting that Ukraine transferred to the Chinese Navy a ZUBAR Air Cushion Landing Craft.  Unlike US and Allied air cushion vehicles, the Zubar is large and capable of traveling long distances while carrying an impressive load of men and vehicles.  An attack on Taiwan just got easier.

An all wheel Marine Corps?

Is it time for the Marine Corps to drop the amphibious tractor and move toward an all wheeled force?

We would lose some tactical mobility in rough terrain but gain strategic mobility across the board.

I can imagine a whole family of vehicles based off one vehicle type that could fulfill all roles on the battlefield.  Some better, some worse than what we see today.

A mobile gun system, ambulance, command, recovery and engineer vehicle should be simple.  Developing tactics to make up for the weaknesses in the concept might be more difficult.

Our supply chain would simplify, and training for mechanics would also become much easier.  Additionally there wouldn't be any reason why every grunt couldn't get qualified to drive the vehicle.

Last but not least.  The vehicles in the Marine Personnel Carrier contest are ready now.  If we have manufacturers that aren't ready to turn to and start building the vehicle now then fine, you're out of the comp and we'll talk to your competitor.

Don't know if I like it but it is a thought.  Cost is always an issue but if we're talking about going from 500 odd vehicles to over 1500 then that should make Lockheed, BAE, General Dynamics and SAIC situp and take notice and work hard on price.

I just don't know.

Navy League of Australia rips Tiger, embraces Cobra.

Well gawd damn!

I bitch and whine about the state of Marine Armor but Marine Air is sitting in high cotton!

We have the CH-53K waiting in the wings for production to start, we have the AH-1Z/UH-1Y beating expectations (which were high) and we have the Israeli's about to give us a price break on the MV-22 by virtue of them about to buy the airplane.

And now this.

The Navy League of Australia practically begs their country to buy Cobras instead of Tiger Attack Helicopters.

Read about it here.

Royal Marine Boarding Team Training

Royal Marine Boarding Team Training....Pictures taken while the Royal Marines Boarding Team were conducting training on the upper deck of HMS Kent on the 13th April 2013. The training was undertaken to ensure they are fully prepared for the forthcoming operations.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Shootout at nuclear power plant. Ignored while we were watching Boston.

via FoxNews.
An East Tennessee nuclear power plant has added security patrols after a weekend incident in which an officer exchanged gunfire with a man who then fled on a boat.
The FBI and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission are investigating the shooting early Sunday at Tennessee Valley Authority's Watts Bar nuclear power plant near Spring City, Tenn., about 60 miles southwest of Knoxville.
TVA spokesman Jim Hopson said a security officer spotted a man near the bank of the Tennessee River, which is on the property of the plant but outside the plant's fences.
The man, who was wearing a dark hooded sweatshirt, shot at the officer and struck the officer's vehicle. The officer was not injured and returned fire.

Boston was just a case of some idiots, self radicalized idiots at that who decided to bomb a marathon.

Its not part of a larger plan.

We don't have sleeper cells in the US.  Our security is fine.

Would you like some more crack cocaine or is the amount you're smoking if you believe all that sufficient? 

Well Said!

I know there are some anti-gun people in my audience.  I wonder what they have to say in response?

M-60 Battle Tank "TUSK" Variant.

Note:  My Google Translate isn't working on the Korean site that I found these pics on.  This might be new, might be something that our Israeli friends are working might be anything...but it was seen on a US Army transporter.  Noteworthy is the ATK lightweight 25mm gun mount.  I've been wondering when we would see it used.  Any info on this vehicle would be appreciated.  Movie Prop?????

CDR Salamander's blast from the past.

I might have posted this before, but everytime I see it I have a serious moment of...WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY THINKING!

An automatic 8 inch gun?  Ready to go?  Available YEARS ago!

Its enough to make a Marine bleary eyed.  Instead what do we have to look forward to?  A Marine Personnel Carrier Program on hold...An Amphibious Combat Vehicle Program that can't get going...A reinvention of the wheel with a mini SPMAGTF in Africa that's based off transport by MV-22's (I'm seriously worried that they're going to fly into trouble ... maybe a terrorist ambush ...they read papers/press releases too.  I can see it now.  An embassy reinforcement turns into a shit sandwich from hell.) and last on this list (but definitely not the last on THE list) a Mobile Landing Platform that will probably end up being used by SOCOM for a Afloat Staging Base.

Go here to read Salamanders take on the gun.

NavWeps Website.

Lenco Armored Vehicle pat on the back vid. Is this what Martial Law looks like????

I stated during the search for the terrorist that the number of Lenco Armored Vehicles visible makes them the defacto armored law enforcement vehicle in the US.

I also said that if they didn't make a video advertising that fact that they were crazy.

Seeing the vid is giving me pause though.  They definitely need a person with a better eye towards things...the video looks like occupation one oh one.  It looks like martial law.  It looks like scared civilians being preyed upon by an invading army.

Don't believe me?  Check it out for yourself....

SIDENOTE:  The applause at the end is telling.  All this for TWO GUYS???  What would a platoon of terrorist do to New York or Los Angeles or Chicago?  How would our politicians react?  More importantly.  What would the American people demand from them?  I draw one conclusion.  If we are ever hit hard enough by terrorist our democracy will die and WE WILL CHEER while WE are tearing up the constitution.

SIDENOTE 1:  Remember also that despite the HEAVY POLICE PRESENCE they did not catch the terrorist until they lifted the shelter in place prohibition!  Remember that they did not find any vest bombs...found that they used only one handgun --- no assault rifles.  Two young men.  TWO!  Shut down a major American city.


Modest Proposal. Bring back the Air Contingency MAGTF.

Lance Cpl. James Gulliver
A light armored vehicle carrying Marines serving with 1st Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion unloaded out of a C-17 Globemaster cargo plane during a strategic mobility exercise here, April 24, 2013. The C-17’s long-range capability gives 1st LAR the ability to deploy worldwide at a moment’s notice. The Marines learned the basics of loading and unloading from aircraft to prepare for upcoming deployments.

I won't bother rehashing the posted story that accompanied these pics but a quote or two is a bit eye opening.
“We are the reconnaissance element of the ground forces, so we need to be able to engage and eliminate any threats that might present themselves to us on our missions,” said Staff Sgt. Phillip Broberg, a master gunner serving with Delta Company, 1st LAR.
Once the Marines arrive at their destination they have the capabilities to perform either counter-insurgency missions, or humanitarian missions.
“Not everything we do is combat-related,” said Lt. Col. Gilbert Juarez, the commanding officer of 1st LAR. “We are capable of helping the local populace with supplies and other items they might need.”
“Our Marines will continue dedicating themselves to their training, and to fighting future conflicts,” the San Diego native said. “I have complete faith that all my Marines are up to any challenge.”
Whether it is a terrorist attack, or a hurricane stricken land the Marines of 1st LAR have the rapid deployment capabilities to reach their objectives.
If the Marine Corps is becoming so multi-purpose that combat missions aren't the main emphasis then its understandable (not acceptable) why a new formation was developed to respond to crisis in Africa.

That would be a sad state of affairs though.  To float MEU's and not believe that they're for combat?  It seems unthinkable but I'm beginning to wonder.

Having said all that, if the MEU is still the forward deployed combat force that I believe it to be then all that the Marine Corps actually needs to do is to bring back the Air Contingency MAGTF.

via Global Security...
In the event of a fast-breaking crisis, an Air Contingency MAGTF (ACM) may be the first MAGTF on the scene. Air contingency forces may be dispatched to respond to fast-developing crises. An air contingency MAGTF is an on-call, combat-ready task organization that can begin deployment by strategic airlift within 18 hours of notification. The fixed wing aircraft of the air contingency MAGTF will normally self-deploy. Both Marine Corps Forces Atlantic and Marine Corps Forces Pacific maintain air contingency MAGTFs in a continuous state of readiness.
The ACM is composed of regular MEF combat and support forces on standby. As long as no crisis exists, they continue normal operations. However, if a crisis erupts and the call "Send in the Marines" is sounded, the forces form as a cohesive MAGTF and prepare for the mission at hand.
Unlike the MEU(SOC), which has the ability to force its way ashore in the face of armed opposition, ACMs require a secure airfield to which to deploy. Given this, an ACM can be precisely sized for the mission and available airlift, ranging in size from a reinforced rifle company with a small combat service support element, up to a regimental size force, complete with headquarters, aviation, and combat service support elements. As such, they can be employed for a variety of independent conventional missions, or reinforce other first-on-the-scene Marine or joint forces.
An air contingency MAGTF can deploy independently or in conjunction with a Marine expeditionary unit (special operations capable), maritime prepositioning force, or other expeditionary force. Unlike maritime prepositioning force troops who deploy without most of their organic equipment in anticipation of marrying up in theater with that from the maritime prepositioning squadrons, air contingency forces must deploy to the theater with all of the organic equipment they require. Also unlike maritime prepositioning forces, air contingency forces do not have an organic sustainment capability.
Does the above concept sound familiar?

Does it sound like a certain office is re-inventing the wheel and just basing it on a smaller, less capable unit?

Does the smaller less capable unit sound like its tailor made for a Ft. Apache type deployment(meaning it will get into trouble that will require other units to save it from)?

If your answer to any of those questions was yes then you understand why the Air Contingency MAGTF makes more sense and will probably bring more combat power to bear.  500 Marines assigned to the unit in Spain.  Probably 250 are trigger pullers.  Yeah.  I'd rather have an AC-MAGTF and/or MEU fly/sail in and fight than watch a section of MV-22's on fire at a  contested landing zone in a far off land.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Adding teeth to the Combined Anti-Armor Team.

An event went under everyone's radar a couple of weeks ago because we were all focused on the DAGR missile being fired from a ground vehicle.

I didn't take into account what this could mean for established Marine Corps units.

Like the Combined Anti-Armor Team.  The concept has merit and is an on again, off again formation, but add the trailer from Lockheed Martin--with the Pedestal Mount (possibly raise it and use the 4 pack for hellfire missiles instead of the single mounts)---with two quad packs of DAGR missiles and you have enough firepower being towed by one vehicle to lay at least half a company of mechanized infantry to waste.

That's more firepower than a LAV-AT (anti-tank)...In the defense you can drop the trailer, put your fire control system in the bush and you have an instant anti-armor ambush set up and ready to be controlled by a couple of a chokepoint the results could be devastating.

We watched the video without seeing the possibilities.  Eyes open now.

The 26th MEU is on call. Why a new SPMAGTF?

To almost no fanfare, the USMC stood up a new Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force based out of Sigonella.

Why is this important?

Because the 26th MEU is afloat off the horn of Africa.  Because the Marine Corps also deployed another SPMAGTF-12 (Africa) to do training missions with African States.

Because the USMC has officially stood up a SPMAGTF that is based off getting to battle with MV-22's and KC-130's.

This is a step back from getting feet wet again.  It also goes
against the best case for joint operations.  Its dabbling in Army roles and missions.  Ever heard of the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team?  They're Europe's strategic reserve and in a pinch can be deployed far and include locations in Africa.

This doesn't count the Special Forces Group that has Africa as part of its geographic area of responsibility.  It also doesn't include the Army Rangers that are capable of deploying and responding to flash points quickly.

For some reason during a time of austerity, the USMC head shed has chosen to duplicate missions that are already being performed by a US Army Brigade Combat Team, various elements of SOCOM (that I know about) and US Marine Corps Marine Expeditionary Units.

I would like a simple answer to a simple question.  Why?

I photograph you.... you aim at me?

People are mostly idiots.  They want to believe that the rules apply and that there is order to the universe.

The above photo is from The Truth About Guns.  Interesting isn't it.  You take a pic of him and he points his weapon at you.

A direct violation of safe weapon handling rules...unless he actually intends to destroy the person he's aiming at...

So how is this fairytale working out for you?  Do you still believe its about public safety or are you finally beginning to understand that its about control of the public.