Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Spider gobbles snake...Brazil not Australia...
Story here.
Yeah. I can wrap my mind around the idea of crocs, tigers, hippos and others either eating or crushing humans...but you just have to know that somewhere in deep space there are insects that treat us as delicacies. Good luck with that future Space Marine...you can have your bug hunt!
Another fight at a fitness expo. Men's fitness is turning into a soap opera.
This is craziness. The fitness industry has turned into a freaking soap opera! What's the cause of the stupidity? YouTube celebrities that need to get eyeballs to their page in order to drive views and revenue. This isn't the first incident that's happened at one of the so called "fitness expos" either.
It isn't the first time that Rich Piana has been involved in some drama at one of these events either. Last year Rich got into a situation where he slapped, hit or punched some retarded guy (what's the modern term for that) and ended up with a bunch of bad press about it.
The funny weird thing about this? I didn't hear a thing about Piana and Trucc having any beef.
It doesn't matter though. I'm almost to the point of shit canning the whole social media thing when it comes to lifting. The drama queen/soap opera side of it is becoming too dominant and incidents like this are getting too many people "excited" instead of them asking what the fuck.
One last thing. What is it with guys posturing for 5 minutes before throwing a punch. Piana is saying "lets step outside"? Many are saying that Trucc threw a sucker punch but once those words are uttered then its fights' on!
Monday, January 09, 2017
ST2 tracked 105 mm Tank Destroying Vehicle (TDV)
Thanks to Jonathan for the info (include the link so I'll know who to credit the article to please!).
via unknown
via unknown
China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) has expanded its armoured vehicle portfolio with the development of the ST2 tracked 105 mm Tank Destroying Vehicle (TDV), which is understood to have been developed specifically for the export market rather than the People's Liberation Army (PLA).Unimpressive. Fire support vehicle would be a better description and slapping a 105mm cannon on an underperforming, damn near obsolete vehicle is not the way to gain sales in any region except maybe Africa...and even there you would probably have to give them away.
The hull is similar to that used on the earlier generation NORINCO YW534 (Type 89) armoured personnel carrier (APC) - which has not been manufactured for some years - but with six road wheel stations either side rather than five.
While new platforms could be built, it is possible that the ST2 could use refurbished and upgraded vehicles.
The forward part of the hull sides slope inwards but at the rear they are more vertical to enable the turret, with its larger ring, to be installed. The driver is seated front left with the diesel powerpack to the right.
The ST2 TDV consists of a fully tracked platform fitted with a welded steel three-person turret mounted in the middle. The 105 mm rifled gun has a muzzle brake, fume extractor, and thermal sleeve, but does not currently appear to be fitted with a muzzle reference system (MRS), which would enable the weapon to be bore sighted without the crew leaving the vehicle.
A total of 32 rounds of 105 mm ammunition are carried with the mix depending on the role the ST2 TDV is expected to undertake.
As well as firing the standard natures of 105 mm ammunition including armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot - tracer (APFSDS-T), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT), high explosive (HE), and a recently developed bunker busting round, it can also fire a gun-launched guided projectile (GLGP), which NORINCO is marketing as the GP2.
The GLGP has a maximum range of up to 5,000 m and is fitted with a tandem HEAT warhead that is claimed to penetrate 650 mm of rolled homogeneous armour (RHA) protected by explosive reactive armour (ERA).
Blast from the past....Armstrong Whitworth AW.681
pics and caption via Apostles of Mercy Blog.
Sunday, January 08, 2017
Saturday, January 07, 2017
More than you want to know about APS Hard Kill Systems...
Below The Turret Ring Blog has a great article on APS Hard Kill Systems. It is a MUST READ!
My take away? Trophy isn't all its cracked up to be and being able to "reload the system" under armor will be essential...which is why Trophy isn't my favorite in the field. Additionally I was surprised by the limited field of fire that most of these systems have.
APS might be all the rage but its far from being the mature system that I once thought.
“Down from Bloody Ridge Too Late. He’s Finished - Washed Up - Gone”
via hickorysmokedfalafel Tumblr Page
US Army's latest buzz words? Combined Arms Maneuver...
via Scout Warrior.
This story has kept popping up over the last week and a half. Its been called "The Army's new priorities" to the "Army's new warfighting strategy" to everything in between.
My view is that the service is getting all its cards on the table and organized to fight the deadliest war of all...the Pentagon budget wars.
They have a shopping list and now they have a doctrine that justifies it. Even better they're going for incremental improvements instead of F-35 type leap aheads in tech that stall for 20 years.
I like it.
They're focused on a real threat. They're pivoting to face it and are equipping themselves appropriately. Their doctrine and procurement mesh...they're not making the mistake of having their procurement dictate their doctrine! The other services should take note, especially the Marine Corps.
“We are excellent at counterinsurgency,” Lt. Gen. Michael Williamson, Military Deputy, Assistant Secretary of the Army – Acquisition, Logistics and Technology, told Scout Warrior in an exclusive interview. “We’re developing systems to be prepared for the full range of potential conflict.”Here.
As a high-level leader for the Army’s weapons, vehicle and platform developmental efforts, Williamson explained that some technologies are specifically being engineered with a mind toward positioning the service for the prospect of massive great-power conflict; this would include combat with mechanized forces, armored vehicles, long-range precision weapons, helicopter air support and what’s called a Combined Arms Maneuver approach.
Combined Arms Maneuver tactics use a variety of combat assets, such as artillery, infantry and armored vehicles such as tanks, in a synchronized, integrated fashion to overwhelm, confuse and destroy enemies.
This story has kept popping up over the last week and a half. Its been called "The Army's new priorities" to the "Army's new warfighting strategy" to everything in between.
My view is that the service is getting all its cards on the table and organized to fight the deadliest war of all...the Pentagon budget wars.
They have a shopping list and now they have a doctrine that justifies it. Even better they're going for incremental improvements instead of F-35 type leap aheads in tech that stall for 20 years.
I like it.
They're focused on a real threat. They're pivoting to face it and are equipping themselves appropriately. Their doctrine and procurement mesh...they're not making the mistake of having their procurement dictate their doctrine! The other services should take note, especially the Marine Corps.
Move over Kevlar armor...Hello Carbon NanoTube!
I have some soft body armor from a previous life and while I never wear it, its good to know its in the "war locker" if I need it. While past its shelf life, I haven't been sweating, running around and degrading it so I'll give it a chance before I try and purchase the latest hotness in the civilian community (steel plate carriers) for those bumps in the night.
But unfortunately body armor has been basically stagnant in the civilian and from I can tell even in the military/law enforcement market. Well thanks to the Last Boy Scout YouTube page we're getting a glimpse at the new hotness...move over Kevlar, meet Carbon NanoTube!
I'll wait to see more reviews and for some of the bigger players to adopt it before I bite but it might be the new way to go...and if it is then it might be worth tossing my pennies at.

necessary (some say that being extremely fat can help but I have my doubts). I look at gunfights as being akin to long range super sayan punches....you're gonna feel it if you get hit...even if you're protected.
Friday, January 06, 2017
Mr. President, Cancel the F-35 (MUST READ!!!!)
Thanks to Don Bacon for the link!
via National Interest.
This entire article makes me want to stand up and cheer. But for Marines and those that love the Corps this piece should make you pause. I've heard over and over about the leadership that I criticize being made up of good men.
They might be, but they've lied their asses off to protect this plane and they've infected the Corps with the willful deception. Worse they've used lower ranking officers and enlisted to help perpetuate that lie.
The tribe isn't stupid. They know the real deal. So do the bubbas in the Air Force and Navy. It might not be discussed publicly but the troops know when they're hearing bullshit and all we've heard is bullshit with this program.
I want the plane canned because of cost and performance...but I also want it canned so that leadership can start reclaiming a bit of moral authority that they've lost/given away to push a weapon system.
We can all point to Amos as being the start of this deceptive behavior but its been embraced across the board...and no one has stepped up to correct it. It's past time that moral courage was demonstrated at the highest level of the Marine Corps. An incoming President shouldn't be required to correct men who swore an oath to defend the nation and to live up to Marine Corps standards.
via National Interest.
Our incoming president’s willingness to boldly challenge the status quo is arguably the main reason he was elected. And no defense project is more representative of a disastrous status quo than the 20-year-old Joint Strike Fighter program — the F-35. The F-35 program showcases all that is wrong about our military’s vendor-dominated, crony-capitalist procurement system. Unless dealt with decisively, its massive cost and its lack of capability will have a dramatically negative impact on our military’s effectiveness for decades to come.And then most especially this.
Just as Donald Trump turned out to be 100 percent correct about the bloated, $4 billion Air Force One program, he would be justified in calling foul on Marine Corps and Air Force claims that their F-35s have achieved Initial Operating Capability (IOC). Contrary to recent statements made by the executive officer of the F-35 program, Lieutenant General Chris Bogdan, the F-35 is not back on track. It’s time to face the facts: Because of fatal mistakes made during the conceptual design process well over 20 years ago, the F-35 will forever be crippled by intractable weight and heat issues that ensure that the program will never deliver a reliable, cost-effective fighter. Further evidence of this was revealed on Wednesday, when Inside Defense exposed the fact that the Navy’s F-35C model has design defects that can cause pilots to suffer disorientation and severe pain when undergoing carrier catapult launches. As it stands, Navy pilots have determined the F-35C is not “operationally suitable” for carrier launches. New design changes to the F-35C will be required that could take years — and even our carriers may need to be modified to fix the problem. This issue has been known about for years, but until now it has been concealed from the public. So, instead of an on-track program, what we have is a pattern of deceptive statements and actions designed to create the illusion that the F-35 program is on track. The goal of this deception is to provide the political cover necessary to allow the F-35’s supporters in Congress to continue to fund the purchase of hundreds of incomplete, combat-incapable planes — each of which will require many years and many tens of millions of dollars of structural repairs, structural rework, systems-stability and functionality fixes, engine modifications and retrofits, and more. And that is just to get the planes to where they should have been when we took initial delivery. Never before have we seen a warplane granted so many waivers and reductions in key performance standards. Never before have we taken delivery of so many planes so far from being complete and so far from being ready for combat.HERE!
This entire article makes me want to stand up and cheer. But for Marines and those that love the Corps this piece should make you pause. I've heard over and over about the leadership that I criticize being made up of good men.
They might be, but they've lied their asses off to protect this plane and they've infected the Corps with the willful deception. Worse they've used lower ranking officers and enlisted to help perpetuate that lie.
The tribe isn't stupid. They know the real deal. So do the bubbas in the Air Force and Navy. It might not be discussed publicly but the troops know when they're hearing bullshit and all we've heard is bullshit with this program.
I want the plane canned because of cost and performance...but I also want it canned so that leadership can start reclaiming a bit of moral authority that they've lost/given away to push a weapon system.
We can all point to Amos as being the start of this deceptive behavior but its been embraced across the board...and no one has stepped up to correct it. It's past time that moral courage was demonstrated at the highest level of the Marine Corps. An incoming President shouldn't be required to correct men who swore an oath to defend the nation and to live up to Marine Corps standards.
F-35 tail pipe fire? Ok but why? Is it solved?
via Defense Tech.
“The initial feedback from this is it was not an engine fire; [investigators] are calling it a tailpipe fire,” said Brig. Gen. Scott Pleus, a former F-16 Fighting Falcon pilot who directs the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program’s integration office for the Air Force.Story here.
“A tailpipe fire is a result of some form of fuel getting ignited in the back-end of the airplane that is not necessarily in the engine, so this was not an engine problem. There was some excess fuel that pooled in the back of the airplane and then ignited” before takeoff, he said in an interview with Military.com on Wednesday.
What is going on with defense journalism today? No one thought to ask the good General how or why fuel would pool in the tailpipe? Obviously this isn't an ordinary thing or we'd see tailpipe fires all over the place so that question seems obvious. Additionally no one asked about maintenance practices or preflight checklists that failed to catch this before flight? I've never worked on a plane but I've seen crew chiefs basically stick their entire heads into tailpipes (and even do crazy eyeball exams on the nozzles of the Harrier) before the planes take off. After that the pilots do a walk around too...so WTF happened here?
We're seeing a couple of things going on here. First we expected the professional defense journalist to keep the Generals, program office, Pentagon and Lockheed Martin's feet to the fire when it came to the most expensive defense project in history. The second is more troubling. We have leadership from 3 of the services not being actual and factual about the issues with this airplane.
We're seeing a HUGE scandal here and the ramifications of this will be with us for decades.
Thursday, January 05, 2017
We're suffering growing pains...
If you check out the top of the page it's gone from blogspot.com to .com. Because of that Disqus is temporarily offline. Migration is in progress.
Just roll with it...consider it growing pains...it'll be back up shortly.
Just roll with it...consider it growing pains...it'll be back up shortly.
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