Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Today is the beginning of the Korean War. Historic vids are on the Military Channel.

On this day in 1950, along the 38th parallel: North Korea invades South Korea, beginning the Korean War. Watch our video collection on the battles, equipment, and people involved in this three-year long conflict >> http://bit.ly/1cifPpc

Anti-gun? Not after this! Hesitant to teach your wife shooting? Not after this!

Brit Thunder in Kenya

Blast from the past....A-11 (SR-71?) with F-106's...via Sobchak Security Blog.

Raytheon delivers first NASAMS High Mobility Launcher to Norway

The NASAMS High Mobility Launcher provides transportability to maneuvering forces. Raytheon has delivered the first HML for Norway's National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System to provide Norway with advanced air defense capability. (PRNewsFoto/Raytheon Company, KONGSBERG)

More Dawn Blitz Red Beach Assault pics...by Seaman Molly Evans.

How do you live?

M119A3 digitized 105mm Howitzer vs. The EFSS 120mm Mortar. The debate finally begins....

Institutional memory.

Most times its a great thing to have.  If the memory is long and the organization is able to pass along the "what works" and "what doesn't" then that organization has a much greater chance for success.

In the 1950's the USMC was smitten with the possibilities of helo-assaults.  In the mode of embracing this new development in warfare, the M422 Mighty Mite was born.

Its time in service was short though.  Helicopters evolved and a normal sized jeep was sling loadable with the introduction of the Huey and much more importantly the CH-46. Fast forward to today and once again, the Marine Corps is attempting another revolution in warfare with the V-22.  In an attempt to make it work, the EFSS was born.  It comprises a 120mm mortar and an internally carried vehicle which looks remarkably like a modernized M422 Mighty Mite.

The whole theory surrounding the EFSS (expeditionary fire support system) is that artillery fires should be internally carried by the V-22, to include its prime mover.

There was little to no debate on the merits of a standard 120mm mortar.  The original Dragon Fire concept from which the EFSS was born was based on an automatically firing 120mm mortar that could be emplaced, left and fired remotely at targets entered into its computer.  What we have now is a far cry from that futuristic vision (which was made to work)....

The difference now is that there's a debate on whether the 120mm Mortar or the 105mm Howitzer should be the early entry fire support weapon for the Marines.

Read about it here.

Dawn Blitz Beach Landing by Cpl. Jesse Witten, 3rd MAW Combat Camera.

MDT Tiger Light Protected Vehicle

Anders Lejczak concept art...

Unmanned Gripen Concept Art...via Think Defense Blog.

Red Beach Amphibious Assault...photos by LCpl Scott Reel.

Marines and sailors from 2nd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion, and Naval Beach Group 1 conducted amphibious landings on Red Beach with Assault Amphibious Vehicles (AAV) and both U.S. and Japanese Landing Craft Air Cushions (LCACs) as a part of exercise Dawn Blitz, June 24. Dawn Blitz 2013 is an amphibious exercise testing U.S. and coalition forces in skills expected of a Navy and Marine Corps amphibious task force.

Monday, June 24, 2013

26th MEU back at sea & what happened to the no fly zone?

The 26th MEU is back at sea and I take this as a sign that more aggressive forms of aid will not be flowing to the Syrian Rebels.  Notice how all the talk of a limited no fly zone has evaporated???  Not even a peep about it now.

Lets hope they have an uneventful rest of their deployment...

Eye candy for the hell of it.

(My test level is off the charts...gotta back off....)

Blast from the past. Submarine Aircraft Carrier.

Ok Buddy...you've spent too much time in the field...

This son of bitch even looks crazy!

Optionally manned Gripen E/F???!!!!


It takes a bit of news to have me saying "holy bat shit" but this did it.  An optionally manned Gripen E/F?  It makes perfect sense.  We've been doing it for years with our F-4 and now F-16 target drones but to do it to an operational airplane?  Its nothing if not gutsy mixed with a huge dose of thinking outside the box.

via Bloomberg.
Saab AB (SAABB) is working on a version of its Gripen fighter that could fly without pilots as the company explores ways to keep the program viable for another 30 years.
“What we are talking about is an optionally manned aircraft,” Chief Executive Officer Hakan Buskhe said in an interview at the Paris Air Show. The concept would follow development of the Gripen E, an upgraded model of the jet Saab is developing for the Swedish and Swiss air forces, he said.
The emergence of increasingly sophisticated air defenses is driving military planners around the world to explore greater use of unmanned planes to mitigate risk to personnel. The U.S. is boosting spending to develop unmanned combat aircraft, with France and the U.K. cooperating on an attack drone project and China showing a prototype.
“Just because you need an unmanned fighter does not mean it is affordable to build a new platform,” Bushke said. “If you like for a mission you can put a pilot into the aircraft and if you need to use it for high risk you fly without a pilot.”
Evolving the Gripen E to feature such a capability “is not a big step,” Bushke said, without saying when such a version may fly.
Just wow. 

Boston Bomber classified a gun victim?

Mayors against illegal guns has jumped the shark.  Worse for Democrats, the President has officially reached lame duck status.  Immigration reform very well might be his last accomplishment.  Nothing else will be done and from the looks of the mess that Obama Care is in, he'll be on defense for the rest of his term.

Why does Snowden scare the Congress and Journalist so much?

Gregory asking why another journalist would aide and abet a whistleblower tells me almost all I need to know.

Watching the Congress, both Democrat and Republican, agree that Snowden should be prosecuted tell me the rest of the story.

Snowden scares the shit out of these people.

We've heard alot but they want him in custody bad.  Read bad.  I think the real bombshells are still waiting to go off and the Obama administration jumping through hoops to try and get him from Hong Kong and then throwing a hissy fit when they fail is beyond telling.  Its chilling.

When the rest of this story is put out I think the American people will be ready to throw out some politicians.