Friday, June 21, 2013

Guys are going Galt.

The pushback from these years (Obama Administration) is going to be intense, furious and at times spectacular.

I can sense that the "change" artist know that they're pushing the bounds...but push them they will.

Still.  Check out this article.  Its worth the read and the implications should be chilling.  

Marine Corps! Air Assault! Table Salt! Hooah/Ooorah!

And the move toward becoming a sea going 101st Airborne continues....


CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. - More than 35 Marine Corps aircraft will transport a battalion of infantry Marines from Camp Pendleton to Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center at Twentynine Palms to conduct an air assault training mission as part of Dawn Blitz, Friday, June 21.

3rd Marine Aircraft Wing aircraft participating in the mission will include the MV-22B Osprey, CH-53E Super Sea Stallion, UH-1Y Super Huey, AH-1Z Super Cobra, KC-130J Super Hercules and AV-8B Harrier. The 500 Marines conducting the assault are assigned to 2nd Battalion, 1st Marines, 1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade.

Dawn Blitz 2013 is a multinational exercise that the Navy and Marine Corps use to enhance their amphibious expeditionary tactics, techniques and procedures. This bilateral exercise represents the Navy and Marine Corps' ongoing efforts to meet the challenges of future conflicts, overseas contingency operations, humanitarian assistance/disaster response and homeland defense. Canada, Japan, and New Zealand are also participating in the exercise.

"Marine Aircraft Wing 16's participation in Dawn Blitz 2013 is significant on multiple levels. Having the opportunity to work with the international participants is vital for enhancing our ability to respond to crises as part of a joint or combined effort. This partnership builds confidence and trust that is essential for providing regional security, stability and prosperity. Friday's airlift is also noteworthy because it will demonstrate MAG-16's unique ability to conduct a tactical insert of a battalion-size infantry unit in a single wave of aircraft. This type of mission is the foundation of Marine aviation and provides realistic, relevant training necessary for effective global crisis response," said Marine Aircraft Wing 16 Commanding Officer, Col. Patrick A. Gramuglia.
When you have a pussy ass wing commander acting as Commandant, you get pussy ass ideas.  Air Assault...Table Salt....or should I say Sea Salt?

Friday Funny.

Rioting in Turkey and Brazil. Could we be next?

Did the rioting in Turkey catch you off guard?  Me too.  Did you see the drama in Brazil coming?  I didn't either.

I'm a little disappointed because I'm cheering both countries as they become military powers and it would appear that domestic considerations might put a damper on my timescale for them.

One thing that I am keeping an eye on is the Immigration debate.  What happens if the Senate passes it but the House rejects it?

Yeah.  Rioting.  Civil Disturbance on a mass scale.  Think about this.  Do you remember the large protests that we saw to show support for a new immigration law a couple years ago?  What happens when those same number of people assemble but this time they're pissed?

I figure it to all hit the fan right after the 4th.

A Tough Bunch

U.S. Marines assigned to Company I, Battalion Landing Team (BLT) 3/2, 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, board an MV-22B Osprey assigned to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron (VMM) 266 (Reinforced), at King Faisal Air Base in Jordan, June 14, 2013. Exercise Eager Lion 2013 is an annual, multinational exercise designed to strengthen military-to-military relationships and enhance security and stability in the region by responding to modern-day security scenarios. The 26th MEU is deployed to the 5th Fleet area of responsibility as part of the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group. The 26th MEU operates continuously across the globe, providing the president and unified combatant commanders with a forward-deployed, sea-based quick reaction force. (U.S. Marine Corps photograph by Sgt. Christopher Q. Stone / Released)

X3 Speed Record Celebration Pics

Who are the top trainers?

I was talking to Terry and it made me think to ask. Who do you consider to be the top military trainers?

My list is as follows...

1. Haley.

2. Vickers.

3. Rogers

4. Defoor

5. McNamara

6. Costa

7. Panone

8. Pincus

I go by credentials teaching method, information provided to students, style in which info is provided, and how innovative I think each person is.

My big thing is I've been through boot camp and don't need you barking at me like I'm a boot. Talk to me, show me where I did it wrong so I can fix it and keep your shit up to date as the threat evolves.

Your list might be different and I can understand that but if you could give reasons why.

Amphibious Assault hard? Then Airborne Assault is impossible!

Reality check.

If you talk about amphibious assault in terms like "we won't be doing another D-Day" or "Iwo Jima" then you haven't thought about the operational art of warfare at all.

Consider the other two forms.  Airborne and Air Assault.

Air Assault was laid to waste in an Iraqi Desert by a well planned helo trap courtesy of a smart Iraqi Commander, bad intel and overly optimistic mission planners in the Combat Aviation Brigade.

But Airborne Assault is usually the hat that everyone likes to wear as being the solution...the only solution to our forcible entry needs.

How stupid can that type of thinking be?!!!?!!

A group of C-17's being escorted by fighters is going to cross into enemy territory, drop its battalion or more of paratroops, keep them resupplied, reinforce them with additional paratroops and then link up with friendly forces?

Are you smoking crack?

You couldn't even perform an Airborne Forcible Entry Op into Syria right now...much less against a fully functioning government with a competent military....

Whats my point?


All forms of forcible entry carry risks. Airborne and Air Assaults are as risky (or more) than amphibious assaults.  

USS Enterprise. A sad end to a great ship.

50 years...something like 4 wars...she did her job well.  What a beautiful ship.  Too bad she can't be converted to a floating base.

French Amphibious Ops.

Note:  I just can't warm up to the LCAT.  Another thing.  Are the French capable of carrying out an amphibious assault?  I don't think so.  Administrative landings and LIMITED amphibious raids, but assaults are a bridge too far for them.

26th MEU. Eager Lion 2013 pics.

Female Servicemembers. Not so simple.

Females in the military.  In combat units.  Its not as simple as many would lead you to believe.  There will be friction because sexuality is a constant.  It is a fact.  The following pics illustrate my point.  If you're a guy in the same unit with one of these females can you be charged for viewing these pics?  I don't know but I do get that impression.

A great deal of attention has been placed at the feet of men...but what about female behavior in all this?  I'm NOT saying to blame the victim, but I am saying that if you're going to charge a LCpl for having a picture of his girlfriend in the nude inside his wall locker then you've got to do the same if you have a female service member that is discrediting the uniform by posing semi-naked.


That would make the commander a dick, but it would be fair...and guys are watching to see that they're treated fairly ... especially in the environment that we live in today.

Wow. This is sad.

The Oral IV debate in the gun community.

Being a gun guy is fun.

Whats not so fun is the base commercialism that crept into it.  First you had a glut of instructors hitting the market...many of them that I wouldn't trust with a weapon, no less teaching about how to properly use them.

Then we have the gear manufacturers.  Many of them put out top flight stuff but many others just put out crap...and then they get some guy from some team telling you that its the best thing since sunshine.

And then you have gun guys themselves that are pushing the latest and greatest piece of gear acting as if you don't have a particular trinket then you're not worthy to share the range.

It would be funny if it wasn't true.

The latest?  We have dueling videos.  One put out by the Morrison System (never heard of them but that means nothing) that says Oral IV is a better than tap water.

Then we have one put out by Pincus (this guy I do know...he's a big name in firearms training) saying that its legit.  I don't know the chemistry behind it all but its interesting to watch and the comments are worth it.

Watch the Morrison System Vid here.

Watch the Pincus Vid here.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

This is approved!

Pic of the day via HeliOps Magazine.

QinetiQ North America highlights its AAV upgrade proposal.

One question.

How much money is being allotted to upgrading individual vehicles? We need a cost analysis comparing upgrades and new buys.


Marine Personnel Carrier Canceled? No response? No debate?

 I'm more than a bit pissed off with regards to the armor situation in the Marine Corps.

But what has me scratching my head, screaming at the top of my voice in the woods and punching pine trees is the fact that I thought we would hear at least some type of debate on this issue.

Instead we've heard nothing.  I thought that we would hear something from the manufacturers.  In my opinion Lockheed Martin and BAE put forward the two most impressive vehicles in this competition and yet not a peep from either organization.

Obviously I'm not clued into the game that was being played and that is what pisses me off the most.  I thought that this was a legitimate, serious competition and that the idea was to get our Marines protected transport but that obviously wasn't the case.

The powers that be can all brag about the intense, free willing debates that occur inside the Corps but I'm calling bullshit on that.  For better or worse it seems that we have people falling in line and no one is willing to tell this particular Commandant that he has no clothes.

So be it.  I hope to live long enough to be able to point back to this moment and tell everyone "I told ya so" and when the whining and crying starts I will proudly tell them all to "shut the fuck up" had a chance to be heard and instead remained quiet.

Oh, and when the body bags are filled with Marines who died because they rode into combat in 50 year old AAVs that are the evolutionary stablemate of the Russian BMP-1, I'll grieve with the Marines loved ones...they will have done their job.  The problem is that this generation of Marine leaders didn't have the courage of their convictions...along with the vehicle manufacturers...along with the professional journals to call bullshit on a plan put forward by the commandant that put their loved ones in those heavy, leak proof plastic bags.

So to the Marine Leaders, BAE, Lockheed, Professional Journals, and Professional Commentators I simply say this.

Fuck you all.

OV-10G+ Combat Dragon II. Why isn't the Marine Corps all over this???

Read about it here.


Why isn't the Marine Corps all over this like a hooker on a Marine on payday?

I can tell ya why...because our eyes are on a certain target, our fangs are out and we've nailed 'em to the floorboard 'cause we want it so bad.

When do you know your procurement model is broken?  When common sense, multi-use opportunities present themselves but you're so locked into a course of action that you can't adjust to take advantage.

What can an OV-10G+ do?

*operate off LHDs.
*escort our MV-22, CH-53K.
*provide a platform to drop recon units.
*act as a Fast FAC.
*provide close air support.
*act as an aerial anti-helicopter platform.

I would so love to see a squadron or two in USMC service.  I think the idea of a Special MAGTF-Crisis Response Force is a bad idea, but a pair of OV-10G+ escorting the MV-22s would definitely make the concept a bit more realistic.