Sunday, March 17, 2019

Swedish Granatkastare Pansarbandvagn 90 (GRKPBV 90) mortar

The more I see this system the more curious it becomes.  Definitely need to hear reports of how the troops like it...and it's accuracy.

MEF sized forces controlling distributed operations with some units as small as Rifle Squads? Command/Control is gonna be a bear...

Members of I Marine Expeditionary Force taking part in Pacific Blitz 2019 may find themselves helping the Navy attack enemy ships with long-range precision fires from shore positions.

About 5,000 Marines from I MEF joined approximately 5,000 sailors operating on four ships from the Navy's 3rd Fleet on March 12 for the large-scale, joint exercise off the coast of Southern California. It runs until March 26.

For the Marines, some of the focus of the exercise will be on "how are we doing naval integration in such a way that we can contribute to the sea control fight that the Navy would be prosecuting" against a near-peer adversary such as China or Russia, Lt. Gen. Joseph Osterman, commander of I MEF, told defense reporters Friday.

"Some of [what] we are looking at is ... by putting a landing force ashore, for example, how would that landing force project fires, both kinetic and non-kinetic, to help achieve sea control?" he said.

This could be made possible using developmental missile technology designed to be retrofitted onto the high mobility artillery rocket system, or HIMARS, Osterman said.

"We would be able to ... project things like that ashore to be able to conduct anti-surface fires from the shore," he said.

Marines might also act as forward observers from shore, using high-tech sensors on unmanned aerial systems to target enemy ships for naval fires.

"Maybe the force that's ashore is actually doing the target acquisition and target identification through electronic means or visual means. Or let's say a UAS operating from the shore then cues a naval shooter that is over the horizon," Osterman said. "This would allow, from a sea control perspective, for the ground forces to actually be woven in … That we could help contribute to."

It has been about two years since I MEF participated in such a large-scale exercise, but the Marine Corps is trying to get back to having a MEF-level exercise every year, he said.
Story here. 

Well we've gotten the answer to at least one question.  We understand better the buy of the Predator UAVs.  The Marine Corps is going all in on the fighting for sea control from the shore.  The Predators are gonna provide targeting data to fires from ships, MLRS, shore based anti-ship missiles batteries and everything else they can get networked in.

Additionally I don't have an answer (at least in this story) about the Marines buying land based anti-ship missiles.  I do however get the impression that its gonna have to be compatible (in what way I don't know) with the HIMARS platform.

Last but not least I have to wonder if a MEF will be able to control all the tasks that are being thrown under its roof. 

I expect the sea control fight to happen simultaneously with the fight on land. So they're gonna direct widely dispersed unit while at the same time fighting the naval battle?

That sounds like a command and control nightmare.  I don't have much insight to this part of things but do they have the bandwidth to do all the things they want?

Are we setting ourselves up to have one point of failure that they enemy will try to exploit?  Attacking our comms would be mission number one for any threat force if I was them.

I'm sure planners are aware but I haven't read anything that indicates how they plan to solve the problem.  That should be interesting.

Vid of the Brutus truck mounted, low recoil howitzer...

Thanks to Petrus for the link!

I haven't been able to get excited about this experiment.  I guess its a start but when I look at the CAESAR, the Archer and the various Russian systems I wonder how we can be so far behind the curve on this.

This might sound like sacrilege to some but I wonder why we don't simply buy the Caesar or the Archer (my preferred option for the Marine Corps) and mount it to a FMTV or MTVR and be done with it.

Italy set to revise 20 year old F-35 contract...

via Sputnik.
The Five Star and Lega parties, part of the current government, have opposed a F-35 deal with the US aviation giant. The defence ministry has studied the 20-year old agreement over the last few months. The assessment has been finished, and the issue is reportedly expected to be discussed at the summit level, an Italian news agency reports.

According to the news agency, Defence Minister Elisabetta Trenta will authorise a 389-million-euro ($440 million) payment for F-35 jets under the 1998 deal with the US aircraft maker Lockheed Martin.

The outlet cites a government source as saying that after the payment is completed, they will carry out a revision of the programme, as was earlier announced. The source pointed at "some doubts” remaining about the agreement. According to the publication, there are questions about the agreements signed by the previous government. There had reportedly been a delay due to a "technical assessment" about purchasing US F-35 fighter jets, which has now been completed, ANSA says. The results are to be referred to the prime minister and the matter will be discussed by the country’s Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and US President Donald Trump, the news agency revealed.
Story here. 

Forget the 400 million dollar payment.  To me with regard to this program that's small potatoes.

What has me spinning is that they signed a contract 20 years ago and only now are seeking to revise it.

Can't speak for the Italians but I can easily see why they would do such a thing and wonder why it's taken so long.  They've been operating under austerity for a long time.  Every program they're involved in should have been scrubbed hard looking for savings.  Especially this one.

Think about it.

20 years and they still don't have planes filling an airbase.  The patience shown is remarkable.  It's like buying a car and waiting 20 years for it to be delivered!

Simply amazing.

If the Puma IFV isn't off the US Army's radar it should be!

via Defense News.
German and U.S. military officials had planned, then canceled, a demonstration this week of the Bundeswehr’s Puma infantry fighting vehicle, as the U.S. Army surveys candidates for its Next-Generation Combat Vehicle program.

A German Army spokesman confirmed that an event had been scheduled at the Munster tank-training area for Jeffrey White, a deputy to U.S. Army acquisition chief Bruce Jette. White ended up canceling because of a scheduling conflict, the spokesman told Defense News.

Officials on both sides of the Atlantic were tight-lipped about the details of the planned visit and whether another date is being explored. It is also unclear which country initiated the contact, though the government interested in another’s hardware would typically lodge the request for a demonstration.

The apparent curiosity by the U.S. Army in the Puma evokes memories from 2010 and 2011, when the German vehicle, still largely in the development stage at the time, was a contender for the now-defunct Ground Combat Vehicle program. Boeing and SAIC, along with the German manufacturing consortium of Rheinmetall Defence and Krauss-Maffei Wegmann, had pitched a modified version of the vehicle for the U.S. Army.
Story here. 

I can understand a bit of politeness to our German allies by taking a look at their vehicle but the armored vehicle revolution has arrived and their are too many interesting platforms out there...

Like the KF-41...

Or the Redback offering from S. Korea...

And the Singapore Next Generation Fighting Vehicle.

In short the Puma IFV is from a previous generation.  Too many outstanding offerings out there that make it rather old news.

I repeat.  If the Puma IFV isn't off the US Army's radar, it should be!

Open Comment Post. 17 March 2019

King cobra bites python. Python constricts cobra. Cobra dies of constriction. Python dies from venom. Holy shit. Via u/tryuon. More interesting posts here: @sixpenceee

Royal Air Force Hercules C5 ZH883 from 47 Squadron at RAF Northolt @ Stuartfreer1 Twitter Page...

Awesome pics.  Follow this guy...he does good work! One other thing.  Repost his pics but leave the watermark.  Dude not only shares his pics but also doesn't have obscene watermarks that obscure them.  

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Spanish Marines set to receive AAVs from BAE (surplus USMC stock that's been refurbished?)...

via Defense News.
 The U.S. State Department has cleared Spain to purchase 11 assault amphibious vehicles, built by BAE systems, in a deal that could be worth $107 million.

The possible foreign military sale notification was posted on the website of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency on Friday. Sale notifications are not guarantees of sale, and quantities and dollar figures can often change during final negotiations.

“This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security of the United States by improving the security of a NATO ally which is an important force for political stability and economic progress in Europe,” the notification reads. “It is vital to the U.S. national interest to assist Spain in developing and maintaining a strong and ready self-defense capability.”

Spain seeks three types of vehicles in the deal, which will join the 19 AAVs already in use by that country. Included in the proposal are eight personnel carriers, two command vehicles and one recovery vehicle. Also included are “Enhanced Armor Applique Kits (EAAK), spare and repair parts, tools and test equipment, technical data and publications, training and training material,” per the notice.
Story here. 

I expect to see much more of this.  While the USMC is moving forward with the Amphibious Combat Vehicle, many nations are satisfied with the status quo represented by the AAV.

What has me spinning is SAIC's approach to this.

Why in God's name aren't they marketing the Survivability Upgrade they proposed to the USMC to every AAV user?  They could make a killing but they apparently lack imagination.

Give me a week running that shop, working their advertisements and calling every Ministry Of Defense that operates AAV and I could get them at least a billion dollars worth of work and keep a plant busy for at least a couple of years.

Canadian Forces at work in Operation Presence (Mali)

Two things.

1.  Follow Canadian Combat Camera!  Those boys do good work!

2.  Operation Presence (Mali) appears to be ramping up a bit.  I've been following the German Army and they're giving running reports of their operations too.  Suffice it to say that we're talking about long range motorized patrols, vehicle breakdowns, and operating pretty far out without much visible (don't know what's happening in the background) support.  I hate to say it but another ambush of western forces seems inevitable if I'm reading things right.

That is all...

Marine Corps Commandant to fight for amphibious ships...

via Military Times.
The Navy's 2020 budget has more ship-building funds than the service has seen in decades, but it also cuts money for the vessels that bring Marines to the fight.

Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller said Wednesday that he'll talk to members of Congress about the lack of funding for the warships and the effect that could have on national security.

The National Defense Strategy makes it clear that Marines and sailors must be prepared to compete with China in the Asia-Pacific region, he said.

"It's a maritime theater and ... we have a Marine Corps that comes from the sea," Neller said. "But we can't come from the sea if I don't have a way to get underway."

The Navy budget scraps plans for a multiyear contract on the new LPD Flight II amphibious transport dock ships, set to replace the Whidbey Island-class dock landing ships. Instead, the budget includes plans for one ship buy in 2021 and another in 2023.
"I've always prided myself on being a member of the Joint Chiefs, but I'm also the commandant," Neller said. "... I've got to be able to make the case to move [up the timeline] or increase the number of amphibs -- that it's a better value for your dollar than buying something else."

Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson told reporters this week the Navy will get to 36 amphibious ships, which is "pretty close to the requirement of 38."
Story here. 

This is interesting.  Especially the rebuttal by the CNO.  The Navy plan might not be perfect but they're actually online to deliver what the USMC is asking for...or rather getting mighty close.

All things considered this is a tempest in a tea pot.

Budget reality is budget reality.

Buys will have to be spaced.  Navy priorities mostly align with Marine Corps priorities so all is good.

Ya know what really has me slightly concerned but it's getting no air time? The Navy is about to get rid of medical personnel.  That is weird and that is concerning because we rely on the Navy for that to a bigger degree than anyone realizes.

UK raises a new Specialist Gurkha Infantry Battalion...

via British Army Press Release.
The 3rd Battalion Royal Gurkha Rifles will be established as a Specialised Infantry Battalion and will begin recruiting in 2019.

The 3rd Battalion Royal Gurkha Rifles will join other members of the Specialist Infantry Group, to complete plans set out in the 2015 Defence Review to establish up to five Specialised Infantry Battalions. These specialised Infantry Battalions are designed to provide expert capacity building and training skills with a focus on niche capabilities or areas of the world.

For more than 200 years, Gurkhas have been an integral part of the British Armed Forces and have demonstrated exceptional military aptitude, with a 100% pass rate through basic training. Gurkha soldiers continue to make an exemplary contribution to the British Army through the unique skills they offer, including specialist language skills, which enable them to build longstanding relationships with the United Kingdom’s global partners.

Alongside this new role, the MOD will also be enhancing the support some Gurkha units already provide to the Army, for example the UK led NATO Allied Rapid Reaction Corps, and establishing additional Gurkha Engineer and Signals Squadrons. These are crucial capabilities to enable the UK to meet its global defence commitments.

The new units will allow Gurkhas to access more career opportunities, including promotion and increased chances to serve a full 24-year Army career within the Brigade of Gurkhas.

Minister for the Armed Forces Mark Lancaster said: "The Gurkhas have built an outstanding reputation for their skill and bravery as soldiers through centuries of service and sacrifice.

"They bring unique expertise and perspective to the United Kingdom and British Army which makes them an ideal choice to form a third battalion of the Royal Gurkha Rifles as a Specialised Infantry Battalion.

Colonel of the Royal Gurkha Rifles Major General Gez Strickland said: "The Royal Gurkha Rifles is delighted to be able to support the Army by creating a third battalion. The specialised infantry role is exciting and challenging and we look forward to learning new skills and making new partnerships around the world as we begin the new task. We are enormously proud of the Army’s confidence in our ability to take this on."
I find this fascinating.

If I remember correctly the Brits are up in arms about a bunch of "cap badges" (I think that's what they call them) being done away with because they're consolidating.

Meanwhile they're building a new Gurkha Battalion.

Strange times in the Brit Army.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Dunford says F-15X fills capacity and capabilities that the F-35 can't provide...AND IS CHEAPER TO OPERATE!

via Air Force Magazine.
The Pentagon’s decision to add new F-15EXs to its budget request for the Air Force, a move not requested by the service itself, was based on a lack of capability and capacity of the current fleet and the presumptive cheaper cost of the Eagles, the military’s top uniformed officer told lawmakers on Thursday.

The Pentagon’s fiscal 2020 budget request includes about $1 billion for eight F-15EX “advanced Eagles,” a decision that stemmed from former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford told the Senate Armed Services Committee the “framework” of the decision came from a study of the future needs of the military’s tactical aircraft fleet, which showed the Air Force had a shortage in its number of aircraft and the amount of ordnance those aircraft could carry.

"Then they had the F-15C, which was aging out in the 2027-2028 period," he said "So, within the next five or 10 years the best solution was to go to the F-15, called the EX, platform to backfill the F-15. Eventually we’ll get to an all F-35 program, but from both a cost perspective and a capability perspective, this particular mix of aircraft for the near term was determined to be the right mix of aircraft.”

The F-15EX initially would only be “slightly” cheaper to buy than a new F-35, it will be more than 50 percent cheaper than the Joint Strike Fighter to operate over its life. Additionally, it has “twice as many hours” in terms of how long it lasts.
Story here. 

Just plain wow!

The F-15EX has capability that the F-35 doesn't have at this time.  Makes me wonder about those Red Flag exercises.

Next it helps explain the US Navy decision to continue buys of the Super Hornet.

We got our answer with regard to the study that Mattis commissioned regarding the Super Hornet vs F-35.  Obviously the F-35 didn't do well.

Last is the big news and the huge concern.

The F-15X is going to be 50% cheaper to operate.

This is CRAZY!  That is one of the reasons for being for the F-35.  It's suppose to be cheaper to operate but Dunford says that over the life of the F-15X it will be cheaper.

Mark my words.

They already know this thing is slated to be a hanger queen.

Rant. I don't understand some of you people. Outrage with terror attacks against the West, but a shrug when terror hits Muslims?

We need to have this one out.

I don't get some of you people.  I've expressed outrage when I see Muslims attack ordinary citizens (religion unknown....) when its happened in the West.

When this attack happened in NZ, I again express outrage at this white, I assume Christian male attacking Muslims.

That's where we part company.

Some of you FREAKS are actually just shrugging and saying that the backlash is to be expected.

Are you stupid?

Do you know that's how you guarantee a spiral of violence that will lead to even more horrendous acts of violence down the road.

As much as I criticise Europe allowing the flow of illegal immigrants into their countries there is one thing they're fanatical about.  They lock arms and hunt the terror suspects to ground when it happens.  The French for all the "surrender" memes they get were almost magical in their efforts to hunt down those responsible.

They cornered them and they did the work.

The same could be said for the National Police in NZ.  That's probably a pic I SHOULD POST.  NZ Police rammed this son of a bitch, dragged the sorry piece of shit from the car and apprehended him (probably should have just wasted his ass right there but they were professional...not emotional).

But instead what are we seeing?

People are reacting by saying that its to be expected.  One clown posted a meme of the Mayor of London saying that terrorism is part and parcel of living in a big city.

No it fucking isn't.

That's batshit stupid.

Just as stupid as launching two wars because a couple dozen bastards from Saudi Arabia take advantage of a vulnerability and kill several thousand Americans.

It was a law enforcement issue.  Not a go to war in the Middle East for almost 20 years issue.

Get woke.  Stop being nonchalant about outrageous acts of violence by anyone, anywhere against society.

One last thing.

They're fighting a religious war.  People in the West are apparently viewing it as a racial conflict.

Make that mistake and YOU WILL have allies...natural allies in the fight against terrorism being FORCED to join hands with the enemy because some in the WEST ARE DETERMINED TO MAKE THEM ENEMIES based on the color of their skin AND the God that they worship.

That's batshit stupid too.

I know this whole rant is disjointed.  Deal with it.  This has me fucked up.  I'm pissed by alot of what I've read in the comments section of my blog today.

Open Comment Post. 15 March 2019

Initial prototype of Turkey's 'Euphrates' upgrade for its M60A3 MBT...

Story here.

Do not post snuff vids taken by that animal during the terror attack in NZ...

Sorry guys.

We ain't having it here.


Yeah I get it.  Information no matter how despicable should be shared.

The problem.

I believe that many will glorify his actions.  I won't participate in that.  I know the vids are floating around.  I know other info is out there on this bastard.

But I plant my flag.

We won't broadcast the vids/pics this son of a bitch took while committing this act against humanity.

Gripen - Always combat ready

US Marines at Cobra Gold by Lance Cpl. Ryan Persinger

Lockheed Martin - Sikorsky Raider photos....

Note.  This helicopter looks good but they really need to get the Defiant in the air!