Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Weird dog story...Georgia is turning into Florida...

via Miami Herald.
A Georgia man says he was ordered to cut his own dog's head off after police shot it dead. Joe Nathan Goodwin was at work on Friday when he received a call from his distraught girlfriend Natasha Dakon telling him the police had turned up at their home and shot their dog after receiving reports it had bitten a neighbor. The cops, who claimed they'd shot the animal when it lunged at a deputy, then ordered the grieving pet owner to decapitate his two-year-old dog, Big Boy, so his head could be sent for rabies testing. The stunned Goodwin, who began recording the confrontation with the officers on his cellphone, says that when he refused to cut off his dog's head, Crawford County Sheriff's Office investigator James Hollis threatened to throw him in jail.
Story here. 

If this was in Florida it would be easier to believe.  All kinds of batshit crazy stuff happens in Florida.  Or New Jersey.  Or California.  But even in the crazy areas of the US this is plain weird.

I get shooting the dog if he attempted to attack deputies.  Pause.  Let's take a beat on this.  You do know why cops are seemingly so quick to shoot dogs don't you?

It's a blast from the past.

Not many seem to remember but when the crack scene was raging hard (and even today with the meth dealers) you'd see crack houses (meth dens) guarded by muscled up Rottweilers that owners would feed steaks that I would love to have on my table and inject them with steroids and have them pull weights around the building so they get bigger/stronger/faster.

These dogs would attack on command and according to people that have been there and done that, they were as big a danger as the hopped up zombies waiting behind the door with AK's and Sawed Off Shotguns.

But back on task.

I can't blame them for the shooting.  But I wonder about the order.  The only reason why I'm not more solid on this is because I don't know how rabies testing is done.  Is this common?  I've never heard of such a thing before. 

What I find even stranger is why the dog owner would do that!  I can see me now.  Dude!  You just killed my fucking dog and now you want me to saw off his head?  Eat shit bro.  Take me to jail cause that ain't happening!

This whole story is just plain weird.

How did we get to a point where weirdness isn't unusual but becoming commonplace?

Qatar, Iran behind Ali Abdullah Saleh’s assassination

via Egypt Today.
Observers believe that Iran and Qatar are involved in the killing of former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh by providing Houthis with intelligence information regarding his location.

The head of the British Middle East Center for Studies and Research (BMCSR) tweeted on Monday that Qatar has cooperated with the Muslim Brotherhood in Sanaa, Yemen, revealing to them Saleh’s location. 
Story here.

Is this a heavy drop or LAPES setup?

Thanks to Ramiaen for the pic!

In one of my previous lives I recall the USAF and 82nd being big into LAPES (low altitude parachute extraction) operations.  Haven't heard or seen it done in YEARS but if I recall correctly that looks more like that type thing than a heavy drop.

Anyone know for sure?  Additionally the reader that provided the pic says that the op was conducted in Oct.  Anyone know the results or can provide a link to pics?

Yugoimport SDPR - Nora B52 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzer...neatest wheeled howitzer design I've seen....

Wow.  This is the neatest wheeled howitzer design I've seen (outside of the S. African offerings).  It's a real middleweight in my opinion.  Not only does it provide the firepower of a fully tracked vehicle and the mobility of wheels but it also goes a step further and provides armored protection to the gun crew.

I like it.

Open Comment Post. Nov 5, 2017

flamethrower armored car AEC “Heavy Cockatrice”(“Basilisk”).

Scout Snipers | Marines

Monday, December 04, 2017

Open Comment Post. Dec 4, 2017

Defense Hawks lose....kiss that Pentagon plus up goodbye...

via Reuters.
With a Dec. 8 deadline rapidly approaching for either extending federal funding in some way or triggering a partial government shutdown, the House next week will advance a temporary patch, according to a senior aide, and try to provide money through Dec. 22.

That will give Congress more time to craft a second patch, the aide said, to operate the government through January.

While the moves, if successful, would keep the Pentagon running at last year’s levels, they are far from Republican hopes of handing Trump about $634 billion in fiscal 2018 funding for the military’s regular operations, $85 billion above last year.
 Democrats are demanding increases in non-defense spending if military budgets are pumped up as Trump has demanded.
Story here. 

If you've been paying attention then you know the Senate just passed a huge tax cut bill that is unpopular and many say is aimed at the rich/corporations.

What does that have to do with anything?

That means that the Republicans, who can't run a boy scout jamboree much less congress, are stuck between another rock and a hard thing.

The defense hawks want increased spending, the domestic spending crowd want spending on their projects and the deficit hawks are screaming at them both.

From my chair what that will mean is more stopgap spending bills, more weird financing gimmicks from the Pentagon and all hope of increased defense spending gone with the wind.

The good thing?

Once the Pentagon stops hoping for a plus up they'll be forced to think.

Blast from the past. The Varian Disaster, a warning about arrogance...

This piece of art is titled.."Give me back my legion"

via War HistoryOnline.
Varus was crushed. His feet and hands and mind were numb with the freezing rain. His legions, so splendid and untouchable only days before, were in tatters. The broken remnants of his glorious army were gathered around him with the great hill at their back, facing a crude wall of raw earth.

He had given the order to storm the wall and had sent his most hardened soldiers in the van of the attempt. There was no hope for any of them; he knew, if these men could not break through.

It was the third day since the whistle and thud of the enemy’s javelins had signalled the beginning of the ambush. The rain had been falling then, too, and Varus had been riding in the center of his great host, surrounded by his staff. The host was many thousands strong, and he had suspected no danger. His reputation preceded him, he knew. The name of Varus was feared in this land.
 Varus would have been pleased to retire to bed, but he was interrupted by another German, and older man, the father of Arminius’ wife. There was no love lost between these two; Varus knew, but the old man had gone too far this time. He claimed that Arminius would betray Varus during the march, that Varus would be hemmed in a narrow place, and that the well-spoken, Roman-educated Arminius had secretly raised an army to defy the rule of the Emperor in Rome.
 They met each other’s eyes and saluted smartly, then turned to face the approaching tide. And there he was: the well-spoken, well-educated vassal, Arminius, walking forward at the head of his victorious army. He saw Varus, and his smile was dreadful to behold. He pointed Varus out to the men around him, and with a yell began to charge toward him. Varus took a breath and made his decision. There was no other escape left. He lifted his short-bladed sword, found the soft spot below his ribs and plunged the blade upward.

This battle cost Rome three entire legions and came to be known in Rome as the Varian disaster.
Story here.

History teaches many lessons.  Many of them WE DON'T want to learn.

You know what the most frightening thing I see happening with today's military?

It's not the foolish/stubborn determination to follow thru with the F-35.  We've suffered failed programs before.  It's not the penny packets of forces scattered around the globe doing busy work, wearing out men/equipment in flawed/useless exercises that are suppose to "deter" aggression and "reassure" our allies.

It's the sheer arrogance of those that lead and their failure to accept the fact that they got it wrong.  It's the pride that they have, the self assurance that they somehow have it right and because they have consensus from those that depend on them for their current position/hopeful promotion and sing their praises without debating issues of national importance that has me spinning.

That they tilt with the wind instead of being considerate of the facts is painful to watch.

But you know what worries me the most?

I unfortunately can envision a future battlefield where we see an American commander that is "partnered" with a modern day Arminius that betrays our forces to the enemy.

Did the ambush of the Special Forces detachment in Niger break your heart?  It did mine.  The general public barely noticed.  My fear is that we could see the same happen to a larger unit.

In short.  I fear we're not on the British trajectory of "losing it's empire" but instead following the Romans from so long ago. I hope I'm wrong but I fear history is warning us and we're not listening. Bring our boys back from the frontier, let's rebuild the force, embark on a massive modernization/reset, get our shit together and get ready for the big fight that we all know is coming.

Green Beret trainer faults careerism and gender integration for weakening special operations...

via Free Beacon.
An Army Green Beret officer has issued a public but anonymous rebuke of senior leaders for weakening America's special forces by lowering training standards due to careerism and push to integrate women into the elite force.

"Our regiment has a cancer, and it is destroying the [Special Forces] legacy, its capability, and its credibility," the officer wrote anonymously in an email widely circulated within the U.S. Special Operations Command.
The officer is based at the Army Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and the email accuses leaders of "moral cowardice" by lowering training standards and weakening the capabilities of special operations commandos.
Story here. 

Hmm.  I've been complaining about ops tempo, over use, raid mentality and an almost non-existent strategy as being the top dangers to America's special operations forces.

This was predictable but he's late.

The generals know better but swallowed hard and collected their paychecks. The bastards at USNI Blog practically shuttered any real discussion of the issues and I'll hate them till I die (to include a few people that work there that lost their way but I'll let them settle up in the afterlife with relatives...I'm sure they all made their ancestors proud with their pitiful display) for their lack of courage and Nazi like behavior because they cared more for a social agenda they were pushing than the defense of a nation.


This battle has been fought and lost.  When it was time for him to voice his opinion I'm sure the guy penning this anonymous letter was silent and went along to get along.

So what is he left with?

He'll be forced to pencil whip some unqualified individuals thru and pray that he retires or we have eternal peace instead of doing the hard thing with people that he knows shouldn't have passed training.

Polish armor on exercise...

pics via Official Polish Defense Flickr page.

Sunday, December 03, 2017

Amid Shortfalls, Most USMC Requests for Ship Training Denied Last Year

via Military.com
A report released by the Government Accountability Office this fall finds the Navy and Marine Corps are falling short in adequate and consistent training for amphibious missions, with stateside units often missing out as next-to-deploy units get precious shipboard training time.

The report does fault the services for not doing enough to maximize virtual training and experimentation, but it also points out that a dearth of available amphibious ships are putting a strain on the force.
Story here. 

Wow.  This is mighty convenient.

US Marines onboard French Amphibs for a deployment?

via Naval Today
A French Navy amphibious task group got underway from the Toulon naval base on Wednesday, November 21, for a deployment to the Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean.

Composed of Mistral-class amphibious assault ship LHD FS Tonnerre and the Horizon-class air defense destroyer FS Chevalier Paul, the task group will also be spending time in the US 5th Fleet area of operations integrating into the command and control structure of US Naval Forces Central Command.

In addition, some 150 US sailors and marines will embark aboard the Tonnerre while she operates in the region.

In the spirit of the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of World War I, and in memory of the sacrifices of US Marines during the second battle of the Marne, this deployment is named Bois Belleau 100.

The US Navy has welcomed this deployment saying it would pre-position an important amphibious operational capability in an area of common strategic interest.

US and French personnel previously cooperated and trained together between April and May this year as another French task group, composed of FS Mistral and frigate FS Courbet, carried out the annual French Jeanne D’Arc deployment.
No comment.

When did Polish gear become the new "hotness"????

I was trying to find a new utility pouch and was scouring the gun/gear and believe it or not AIRSOFT (those little freaks buy the most expensive gear I've ever seen just to go play PAINTBALL...I don't understand it but they always have lines on the latest and greatest) sites to see what I could see to fit the bill and much to my surprise Polish gear is suddenly the new "hotness"!

I don't pay attention to Brit stuff.  It might be 2017 but everything they make is in that DPM camo...plus they have a weird infatuation with belt gear.

The French stuff is just plain weird.  I guess you can tell that from the FAMAS that they'd either shop for US stuff or suffer from homegrown, cause it just don't ring any bells with me.

The Italian stuff is good and they ship overseas but the few items that I had my eye on (they make some really interesting knives) are outrageously priced plus they have the audacity to actually charge you a freaking VAT tax on top of it.  Hint.  I avoid paying local, state and federal taxes when I can.  I sure as shit ain't paying a freaking VAT too!

Which leads me to the Polish gear.  Direct Action I had heard of but Husar was new and there are a couple of others that have people going nutty.

Who knew.

The Poles might be the home of gear innovation in the future.  They haven't been neutered yet!  There is hope for Europe!

Side note.  Not a solid connection, but gear innovation equals martial spirit.  Martial spirit equals the willingness to do the hard thing when necessary.  Doing the hard thing when necessary means being responsible.  Being responsible means being man.  Being a man means that there are times when you must be willing to fight.  Being willing to fight equals martial spirit and martial spirit equals gear innovation!

Canadian Army moving forward with the Tactical Armored Patrol Vehicle (TAPV)

via OttawaCitizen.
The Canadian Forces officially opened on Friday its new facility at 4 CDSB Petawawa to house the base’s fleet of Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicles.
The vehicles will be used for a variety of tasks on the battlefield, including reconnaissance and surveillance, security, command and control, and transporting cargo and personnel.

In total, 113 TAPVs will be operated at 4 CDSB Petawawa, according to the Canadian Forces. Fifty-nine will be housed in a new facility. The remaining 54 TAPVs will be housed in existing facilities at the base.
Delivery of the TAPVs to 4 CDSB Petawawa began in August 2017. Fourteen TAPVs are currently located at the new facility, with the rest expected to be delivered in 2018, said Department of National Defence spokesman Daniel Le Bouthillier.
I posted the video cause it finally explains the thinking of the Canadian Army.  If we look at how they view themselves and what they consider likely deployments then the TAPV by Textron makes nothing but sense.

The TAPV is a different looking "protected mobility vehicle".  Because of its ground clearance and basic design its more mobile than other vehicles in its class.

I don't know the cost point but even if it's a bit more expensive I have to think that its combat capability will make up for the difference.

We wondered why the TAPV?  I think we have the answer.  I like it.  They're getting it into service and I can't wait to see it perform at NATO exercises.

Unmanned Ground Combat Vehicles...they're coming so we need to get ready...

Above you see various unmanned ground combat vehicles that are being tested, trialled etc...

I have never been a fan of the concept.  I think the logistics of the thing will drive everyone batty (which would seem to mean we need more CH-53K's and less MV-22's but that's a different discussion), the maintenance will be a bear and the energy consumption crippling.

But it's turning into a self fulfilling prophecy because everyone is pushing the concept in order to be "futurists".

With that in mind we need to get ready.  Question.  How do we economically kill UGCV?  Does it make sense to expend an anti-tank rocket/missile on them?  How many rounds does it take from your combat rifle to get a kill on one?  What is your point of aim to knock them out?

The USMC is pushing the logistics/squad support role for these rigs but others are looking at the "tankette" role which means we MUST plan to kill these beasts.

UGCV.  It's past time to take the threat seriously and workout tactics to deal with it at the squad level!  

M4A3E2 Jumbo OUT ARMORED Tiger 1's?

via M4A1 Shermayne Tumblr Page
Not only was the Sherman Cost Effective and Versatile, but it was also extremely reliable and available in mass wherever needed. Unlike both the Panther and the Tiger which suffered from poor reliability and lack of availability, from 1942 onward the Sherman was used on every front of the war.

When it comes to the overall Flammability of the Sherman compared to the Tiger and Panthers… there wasn’t much difference after the installation of wet stowage, as all three tanks used gasoline engines, but due to the Shermans always being of the offensive compared to the German tanks, they suffered heavier losses to Panzerfausts, AT guns, tank destroyers, etc.

When it came to close combat, the M4A3E2 Sherman with the 76 could easily win against the Tiger and Panther at close range. Especially if you factor in the M93 APCR shot which has the ability to penetrate up to 230mm of armor.

Infact the M4A3E2 Jumbo OUT ARMORS both tanks from the front. With a total of 106mm of RHA angled at 48 degrees and a total ring of 152mm of turret armor, aswell as 177.8mms of turret face armor*
Gotta verify this claim.  If true then WW2 tank history is gonna change.  Rather, conventional wisdom is gonna need to change!

Operation Inherent Resolve | Marines

Yeah its propaganda but good propaganda.

This fight against ISIS.  This is the fight that tells you everything you need to know about our COIN efforts and the way we do it.

First.  When we solely on defeating the enemy and stopped trying to support an idiotic strategy thought up in smoked filled rooms to "shape" the region we got shit done.  It didn't take 50 years like some generals and other "experts" said to defeat ISIS.  All it took was a focus on the enemy and dropping the bullshit agendas.

Second.  We did this fight without nation building.  The US military just doesn't do that!  We have HISTORICALLY never been able to get that part done.  Why?  I'm not sure.  Is it cultural?  Probably.  The very idea of democracy means that it can't be imposed.  After several decades its apparent to me that some regions just don't see the value in it that we do.  Butler would say that the real goal isn't pushing democracy but propping up a skewed view of capitalism.  I tend to agree with that thinking but can't go all the way with that...at least not yet.

How do we fight COIN, or rather should?  We defeat the enemy on the battlefield and then we withdraw.  We can't secure someone else's future for them.

Operation Inherent Resolve is almost done.  

A little battlefield clean up and we're out of there!

Saturday, December 02, 2017

Political game changer? Mueller removed FBI agent from Russia probe for anti-Trump texts

via Reuters
The New York Times and the Washington Post identified the investigator as FBI agent Peter Strzok, the deputy head of FBI counter-intelligence. He was reassigned last summer to the FBI’s human resources department after the Justice Department’s inspector general began looking into the text messages, the papers said, quoting several unidentified people familiar with the matter.

Strzok played a key role in the FBI investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, the papers said.

During that probe and the 2016 presidential election, Strzok and an FBI colleague exchanged texts that disparaged then-Republican candidate Donald Trump and favored Clinton, his Democratic rival, the Washington Post said. The newspapers did not disclose details of the text messages.

Reuters was unable to reach Strzok for comment. The New York Times said that a lawyer for Strzok declined to comment, while the Washington Post said it repeatedly sought comment from Strzok, but received no response.

Mueller’s office confirmed Strzok’s removal, but did not elaborate on the cause.
Story here. 

This is huge and will be used to question the legitimacy of the investigation.  Consider the implications....

1.  The Agent in question was in charge of the Hillary probe.  We already know the Comey (or is it suspect) was a Hillary Supporter/Deep Stater.  This will add fuel to the fire that the FBI prejudged the outcome of that investigation.

2.  This same agent has cracked the rubicon.  He is shown to have political leanings.  For Muller to dismiss him at this late date indicates that at least for awhile, his staff was filled with some that can be said to have a political agenda.

This could be a political game changer...or am I wrong?

Royal Marines hovercraft conducting training in Devon.