Monday, May 13, 2013

Textron TAPV for Canadian Special Operations?

Thanks for the article Jonathan.

via Defense News.
VICTORIA, BRITISH COLUMBIA — Canada’s special operations forces will try once again to purchase a new fleet of vehicles for long-range reconnaissance patrols and urban warfare.
The first attempt to purchase such vehicles began in 2008 but was put on hold two years later after procurement officials with the Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM) determined that existing vehicles on the market did not meet requirements.
But military sources said the command overreached on its requirements the first time around and will now take a more realistic approach. They expect to buy an off-the-shelf vehicle now in service with allied special operations units and then modify the vehicles to meet specific Canadian needs.
CANSOFCOM wants to purchase 100 vehicles, with the project estimated to cost around CAN $100 million (US $98 million).
The special reconnaissance, or SR, variant would be primarily used for off-road travel and long-range patrols. The SR variant would be required to operate independently for extended periods in enemy territory, carry its maintenance and logistics materials, and be able to operate on substandard fuel if needed.
A quick-reaction variant would be designed for operations, primarily in urban terrain, and since it would be exposed to a greater degree of enemy threat, it would require a high level of protection.
CANSOFCOM declined to comment on the new procurement, but sources said the command expects to go to industry in late May or early June to gauge interest in the project. Delivery of a new vehicle fleet would be set for early 2015. The new vehicles would be operated by the Canadian Special Operations Regiment, located at Canadian Forces Base Petawawa, but provided to other Canadian spec ops units as needed.
The vehicles are to replace Humvees that were purchased in April 2002 for use in Afghanistan. CANSOFCOM refers to those as reconnaissance-direct action vehicles. Those vehicles, which are armored, have returned from Afghanistan and have undergone a refit and overhaul.
Martin Shadwick, a strategic studies professor at York University in Toronto, said this time CANSOFCOM is proceeding in a manner that makes sense.
Since Canada orders equipment so infrequently, the military tends to place excessive requirements that industry has trouble meeting under a limited budget, Shadwick said.
“We tend to go for an all-singing, all-dancing approach as in this first [special operations] procurement, but that ultimately works against us,” he said. “Sometimes, having a vehicle that doesn’t meet all of your requirements, but meets, say, 95 percent of them, is the way to go, rather than risking burning the entire project down.”
CANSOFCOM did not release details on which requirements current vehicles could not meet during the first attempt at procuring such systems.
In December 2011, CANSOFCOM commander Brig. Gen. Denis Thompson told Defense News that the command also has a representative assigned to monitor the Canadian Army’s procurement of a new tactical armored patrol vehicle (TAPV).
The Army selected Textron Canada of Ottawa to build those wheeled armored vehicles; one variant would be for a general utility requirement, the other for reconnaissance. The first deliveries of both variants of the TAPV are expected to begin in 2014.
Thompson left open the option that CANSOFCOM might decide to piggyback on the Army order and acquire some TAPVs for its own purposes.
Its interesting to watch how Canada is approaching this requirement.  A long range vehicle able to operate on its own for extended periods over rough terrain?  Seems like a bit of military fiction...not even Snipers head out in 2 man teams to take on the enemy anymore and I can't imagine that you would send out a unit in a Recon vehicle by themselves.  Your mileage may vary though (pun intended).  The really stunning thing is that Canada didn't take a look at the German solution..the Fennek.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Marine Corps armored history is found in old, out of print books.

Here is our armored history.  Books like this one I found on Scribd or in the backroom of a second hand bookstore gathering dust. I don't know if the Marine Corps Historical Division is doing any work to preserve the armored part of Marine history but I'm intrigued and will definitely be sending them an e-mail to find out.

DEA FAST Teams. At the root of the militarization of police forces.

pics via SÅ‚awomir Ruszkowski picasso album

If you're like me and you're a bit alarmed at the militarization of the police then I think I can point you in the direction of the why.

I've been Googling like crazy to find a quote from the President Bush Jr where he stated that he wanted full government participation in the wars.  I distinctly remember him saying so.  This was in keeping with the Rumsfeld doctrine of having a smaller that did not duplicate functions performed by other federal agencies.

This led to several federal law enforcement agencies gearing up and sending teams to the war zone to do missions that once would have been performed by old fashioned "Light Infantry" or Military Police units.

DEA FAST Teams are the perfect example of this.  Read about them here.  But suffice it to say that they model themselves after SEAL Teams to include a Trident on their patch....

Its hard to criticize the guys.  They're operating in a war zone and need to be equipped to survive AND achieve their mission.

I AM CRITICIZING THE FORMER PRESIDENT.  He made another ill conceived decision that is having ramifications far beyond his limited view.  Obama isn't to blame for this trend.  It lays at the feet of the former President and his efforts to fight a war on the cheap.

Make no mistake about it.  Other federal law enforcement agencies have teams down range.  US Marshals?  Definitely.  A similarly equipped special ops type group.  ICE?  Yep.  The same.  FBI?  ATF?  The other alphabet soup agencies?  You betcha.

So I have my answer and while it doesn't make me happy and doesn't point toward a solution it does at least give me a starting point for when this all started.

VBM Freccia. The Italian Stryker--only better.

all photos are from Wikipedia...and they're of the VBM Freccia...the Italian "Stryker"..only better.

UK Armed Forces Commentary's has an excellent article that is a MUST read on the Italian Medium Weight Brigade.

Take the time to follow the link to his house.  Its worth it---I guarantee!

Blast from the past. MOWAG Shark.

 All photos are from screen captures I did from a "history of MOWAG" video.  The quality varies because the individual photos did on the vid and my experience using this method is still in its infancy.

The Mowag Shark was another of those private ventures that was started to fill a perceived need in the armor market.  It was tested with various turrets and like many privately funded projects offered much promise but found no buyers.

I'm beginning to believe that many of the best armored designs never make it to production.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Can you say FLANK SPEED!

Photo by AEC Medrano

That is a freaking water spout.  Let me say it again.  Those ships are being chased by a freaking water spout!  Story from MSFSC News.

Life at sea is never boring: stars at night, porpoises off the bow, and, yes, underway replenishment activities. This photo, taken by AEC Jose Medrano, shows USS Ramage making her approach towards USNS Arctic in preparation for a replenishment evolution. Also shown in the photo is a waterspout. Waterspouts are tubular columns of rotating cloud-filled wind, which extend from the underside of a cumulus cloud down to a cloud of spray torn up by the whirling winds, from the surface of an ocean or lake. In this case, the ocean is the Atlantic in the Jacksonville, Fla., operating area. This is what a tornado at sea looks like ...
Thanks to USNS Arctic and AEC Medrano for this very nautical submission.

If you're in FATAL-ville (go armed) then head to Sicily Jump Zone...

Come out to Holland Drop Zone today to see 1st Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division's jump. Time on target is 2-3 p.m. and 5-5:50 p.m. Airborne!
Want to see some bad PLF's?  Guys dragging their ass off the jump zone on busted knees and ankles?  Want to see one of the most dynamic forms of forcible entry?  Then make sure you see a mass drop.  Put it on your bucket list..couldn't imagine doing it in a combat situation but it does help you understand why the bastards are so damn cocky.

Indian Aircraft Carriers and the MIG-29K...

Photos via JeffHead Blog.

story via
Indian Navy’s indigenously-built aircraft carrier would be launched on August 12 this year, while INS Vikramaditya (purchased from Russia) will arrive before the end of 2013, Union Defence Minister A K Antony said here on Saturday.
“INS Vikramaditya is going to be a reality, as promised the ship would be delivered before the end of this year,” Antony told reporters after the commissioning of fighter aircraft MiG29K into Navy at INS Hansa here.
“While on one side Vikramaditya is coming this year, on August 12 we are going to launch indigenous aircraft carrier at Cochin,” he said, without elaborating further.
Asserting that the country was giving a thrust to modernisation of defence forces, Antony said, “Navy modernisation is one area where we are going fast-paced now.
“Almost all the navies of important countries want close cooperation with the Indian Navy,” he said, adding that “Indian Navy is well-prepared, most modern and (one of) the most capable navies of the world.
“(Over) Last many years, there has been well-planned induction wherein we are replacing old platforms and adding new ones,” he said.
Things are heating up big time between China and India...while we're watching China with suspicion so is India.  Quite honestly the Chinese are caught between a rock and a hard place.  They are surrounded by technologically capable enemies/frenemies and their arms build up might be viewed as a matter of survival...NOT aggression.  Either way, India is showing that they're willing to keep pace and with the introduction of the former Russian carrier along with a home built model they will at the very least achieve parity soon.  The pic below shows the "home built" carrier under construction.

Last but not least is another story from about MIG-29Ks.
Defence Minister AK Anthony will commission the multi-role MiG-29K carrier-borne fighter jets into the Indian Navy today. These MiGs will form the Black Panthers Squadron, which will be based at the INS Hansa. The aircrafts will be part of the carrier INS Vikramaditya, currently undergoing sea trials in Russia and expected to be inducted later this year. With this commissioning, the Indian Navy,which is celebrating the diamond jubilee of its aviation wing, will give itself cutting edge in force multiplier and projection. ‘K’ in the aircraft’s name stands for ‘Korabelny’ meaning ‘Carrier Borne’ in Russian.
The MIG-29K is a potent carrier borne fighter, which,once integrated with ‘INS Vikramaditya’ will bolster the Navy’s potency with its multi-role capability, navy officials told Herald.Herald got a preview of the aircraft armed with its
arsenal, including advanced anti-aircraft and anti-ship missiles, bombs and sophisticated systems to support weapons delivery, that according to officials, will not only be able to dominate the air in all areas of conflict but also project power to meet the nation’s military objectives as well as enhance Indian Navy’s capability to exercise air
superiority in its area of influence.45 MIG-29K aircrafts have been ordered from Russia.
In April, the Defence Ministry approved the Long Term Integrated Perspective Plan(LTIPP) for 2012-27 as a way to ensure 24×7 intelligence,surveillance and reconnaissance capability in the Indian Ocean and planning for a deterrent presence of at least one carrier task force each on India’s western and eastern seafronts. This means an integrated network of ships,aircraft, submarines, UAVs,helicopters, satellites and ground facilities. The Navy will raise a second squadron of MIG-29Ks for the Indigenous Aircraft Carrier (IAC-1) being built at Kochi. Herald took an exclusive
look at the aircraft and spoke to the pilots who briefed the reporter about the advanced fighter aircraft at INS Hansa.
An F-18 sized fighter which is also truly multi-purpose will give Indian foes headaches.  Personally I see it as a formidable anti-ship plane...especially if they equip it with some of the missiles I've watched India co-develop with the Russians.  Quite honestly Pakistan is no longer a concern unless you're talking about nuclear warfare or terrorist attacks.  India is aiming its armed forces at China.

Does the ammo shortage point to the future?


I found this video on SHTF Blog.  It made me come to a few conclusions/thoughts...

1.  Even government agencies can be caught flat footed when it comes to hard goods.
2.  This law enforcement agency didn't have the "contacts" to source ammo from Federal or State agencies...or worse, they didn't have extra either.
3.  This is a bonafide shortage.  The demand has far outstripped the supply.  The Democrats keep pushing gun control despite the knowledge that Americans are "gunning up"...this speaks of either conviction on their part or downright fear and the desire to put an end to gun ownership.
4.  This might point to a future where actual goods...whether food, water, clothes, tools etc...are considered more valuable than the money to buy them.

My last point should send a chill through the spine of everyone that isn't a hard core prepper (me included).  The thought that you can't go out and buy what you need because it can't be found (or easily found) should make everyone think twice.

This is the tin foil hat (some of you will say) future that I see.  I ain't happy about it but I'm going to adjust accordingly...especially when it comes to must have items.

EXF Radkampfwagen 90...Tank Destroyer Supreme.

via Jedsite.
Daimler-Benz carried out a research study during the mid-1980s to see if it was feasible to produce an armoured wheeled vehicle larger than the, then 20-ton, theoretical weight limit. Once they had established that it was possible to produce wheeled armoured vehicles in the 30-35-ton class they developed the EXF [Lit; Experimentalfahrzeug or experimental vehicle]. Subsequent to its production it was entered in the Bundewehr's Panther tank destroyer program but was not successful mainly because of a lack of commonality with existing vehicles.
The design is a modular concept that features standard components including Daimler-Benz OM400 series water-cooled, turbo-charged diesel engine. The variable drive train allows it to be installed as a front or rear engined vehicle and has sufficient flexibility in its output to allow heavier armour or armament to be fitted to the vehicle. The design of the vehicle allows turrets of up to 14.5-ton to be fitted.
The vehicle is equipped with CTS combat wheels which allow the tyre pressure to be raised or lowered at will to suit the terrain being crossed.
Our armor history is being lost.  Its almost heartbreaking. Enough whining though, onto a related subject below are pics of the Thyssen Henschel TH400, its generationally related and some speculate that it was offered to the South Africans for the project that eventually led to the Rooikat.  Information like that on the Radkampfwagen 90, is rather spotty.  It bears repeating.  OUR ARMOR HISTORY IS BEING LOST!  How do you reverse it?  I have no idea, but I'm open to suggestions.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Blast from the past...M-8 light tank chassis with LOSAT missiles...

Friday Funny.

via SGT Grit.

3D Gun Ban Push Back Begins....

The above photo was posted to DefDist's Twitter feed.  From the looks of things, it appears to be a 3D gun produced in New Hampshire.

The pushback has begun.

Note:  Go to some gun blogs today and read the articles.  But do yourself a favor and don't stop there.  Read the comments.  As loud as I am, as quick as I am to cuss and fuss, you will find people that are priming themselves to go active.  This will get messy.

A quick glance at a new class of armored vehicle.

Otokar Arma 8x8 with Cockerill 105mm gun.

The Arma 8x8 with the Cockerill 105mm gun is the latest in a line of armored vehicles that is deserving of a new designation.

The US Army probably got it right when they called their big gun Stryker a Mobile Gun System...they set a trend but it was by accident.  The goal for the MGS was to make all associated weapon systems fit on the Stryker platform..finding the best vehicle to provide infantry support was a distant second or third thought.  But the Stryker MGS wasn't the first bite at the apple that the Army had for a MGS....

The Cadillac Gage LAV-600 was an independent venture that would have made a formidable gun system.  Mobility would have been outstanding and the 105mm, manned turret would have been a war winner.  Unfortunately this vehicle was developed before its time and despite the acclaim it found with armor enthusiast never found a buyer.

Many people overlook the South African Rooikat but its proven itself to be a powerful performer.  It has true out the box anti-mine protection and showed itself capable of traveling long distances in the S. African wilderness patrolling against marauding terrorists.  On this list it is probably the most proven vehicle in its designated role.  Additionally it's also one of the few on the list that is designed solely for its intended mission of highly mobile other words its not a big gun wedded to an APC chassis.

The ERC-90 has seen a revival in its fortunes due to its performance in the French Mali Intervention.  Its extremely lightweight and mounts what amounts to be a medium caliber gun but its strategic mobility and firepower against fortifications and infantry have made it relevant again in French formations.

The AMX-10 is another of those classic French recon vehicles that is finding its true calling to be a fire support vehicle.  Like the ECR-90, its finding new found fame in the Mali Intervention and with a series of upgrades having recently been done, it looks like its role into the future is secure...perhaps more secure than the LeClerc which has been noticeably absent from the fighting.

Unknown to many but the Russians haven't been left out of the mobile gun parade.  The above vehicles are BTR-60PBs.  If you ever served on Gitmo you got a brief on these vehicles.  Not too impressive unless you're part of a rifle company and you realize that you have no armor and help is hours away at best.

China isn't to be left off this list and although they list the PTL-02 as a wheeled tank destroyer, I feel comfortable labeling it a fire support vehicle.  The Chinese have too many frontline main battle tanks with the means to get them to any theater they're needed quickly to think that these wheeled beast will be out hunting our armor.  It follows conventional thinking and is simply a large caliber gun on an APC chassis.

Last but definitely not least is the Centaur.  Its big, its fast, its heavily armored and armed.  Of all the vehicles on this list, the Centaur is the one that would make me pause.  Its being upgraded (armor) and shows all the hallmarks of being able to slug it out in a gunfight.  Again, its listed as a tank destroyer but (again) I think its calling is as a real deal, 100% fires support vehicle.  Have a bunker you can't crack?  Air support hours away due to weather?  Regiment is screaming like a banshee because you're holding up the advance?  Roll up the Centaur and let the YAT-YAS (or whatever the Italians call there guys) boys take care of it.

The future is really clear.  A JLTV will cost 250,000 dollar a copy.  An IFV costs (if you're talking about a German Puma) about 10 million dollars per.  With those prices I don't want to even contemplate the cost of a NEW BUILD main battle tank with the latest tech.

I've talked about the end of the tank in Marine Corps service due to strategic mobility concerns.  The real threat to the tank (at least in the future) might well be cost.  Infantry Support Vehicle. I like the sound of that.  Get used to it.  From the look of things that's the new trend in armor.

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Harpers Ferry here we come...

With the gun control bill being defeated in the Senate and the NRA convention having come to a successful conclusion, I really thought that the powers that be had finally gotten the message and that they would back off the divisive rhetoric and let the American people concentrate on getting their personal finances together and for the government to start working on the economy.

No such luck.

The internet is AFLAME with outrage over that SHITTY little 3D gun.  Yeah, let me say it again.  Its a SHITTY LITTLE GUN that has the effectiveness of rain on a duck.  What the powers that be either don't know, or refuse to tell the masses is that their are plenty of people with the basic skill set to make a functioning firearm in their own garages.

Do you have a great mechanic that works on your car?  They can do it.  Do you live in the country and know a student that makes straight A's in shop class?  They probably have the skill set.  Do you know a machinist, metal worker or someone that is a whiz with computer aided design?  They can do it.  As a matter of fact I would bet body parts that most CAD students with an interest in guns have probably tried to replicate this guys work.

The horse has left the barn and all that is left is the view of an OVERBEARING GOVERNMENT.

This is just my opinion but you just lost all hopes of a compromise on gun issues with this move.

Law Enforcement and now government agents of all stripes will be viewed with suspicion in the South, Midwest and West.  The President sought to be leader of the American people and with this move he has solidified his place as being leader of the Northeast and Pacific states only.

Harpers Ferry here we come...the only thing we need is a bad raid by the ATF or Homeland Security and things will pop.  

Jankel develops hot forming armoring.

via UPI
WASHINGTON, May 6 (UPI) -- A unique, armored Toyota Land Cruiser will be on display at the Special Operations Forces Industry Conference in Florida next week. The vehicle's armoring -- certified to BRV2009/VR7 and ERV 2010 protection levels -- was attached by Jankel Tactical Systems through a hot-forming process that reduces weak points in the armor package, simplifies installation and lightens up-armored vehicle weight.  "All of this results in increased capability at a similar price point as conventionally armored solutions," said Jankel. "Hot-formed armor represents a leap in what Jankel can offer to users to fulfill their evolving protection requirements."  Jankel said conventional armoring of vehicles with complex shapes involves measuring, cutting fitting and then welding individual pieces to fit tightly to the contours of the vehicle. If larger pieces are used, internal volume of the vehicle can be compromised.  Hot-forming allows the manufacture of complex shapes not possible with conventional methods. Only 31 pieces of armor were used to armor the Land Cruiser instead of the more than 300 that would be needed using conventional methods.
Seems like a no brainer for the State Dept, DEA, US Marshals, CIA and even SOCOM if they ever get back to doing business old skool...I need to find out more about hot forming armoring and if it delivers the same protection. If it does then I can definitely see possible military applications.  More to come.

RNAS Yeovilton Air Days's Fast Jets

all photos via the Royal Navy...

3D gun banned! Too late bitches! We all have copies of the files! (CORRECTION)

via SHTF Plan.

Today, they found a way. The government, through the enforcement division of US Office of Defense Trade Controls Compliance, has demanded that Defense Distributed remove access to all plans for The Liberator project claiming that it may violate the Arms Export Control Act by releasing technical data without prior authorization from the Directorate of Defense Trade.
What this means is that Defense Distributed has allegedly disclosed the gun’s plans illegally.
But here’s the kicker.
They didn’t violate the law by disclosing the blueprints to American citizens. Rather, they are being forced to remove America’s access to the plans because the technical data made available on their wiki web site was accessible by foreign states or individuals, an action which apparently requires authorization from the United States government.
The letter, issued by the US Department of State, says:
“DTCC/END is conducting a review of technical data made publicly available by Defense Distributed through its 3D printing website,, the majority of which appear to be related to items in Category I of the USML. Defense Distributed may have released ITAR-controlled technical data without required prior authorization from the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC), a violation of the ITAR.”
“The Department believes Defense Distributed may not have established the proper jurisdiction of the subject technical data. To resolve this matter officially, we request that Defense Distributed submit Commodity Jurisdiction (CJ) determination requests for the following selection of data files available on, and any other technical data for which Defense Distributed is unable to determine proper jurisdiction:
1. Defense Distributed Liberator pistol
2. .22 el3ectric
3. 125mm BK-14M high-explosive anti-tank warhead
4. 5.56/.223 muzzle brake
5. Springfield XD-40 tactical slide assembly
6. Sound Moderator – slip on
7. “The Dirty Diane” ½-28 to 3/4-16 STP S3600 oil filter silencer adapter
8. 12 gauge .22 CB sub-caliber insert
9. Voltlock electronic black powder system
10. VZ-58 front sight”
The letter goes on, “Until the Department provides Defense Distributed with final CJ determinations, Defense Distributed should treat the above technical data as ITAR-controlled. This means that all such data should be removed from public access immediately. Defense Distributed should also review the remainder of the data made public on its website to determine whether any additional data may be similarly controlled and proceed according to ITAR requirements.”
Made available by
I'm not sorry to say it ....

The US Department of Defense (The Truth About Guns Blog says that this "bureau" is a part of the State Dept...they've always been chicken shit...nothing new with that)has officially become a chicken shit outfit.

They are now just carrying the water for the Justice Department and instead of using real deal 100 percent legal means to end something that they (the Government) finds distasteful, they instead use trickery.

Its bullshit.

Its also too late.  Everyone I know has already downloaded the files.  Whats worse is that no one really took the whole thing seriously...I mean true gun guys know that you can build a rudimentary gun in a machine shop that will perform 100 times better than this gimmick.  Now they've made it a cause celeb.
