Wednesday, February 15, 2017

F-35 issue. It's a GAS HOG!

Thanks to Filippo for the link!

via Aviation Week.
A recent, lengthy journey by U.S. Marine Corps F-35Bs traveling from Arizona to Japan has sparked a quiet debate within the Pentagon about how often the stealthy fighter needs to refuel during ocean ...
The rest is behind a paywall but gives a tantalizing tease to the next F-35 issue.  It's a freaking GAS HOG!  It's really very clear now.  Have you wondered why this so called long range fighter has prompted the USMC to fast track a refueling system for it from the V-22?  The same V-22 that is supposedly a low quantity, high demand airframe?  It never made sense to me.  How could General Davis talk about how he needed many more V-22's and at the same time work toward transforming some of them into tankers for the F-35 that supposedly out ranged anything currently in the Navy/Marine Corps inventory.

Long short.  They/He/Lockheed Martin lied.

Whats especially tantalizing about this story?  Lockheed Martin published what I thought was a throw away story in 2015 that talked about refueling the F-35.

What if it wasn't a throw away?

What if this was a pre-emptive strike against critics once this news got out?

Regardless this is stunning news.  From my chair the F-35 can't work as they're hoping.  Not only is its internal carriage of current missiles too small but our missile tech hasn't keep up with the threat.  To make it work the small internally carried missile (Cuda) that matched the AIM-120D would have to be in service now and they would need to be able to carry at least 8 and probably more like 12 in the bays.

But if it can't meet range specs and has to carry gas bags then its last real ace, stealth (limited stealth at that), no longer applies.

If Mattis has any integrity....If Neller has any moral courage the the buy of this airplane will be sliced by more than half (if not outright canned) and a plan B started immediately.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The hits keep coming for the Royal Navy. Cracks found in their attack subs reactors!

Thanks to Gerald for the link!

via Express.
Experts warned the fault in the reactor of HMS Trenchant was so serious that the Trafalgar fleet may never sail again. The fracture is being treated as an “irreparable generic fault” that will prevent it from being able to carry out normal duties. 
It means Britain may be forced to beg for international support in protecting our four Vanguard submarines, which carry Britain’s Trident nuclear deterrent. 
Britain deploys seven SSN nuclear-powered hunter-killers. Last week it was revealed that the four older Trafalgar-class submarines, Trenchant, Torbay, Triumph and Talent, were out of action due to repairs and maintenance.
However, sources have confirmed that the Trenchant was docked after engineers discovered a fracture at the heart of its nuclear reactor while at sea. The fracture is on a metal weld connecting a coolant pipe to the reactor pressure vessel. It is currently less than 100mm long, classing it as a critical fault, but if it grows it would be classified “catastrophic”. Because it sits within a tank of water to shield the radiation it is extremely difficult for engineers to get at.
A Navy source said yesterday: “The fracture has appeared in a pipe weld and our safety measures are very high. We will not sail until they are checked.”
The Defence Safety Nuclear Regulator will decide the fate of the vessels, but nuclear engineers warned the fault was likely to be “terminal” – and may also affect the other three vessels because they are so old. 

Story here. 

This might sound cruel but I'm being actual and factual.  The Brits like to think of themselves as our best ally.  As punching far above their weight.  But if we have to take our subs off patrol duty to protect their boomers.  Put Marine Corps aircraft and personnel on their warships to justify their existence, then maybe they're not so steady after all.

The military alliance with the Brits is sounding more and more like a welfare program.

I await the incoming fire.

Patria AMV - Winter tests some 250 km above the Arctic Circle (pic)

9M729 - SSC-X-8 is deployed by Russia. National Security Experts alarmed...

Thanks to William for the link!

via Global
The 9M729 is by some accounts a variant of the 9M728 missiles, and its improved version - an extended-range missile - a new land-launched "Garnet." The 9M729 SSC-X-8 is a long-range ground-based cruise missile system. According to Western reports, the rocket is a land version of the SS-N-30 3M14 missile complex "Caliber-NK" and developed OKB "Innovator" (Ekaterinburg). From the report of the 2014 GosNIIP - "management system for 9M728 / 9M729 missiles and its improved version" has passed state tests.
The missile’s assessed range is between 300 miles and 3,400 miles—the distance covered under the landmark INF treaty that banned an entire class of intermediate-range missiles. The missile is made by the normal aerodynamic scheme with wings folded in the fuselage of the missile in the transport position. The missile is equipped with a starting solid propellant, which fires after the launch. The control system and guidance of the cruise missile is presumably inertial control system (autopilot) with Doppler sensors drift angle correction according to satellite navigation systems GLONASS and GPS. At the final stage it may use active radar homing.
There is speculation that the missile is a surface option CBRC X-101 with a range of over 5,500 km. Creation and testing of such missiles in the ground form is recognized by Western observers in violation of the Treaty on the Reduction of INF, which was signed in 1987 between the Soviet Union and the United States.
Ok.  So this missile has been in development for sometime now.  Why is everyone going batty?  Because they now have two batteries of the things operational!

via New York Times
  Russia has secretly deployed a new cruise missile despite complaints from American officials that it violates a landmark arms control treaty that helped seal the end of the Cold War, administration officials say.
The move presents a major challenge for President Trump, who has vowed to improve relations with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia and to pursue future arms accords.
The new Russian missile deployment also comes as the Trump administration is struggling to fill key policy positions at the State Department and the Pentagon — and to settle on a permanent replacement for Michael T. Flynn, the national security adviser who resigned late Monday. Mr. Flynn stepped down after it was revealed that he had misled the vice president and other officials over conversations with Moscow’s ambassador to Washington.
The ground-launched cruise missile at the center of American concerns is one that the Obama administration said in 2014 had been tested in violation of a 1987 treaty that bans American and Russian intermediate-range missiles based on land.
My take on this?

We're seeing the continuation of a coordinated attack against the Trump admin and an attempt to make any agreement of cooperation with Russia tantamount to treason!

This has been on the table for years.

Now.  Today.  Its highlighted by the Washington Times?  We're seeing information warfare at its best.  This stuff is so well coordinated that it has me spinning.  How far does the Deep State go?  How much do they control?

The Russians don't scare me.  The Deep State does.

Blast from the past. CH-54 Skycrane...why did the concept fall out of favor?

Can't lie.  The previous post on "Spectral" concept art made me remember the Skycrane.  It's probably one of the most awesome helicopters of the Vietnam era but is somehow forgotten.  Why?  The Skycrane concept is the ultimate in heavy lifters and if the treatment was given to the CH-53K then we'd have a helo capable of monster lift!

The funny thing?  It's not a new idea.  Mike Sparks wrote about this (and many other great ideas...most of which have been adapted and renamed!) a couple decades or more ago!

Think it's a stupid?  Consider the lift potential of a CH-53K that doesn't have the weight/structure of a fuselage.  The only problem I can think of is pure engineering.  Where do you put the gas to feed those three engines?  Regardless, put this in your maybe we should ask industry files.

Spectral Concept Art by Zachary Berger

More here!

Open Comment Post. Feb 14, 2017.

Flynn was done in by a Neo-Con/National Security/Establishment hit job. UPDATED!

Thanks to Ben for the link!

via Zero Hedge.
Now, following the latest report in the WaPo, the young Trump administration may have no choice but to make Flynn the first casualty. According to the Bezos-owned publication, the acting attorney general informed the Trump White House late last month that she believed Michael Flynn had misled senior administration officials about the nature of his communications with the Russian ambassador to the United States, "and warned that the national security adviser was potentially vulnerable to Russian blackmail." The message was delivered by Sally Yates and was prompted by concerns that ­Flynn, when asked about his calls and texts with the Russian diplomat, had told Vice ­President-elect Mike Pence and others that he had not discussed the Obama administration sanctions on Russia for its interference in the 2016 election. It is unclear what the White House counsel, Donald McGahn, did with the information.
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan also reportedly shared Yates’ concerns about Flynn. The pair believed “Flynn had put himself in a compromising position”, thinking that Pence had a right to know that he had been misled, and agreed with Yates’ decision to warn the White House.
One official told the Post all three officials believed Pence had a right to know Flynn had possibly misled him about his talks with Kislyak. Furthermore, current and former officials told the Post they believed Flynn deceived the vice president, adding they could not rule out the possibility he acted with the knowledge of other transition officials.  Yates, who was then the deputy attorney general, considered Flynn’s comments during an intercepted phone call with Kislyak last December “highly significant” and “potentially illegal.” The WaPo adds that an official familiar with Yates’ thinking told the Post she suspected Flynn may have violated the Logan Act, which prohibits U.S. citizens from interfering in diplomatic disputes with another nation. Trump fired Yates last month, after she refused to have the DOJ defend his temporary ban on visitors from seven Muslim-majority nations in court. Making matters worse - for Trump - is that a senior Trump administration official said that the White House was aware of the matter, adding that “we’ve been working on this for weeks.”
The final nail in Flynn's coffin is that according to a report in the NYT, the Army has been investigating whether Mr. Flynn received money from the Russian government during a trip he took to Moscow in 2015, according to two defense officials. Such a payment might violate the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution, which prohibits former military officers from receiving money from a foreign government without consent from Congress. The defense officials said there was no record that Mr. Flynn, a retired three-star Army general, filed the required paperwork for the trip.
If confirmed, and if Flynn indeed lied, Trump will have no choice but to let him go.
Don't let this report from Zero Hedge fool you.  Despite what many of you think they generally play it straight.  Additionally you can verify this information from several other news sources that are more to your liking quite easily.

What I want to point out to you are several names....Clapper...Yates....Brennan and finally unnamed sources in the Dept of the Army.

This thing smells!

I might be wrong but I get the whiff of a political hit job and I also sense that the Trump administration simply fell prey to opinion inside the beltway.  They stood strong against the fury that's been unleashed upon them but for some reason they caved on Flynn.

Clapper?  He hated Flynn's guts.  Brennan?  Same.  Yates?  An Obama Admin operative that had already attempted to derail the Trump Admin initiatives (remember her public statement not to defend the Executive Order.....this I believe is her cleansing so that she can position herself for bigger and better things including a return to SES later)!  Oh and let's not forget the Dept of the Army.  If you've never seen the Big Green go hunting for scalps then you haven't seen a real hunt!  Step off the reservation, go against the club and don't worm your way back into their good graces (see Petraeus) and they'll curb stomp you in a heartbeat.

This was all political.  Nasty political.  The only thing left to wonder is whether they're satisfied with Flynn being dismissed or if they want to taint the Trump Admin.  My guess is that they want to mire him in scandal.  There really is nothing illegal here.  But they will push.  They will MAKE this a scandal and this is the push to make the Trump win illegitimate.

Who do you need to watch today?  My guess would be McCain and Graham.  If they come out full force then we know that the Neo-Cons smell blood.  If they're joined by Democrats and we hear more leaks from the Intel Community then we know that it's damn near a soft coup.

Time will tell.

AND YES!  I know this is a conspiracy theory from hell but this was too swift, too sudden and too complete to be just a confluence of events.  This was planned and I don't think they're done yet.

UPDATE!  Check out this article from the Daily Caller...
Wall Street Journal editor in chief Gerard Baker told his reporters Monday the paper would not abandon objectivity in its coverage of President Donald Trump, and directed them to find work somewhere else if they want to adopt a more oppositional tone.

“It’s a little irritating when I read that we have been soft on Donald Trump,” he told his reporters and editors, a source at the newsroom meeting told The New York Times. Baker held the meeting ostensibly to have a casual conversation on the editorial direction of the paper, but it was held on the heels of reports the newsroom is in turmoil over the Trump coverage.

The Trump coverage is “neutral to the point of being absurd,” one source inside the newsroom recently told Politico. Criticism peaked when Baker sent a memo to staff instructing reporters and editors to tone down the use of “loaded” language in coverage of Trump’s immigration ban.
Baker strongly defended his paper’s coverage as objective in the meeting, going so far as to read from a list of past WSJ headlines compiled to refute the criticism. He suggested it is other outlets such as The New York Times that have abandoned fair reporting standards and objectivity — not The Wall Street Journal — and that those standards aren’t going anywhere.

Reporters who don’t like that, he said, might want to find work somewhere else.

Some journalists at other outlets have openly criticized the idea of treating Trump and his former Democrat opponent Hillary Clinton equally in the press. In an amazing justification of this kind of blatant bias, New York Times columnist Jim Rutenberg described the thinking behind this new “norm” of objectivity.

“If you view a Trump presidency as something that’s potentially dangerous, then your reporting is going to reflect that,” he wrote. “You would move closer than you’ve ever been to being oppositional. That’s uncomfortable and uncharted territory for every mainstream, nonopinion journalist I’ve ever known, and by normal standards, untenable.”
Do you get the force of connection here?  Haven't you seen it with your own two eyes?  The media is on a feeding frenzy with the Trump Admin and they're exploiting every misstep, every mistake...hell even late press shape a narrative to the public.

And that narrative is not good.

Take that under consideration when thinking about the news that you're hearing and how its being presented.  Things that would have been swept under the rug during the Obama Admin are instead magnified to obscene levels now.  Journalists are BEGGING to join the frenzy!  The fourth estate is no longer valid! 

Monday, February 13, 2017

Breaking! Flynn resigns.


The news media, neo-cons and democrats have gotten their scalp.  They succeeded in dragging a career military officer's name thru the mud because of politics and the desire to wound Trump.

He's accused of not getting along with national intel officials.  He's said to have clashed with them.

But has anyone thought that someone needs to clash with the conventional wisdom in defense/intel communities?  We've been at war against primitive savages for almost 20 years and they say we're gonna need 20 more till they're defeated.

Against a modern day Nazi Germany I guess it would take 500 years to defeat them by that logic!

Again congrats.

A patriot was smeared and most of you will cheer.

Side note:  The revolution has been contained.  Trump is the president but if you look around him he is surrounded by the establishment or Wall Street fat cats.  All thoughts about a change in policy can be set aside.  The establishment has won.  The only thing left to do is to find a reason to impeach Trump and you have a standard Republican party White House.  I believe that was the real fear of Never Trump Republicans, the Establishment and Democrats.  Trump represented a chance to have a clean break from the two parties.  That chance is over.  Jarod is the weak link.  That young guy puts his finger in the wind and will yield to conventional wisdom instead of standing strong.  Now I see.  Trump will fail and will fail spectacularly.  Its inevitable.  Pence will be president and he'll lose re-election.  This will be a minor hiccup on the way to two coast rule of the United States.  I thought Trump had more backbone but he was too inexperienced and did not have the courage of his convictions when it came time to stand strong.

Side note 1:  Kellogg?!!?!!?!  Dude is pure dee, 100% neo-con.   Harward???!?!?!?!?  Pure dee, 100% neo-con.  The establishment has won and you people don't even get it.  The neo-cons have wormed their way back into our State Dept, Defense Dept, and Intel Establishments.  We're so screwed it hurts!  Expect more of the same with no change.  Trump will be led by the nose now.  You hated Flynn?  We had a chance to team with Russia to put Radical Islam in a cage with Flynn.  You wanted allies to pay their fair share?  Flynn wanted that too.  You wanted Iran put in a cage without having to go to war?  With Flynn gone the neo-cons have probably found their next war.  I can't tell you how fucked you people that wanted Flynn out are now.  The National Security Adviser is the guy that whispers in the President's ear.  Now the person whispering will be a neo-con.  Feel proud.  Political expediency will probably cost us another 5K US servicemen killed in a dubious war.

Its Lockheed but its cool...the story of Lockheed L-100 circa 1964

The first flight of the first Lockheed L-100, the commercial version of the C-130 Hercules airlifter, was memorable, and also very l-o-n-g. On 20 April 1964, company Chief Production Pilot Joe Garrett took off from the Lockheed facility in Marietta, Georgia, and landed the aircraft (named One World Hercules, civil registered N1130E) on the same runway an incredible 25 hours and 1 minute later. The crew flew all but 36 minutes of the flight with the two outboard engines shut down, as shown here. The milestone flight, which consisted of a racetrack patter over Georgia and Alabama, was made at what the company called a “loitering speed” 130 mph. The L-100 was developed from the C-130E and certified by the FAA as a commercial freighter on 16 February 1965. The L-100 demonstrator was later taken on a world tour and was delivered to Alaska Airlines.

Hmm.  I don't see a tactical application for what they accomplished but to be able to fly for more than 24 hours?  Pretty impressive airmanship!

A collection of batshit crazy hillbilly armor of the Syria/Iraq/ISIS conflict...

All pics via The Fox Hole Tumblr Page (here for the complete list!)

Ya know what dawned on me?  Every conflict before and including WW2 introduced an advancement of some kind that benefited both the military and civilian complexes (the same can be said of the space program before the space shuttle).

Since Gulf War One that trend has slowed to at best a dribble.  We've seen stuff on the margins...increased drone use (even that I doubt...drones were adaptations of remote controlled aircraft popular with hobbyist) and perhaps the militarization of police but outside of that we've seen no real advancements in military tech or dual use items that can be used by civilians.

Could we be caught in a protracted "interwar" period?  Are we living an extended time between the great wars?  Or could we be seeing the rebuilding of a new East-West cold war with China being the big bad in the new age?

I don't know but back on task.  War is the mother of invention and while this stuff IS batshit crazy it does provide at least a bit of armor protection to the fighters in the field...

Live Firing Exercise Of Indonesian Army Astros II MLRS & Caesar 155mm SPH (pics)

Thanks to Dwi for the pics!

Hmmm.  I know the MTVR can handle the M777.  I wonder why the Marine Corps hasn't investigated the idea of mounting it?  Yeah!  I know!  The Marine Corps is going aviation centric but we are supposedly still interested in maneuver forces and towed howitzers just lack the shoot and scoot capability of their truck/track mounted brothers.  Just a thought.

I mean it can't hurt to experiment can it?

Flynn on thin ice...its always the lie that gets ya!

Michael Flynn has no plans to resign and no expectations that he will be fired, a senior administration official told CNN Sunday.
That's despite a turbulent 72 hours caused by the national security adviser's inability to deny that he spoke about sanctions against Russia with the Russian ambassador before President Donald Trump took office.
While Flynn may have no plans to leave the White House, many inside the Trump administration are concerned with the fact that the national security adviser could have misled senior members of the White House, including Vice President Mike Pence, who went on national television and denied that Flynn spoke about sanctions with Sergey Kislyak, Russian ambassador to Washington.
"The knives are out," the official added, acknowledging that Flynn's future in the White House is hardly a sure thing. "There's a lot of unhappiness about this."
This story irks me.

I expected growing pains.  I expected a bit of palace intrigue, after all its Trump's leadership style to have his subordinates pitted against each other...but the lack of discipline in the inner circle is frustrating.

The good news?

The guy (Trump) is delivering on his promises.  He's almost finished with the list and then it turns to the Congress where things will slow to a crawl.

The bad news?

Flynn knows better and this is a story that shouldn't be.  Talking to the Russian ambassador is no big deal.  Even talking about the sanctions is no biggy.  What is huge is that the guy lied.  Its always the lie that gets ya!  He should know better.  He does know better and that's the real mystery here.  Why the fuck did he lie?

That's my take.  The media's take is the usual.  They have the long knives out because they want to cripple this administration.  That includes liberals, and establishment Republicans.  They want blood and will blow up any perceived misstep to cause a controversy to weaken Trump.

But that's my take and how I think the establishment sees things.  What do you think?

Monday Funny. How to irritate Europeans in one sentence...

Eitan 8x8 APC to be built in the US?

Thanks to Jonathan for the link!

via Shepard Media.
As Israel's newly developed Eitan 8x8 vehicle completes its final stages of testing there is a chance the production vehicles could be built in the US.
Defence sources told Shephard that internal discussion in the Israeli MoD are giving consideration to manufacturing Eitan in the US and purchasing it with US military aid.
But the MoD said that the Eitan is still in the development stages and has not yet been approved for mass production.
'If and when decisions are taken to produce it, and in what volume, the Ministry of Defense Merkava Tank Administration [MANTAK], which regards the involvement of Israeli industries in the Merkava project as a strategic asset, will take steps to ensure the share of Israeli industries in the project, as it has done up until now.'
It added: 'We emphasise that after the project is approved, production of the Eitan will take place simultaneously with production of the Merkava and Namer. In view of the increased procurement of armoured fighting vehicles following Operation Protective Edge, the Israeli defense industries' share of all these projects will increase, not decrease.'
Interesting.  So I guess they design a vehicle, produce it in the US and then buy it with foreign aid?

I'd be a bit miffed if I couldn't see the Eitan as a Stryker replacement in the near term. 

Blast from the past. General Motors HM1

pics via Main Battle Tank Tumblr Page.

Open Comment Post. Feb 13, 2017.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

The Brit Ministry of Defense has gone full retard...

Thanks to Overwatch DVA for the link!

via Daily Mail.
British troops have been offered the chance to duck out of fighting on the front line and work a three-day week, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.
Thousands of soldiers, sailors and airmen have been told they can avoid battlefield action under an astonishing scheme the Ministry of Defence admitted last night is intended to make the Armed Forces 'more family friendly'.
Even elite Special Air Service troops and RAF pilots currently involved in the campaign to defeat Islamic State will in future be entitled to opt out of going to war.
Soldiers who choose to do so will lose out on tax-free bonuses of up to £50 per day on top of their regular wages – potentially saving the MoD millions.
Last night, defence experts warned that letting troops avoid going to war threatened to undermine the fundamental principles upon which Britain's Armed Forces have been built.
Colonel Richard Kemp, who led British troops into war in Afghanistan, said: 'This is absolutely incredible. How can it do anything but undermine our national defence? 
Bullet points from the same article.
 * British troops offered chance to avoid front line and work three-day week
*  SAS troops and RAF pilots involved in Islamic State battle offered easier terms
*  MoD also reveal troops will be allowed 93 days unpaid leave per year
*  'The MoD has got its priorities completely wrong' says defence expert

The Brits have gone full retard!  How do you call that a military?  Sounds more like a day camp for the lame and lazy.

The Brits are doing this and some are pushing the idea of putting US Marines on British ships (here and here) ! Amazing!

Lt Gen Hal Moore..has passed away...




3 Wars (WW2, Korea and Vietnam).  Tested the "Air Mobile" concept in the Battle of Ia Drang and did even more work when he got back home.

We've lost another hero.

Fear grips immigrant communities as ICE enforces the law...

via Washington Post.
U.S. immigration authorities arrested hundreds of undocumented immigrants in at least a half-dozen states this week in a series of raids that marked the first large-scale enforcement of President Trump’s Jan. 25 order to crack down on the estimated 11 million immigrants living here illegally.
Officials said the raids targeted known criminals, but they also netted some immigrants without criminal records, an apparent departure from similar enforcement waves during the Obama administration. Last month, Trump substantially broadened the scope of who the Department of Homeland Security can target to include those with minor offenses or no convictions at all.
Trump has pledged to deport as many as 3 million undocumented immigrants with criminal records.
Immigration officials confirmed that agents this week raided homes and workplaces in Atlanta, Chicago, New York, the Los Angeles area, North Carolina and South Carolina, netting hundreds of people. But Gillian Christensen, a spokeswoman for the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), said they were part of “routine” immigration enforcement actions. ICE dislikes the term “raids,” and prefers to say authorities are conducting “targeted enforcement actions,” she said.
Story here.

Hmm.  What do I think?