Monday, March 25, 2019

Blast from a terrible past. OnThisDay in 1988 the IRA murdered Robert Howes, 23

Wow.  This is disturbing as hell.  This happened in a Western country.  Over what most Americans would see as a trivial matter.

Want another kick in the pants?

The British Govt just approved the prosecution of soldiers that had to fight that bloody campaign.

This is sad and disturbing.

It's also a warning for the future.  It can happen anywhere.  It just takes a spark.

Damn! Someone actually did it! Someone called for MARSOC to be disbanded!

If the Marine Corps is serious about getting ready to take on a near-peer enemy like China in the future, then it's time to fold its 13-year-old special operations command and apply those resources elsewhere.

At least that's the argument one retired Marine officer made this week while presenting ways the service can better prepare for large-scale naval operations – and it's causing quite a stir in the Marine Corps special operations community.

Dakota Wood, who worked as a strategist at Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command from 2012-2013, released a 60-page report on Thursday titled "Rebuilding America's Military: The United States Marine Corps." It was published by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative Washington think tank where Wood serves as senior research fellow for defense programs.

Facing relentless operational tempo and ongoing budget woes, the Marine Corps should reevaluate where it's spending resources, Wood writes. As part of that effort, he said service leaders should "strongly consider disestablishing [MARSOC]."

"It's a great outfit and they're doing great things, so this is not to disparage MARSOC," Wood told "It's stepping back and saying, 'OK, Marine Corps, what are you supposed to be doing? And how are you using the resources that you have?'"

Wood's call to disband the command comes after the Marine Corps released its 2020 budget request, revealing plans to increase the number of MARSOC billets. But the 2,700 Marines already assigned to MARSOC do more to benefit U.S. Special Operations Command than they do the Marine Corps, Wood wrote.

"The Corps' commitment to MARSOC, while a boon to SOCOM and the good work it does for the country, is an opportunity cost for the Corps and the work that only it can do, as opposed to SOCOM's role and the contributions long made to its mission by the Army, Navy and Air Force," he said.
Story here. 

Just plain wow.

Never in a trillion years did I think someone would actually do it, much less Dakota.

This is a conversation that should have been had LONG ago.  To expect a force of 175K (or a bit more...don't know the end strength now) to produce 3 battalions of Special Ops personnel was batshit stupid but to be expected from Rumsfeld.

Now with a looming fight against a peer force on the horizon someone is looking at personnel issues and coming to a basic conclusion.

The USMC is too small to contribute to least as a ground force.

In my estimation we could more easily contribute aviation assets (maybe a squadron or two of MV-22s...along with an F-35B section) to augment the 160th (who would pay for penetration package for the MV-22 would be problematic) or maybe just act as support in the tilt rotor community for the Air Force limited number of MV-22s (although I hear they're not the preferred ride of SOCOM units) much like the US Navy once had a dedicated rotary winged SOCOM unit...but I don't know if that would "fly" either.

The point is simple.

We can expect the MARSOC (and to a degree the aviation centric mafia) to fight back hard.  They won't even want the conversation.  But it must be had.

The solution is simple.  Disband MARSOC.  Its not in the best interest of the USMC, the Army could more easily raise another Ranger Battalion and the personnel could simply transfer service to that unit (those that want SOCOM more than the Marines).

The real pushback will come from Marine Officers (sorry Noble, Frazier and others) that want to punch their ticket doing a bit of SOCOM time before the next promotion board.

Either way the point remains.

It's past time for the USMC to have the discussion about disbanding SOCOM.

Open Comment Post. 25 March 2019

The IDF must have a HARD TIME targeting those rocket launchers targeting their territory from Gaza...

No wonder the IDF has such a hard time targeting those rocket launchers targeting their territory.

I would never have believed it till I saw this pic.  I gotta give the Hezbollah credit for creativity and ingenuity.

Outraged about Trump not being charged with collusion or obstructing justice? Then remember this moment!

I watched this entire press conference.  I was riveted.  Comey laid out fact by fact why Clinton should be prosecuted.

Then he punched the nation in the balls and said that even with all the evidence he painstakingly laid out he would not recommend prosecution.

It was at this moment that everything crystalized.

No longer was the FBI non partisan.

No longer was justice applied evenly.

No longer was justice blind.

The rich, powerful and connected got hooked up.  I was deceived because you'd occasionally see a movie star, or singer, or athlete convicted for this or that.

But they're little fish.  They're not the big dawgs.

In hindsight we ALL knew the fix (or justice depending on your perspective) was in when Pelosi stated that Trump was not worth impeachment.  That was the moment (in hindsight) when I should have realized this was just a passion play.

I've been chewing on the motivation behind this grand scheme.  What I've come up with is that the political powers that be are infatuated with the "Game Of Thrones".  They see themselves as "masters of the universe" and that we're all pawns.

The bleating of sheep to the cries of the news media that all sang from the same playbook gave it away.

We've all been played gents.

The outcome to this whole thing was decided when it started.  Trump was never going to be convicted of a thing.

This whole thing was political in nature.  They made Republican districts Democrat, the confused us all with conflicting information that could easily be seen thru whatever lens you wanted and they stalled Trump's agenda to set things up for the 2020 election.

If you were shocked by Comey's announcement on Hillary then don't mock but feel sympathy for your fellow Americans.  

We're all being pitted against each other for the benefit of people that aren't worth a warm bucket of spit.

CH-47 inducted into the Indian Air Force...

Thanks to Gessler for the pics!

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Mueller Report. If you take a shot at the crown you best not miss...The Dems did and now they're gonna pay...

It's finally over.

We know the conclusion to the report.

The Dems wanted a knock out blow and didn't get it.  So did the news media. So did the liberal elite and their followers.

They failed.


Trump is gonna fly high.

They took a shot at the crown and missed.  So now the crown will be seeking scalps.

Side note.  Remember a bit ago when Pelosi said that Trump wasn't worth impeachment?  That was her clumsy way of both preparing her followers and prepping those that paid attention that the Mueller report would be a nothing burger.  Despite all the activity from the Dems wanting full documents I'm guessing they knew a couple of weeks ago that nothing would come of this.

UPDATE.  The News Media is looking like a bunch of raging lunatics now!  They have been found wanting.  The only thing left is to see how many Americans realize that they were played and how many will finally open their eyes and see that the mainstream media is part of the system designed to keep them UNINFORMED!!!!

Open Comment Post. 24 March 2019

Bet you've never seen this variant of the Leopard MBT...the Leopard 1 VTGS (Versuchsträger Gesamtschutz).

Have you ever seen this variant of the Leopard MBT?  I haven't but it does have the same design cues we're seeing on the KF-41 doesn't it?

Your Sunday Funny...No one man should have this much power!

German Air Force jumping on Passive Radar (anti-stealth) bandwagon...

via Defense News.
The German Air Force has created a formal acquisition track for passive sensing technology, joining a global military equipment trend that could reshuffle the cat-and-mouse game of radar versus stealthy aircraft.

A defense acquisition spokesman told Defense News that the service is working on an “FFF” analysis for passive sensor systems, a technical acronym from deep inside the military-acquisition bureaucracy. Short for “Fähigkeitslücke und Funktionale Forderung,” the process serves to describe a capability gap, derive requirements and eventually tee up an actual investment program.

Information about the acquisition status came in a response by the Defence Ministry to Defense News about an event in November that showed the military’s keen interest in passive radar.

The Luftwaffe and the ministry’s defense-acquisition organization had staged a weeklong “measuring campaign” in southern Germany aimed at visualizing the entire region’s air traffic through TwInvis, a passive radar system made by Hensoldt.

Queries about the results of the demonstration were left unanswered.


Passive radar technology is essentially covert, meaning pilots entering a monitored area may be unaware they are being tracked. That could even be the case for pilots flying stealthy aircraft like the F-35, experts say, though there is no publicly available data pitting passive radar against low-observable aircraft designs and their radiation-absorbing coatings.
Story here.

Anyone here have a basic understanding of this and can break it down to my donkey style?

Thomas Baker, Medal Of Honor Winner...One Bad Ass Soldier!

This dude was as hard as woodpecker lips.  Pure dee Bad Ass...his Wikipedia Page is here.  His Medal Of Honor Citation is below...

Medal of Honor citation

For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty at Saipan, The Mariana Islands, 19 June to 7 July 1944. When his entire company was held up by fire from automatic weapons and small-arms fire from strongly fortified enemy positions that commanded the view of the company, Sgt. (then Pvt.) Baker voluntarily took a bazooka and dashed alone to within 100 yards of the enemy. Through heavy rifle and machine gun fire that was directed at him by the enemy, he knocked out the strong point, enabling his company to assault the ridge. Some days later while his company advanced across the open field flanked with obstructions and places of concealment for the enemy, Sgt. Baker again voluntarily took up a position in the rear to protect the company against a surprise attack and came upon two heavily fortified enemy pockets manned by two officers and ten enlisted men which had been bypassed. Without regard for such superior numbers, he unhesitatingly attacked and killed all of them. Five hundred yards farther, he discovered six men of the enemy who had concealed themselves behind our lines and destroyed all of them. On 7 July 1944, the perimeter of which Sgt. Baker was a part was attacked from 3 sides by from 3,000 to 5,000 Japanese. During the early stages of this attack, Sgt. Baker was severely wounded, but he insisted on remaining in the line and fired at the enemy at ranges sometimes as close as 5 yards until his ammunition ran out. Without ammunition and with his weapon battered to uselessness from hand-to-hand combat, he was carried about 50 yards to the rear by a comrade, who was then himself wounded. At this point Sgt. Baker refused to be moved any further stating that he preferred to be left to die rather than risk the lives of any more of his friends. A short time later, at his request, he was placed in a sitting position against a small tree. Another comrade, withdrawing, offered assistance. Sgt. Baker refused, insisting that he be left alone and be given a soldier's pistol with its remaining eight rounds of ammunition. When last seen alive, Sgt. Baker was propped against a tree, pistol in hand, calmly facing the foe. Later Sgt. Baker's body was found in the same position, gun empty, with 8 Japanese lying dead before him. His deeds were in keeping with the highest traditions of the U.S. Army.[2]
We're not worthy of this type of heroism. 

I am humbled.

CH-47 via RAFOdiham Twitter Page...

FNSS HISAR (ACV-30 armed with anti-air missiles) night fire...

Saturday, March 23, 2019

About the Mueller report...

By now you've heard the Robert Mueller has completed his report and sent it to the Attorney General for review.  I've been chewing on this a bit and I'm thinking this...

*  We probably will never see the full report.  The reason isn't to protect the President, its to protect the FBI.  My instinct is that their was obvious wrongdoing in that agency and the Attorney General has been advised of it by the Inspector General's report.  More than a few had obvious bias and tainted the results.  A certain counter intel agent comes to mind as well as a former director AND a justice dept lawyer.

*  I believe that Stone was the last gasp attempt to dig up dirt on possible collusion with Russia.  When he proved to be intractable I think that ended this investigation.  I also believe that they raided his house in the way they did because they were hoping to grab documents that would give them new leads.  Stone is an old Washington operator and would have destroyed any and all records as well as having his computer scrubbed clean when the first indictment was announced.  Do I believe him to be spotless in this?  Hell no, but I also believe him to be at least a little smart.  He's old school Nixon Republican.  He would rather be buried than take the house down.

*  Manafort will get his pardon and the NY Attorney General will be warned off trying to prosecute him on the state level.  The same applies to Trump.

All in all this was an extremely messy affair.

The powers that be will want this whole thing swept under the rug.  The mission was accomplished.  They weakened Trump (with a big dose of help from the guy with all his insane tweeting) and believe they've set themselves up for the 2020 cycle.

That's my thinking.

What's your thoughts?

2nd LAR: Making a by Lance Cpl. Nathaniel Hamilton

Polish Army starts production of the Krab Howitzer...

via Defense 24
HSW has begun deliveries of the first series manufactured Regina DMO squadron level fire module, utilizing the Krab sphs. The above means that the Polish military is receiving equipment that has been acquired within the framework of the most significant Polish defence contract ever signed. The agreement in question was concluded back in 2016.

On Saturday, 16th March, another convoy with a batch of equipment left the HSW S.A. facility. Delivery of the equipment for the first series manufactured Regina module has begun. Agreement concerning this delivery was signed on 14th December 2016 and has a gross value of PLN 4.649 billion. The provisions of the agreement assume that, by 2024, four DMO squadron level fire modules would be delivered. Each of the elements listed above comprises of 24 155 mm Krab sphs and 19 auxiliary vehicles.

Conclusion of the aforesaid contract is a result of successful completion of preliminary introduction of this system into the inventory of the Polish military. Ultimately, the Regina modules are to replace the obsolete 122 mm 2S1 Gvozdika howitzers. Gvozdika platform was also being manufactured at HSW. Between 1984 and 1993 the facility delivered almost 550 systems as such to the Polish military. Gvozdika, despite the implemented upgrades, is not compliant with the NATO standards, within the scope of its calibre, combat effectiveness and, primarily, within the scope of its range - 15 km. For the sake of comparison, one should note that Krab sph, utilizing the standard 155 mm NATO rounds (JoBMoU-compliant ammunition / Joint Ballistic Memorandum of Understanding), has a range of more than 40 kilometres.

Ever since the AS90 turret license agreement has been signed in 1999 (52-calibre length barrel) the Krab programme suffered from numerous technical and financial obstacles. Ultimately it was launched in 2014, following a decision, made jointly by the Polish Ministry of Defence, PGZ Group and HSW, to introduce license manufacturing of a new, prospective Korean base platform. It was in December 2014 when a contract was signed to procure a batch of readymade polonized derivative of the Korean K9 Thunder platforms. Alongside those platforms, rights to license manufacture the vehicle to meet the demand created by the Polish military have been acquired. Furthermore, the HSW facility is also entitled to manufacture the chassis and derived products for export purposes.

Joint effort undertaken by a Polish-Korean engineering team made it possible to develop a polonized variant of the K9 platform, over the course of a few months. The main differences between the Polish version and its prerequisite include a number of modern solutions that are missing in case of the latter, namely an APU, fire extinguishing and explosion protection systems, or a Polish ventilation/air filtering system. Back in August 2015 Krab howitzer based on a new platform was rolled out at HSW and then premiered during the MSPO defence industry exhibition in Kielce.

After the handing off test procedures came to an end, Krab underwent its type certification procedure. Following the completion of the process above (April 2016) it was confirmed that the system is fully compliant with the requirements set by the Polish Ministry of Defence. Following the formalities related to settlement of the test programme it became possible to negotiate a manufacturing contract. First, HSW and Polish Ministry of Defence arranged the delivery programme with regards to all of the components expected to form the first introductory Regina DMO.

The first batch of 9 howitzers belonging to the introductory DMO element was handed off in mid-November 2016. Further examples were being delivered, in an ongoing manner, as they passed the handing-off test procedures. Officially the delivery of the “introductory” DMO Regina element was completed in July 2017.

It's gone largely unnoticed but the S. Koreans have taken the world by storm with their K-9 Howitzer. 

Only now are we seeing the US Army and Marine Corps move on increasing its fire support/artillery fires.

We need to keep pace but if a small country like Poland is fielding superior systems to our own then we need to take a beat to orient ourselves and then correct the deficiency.

In other words if Poland can do it then we surely can!

Marines to continue upgrading the M1A1 Abrams

via Marine Corps Times.
While the Corps buys modification kits for its Abrams tanks, the Army has had a new version for two years and eyes another upgrade by 2025.

The Marine Corps will continue to upgrade its Abrams tanks and is pushing ahead on a bridging system to replace the legacy M60 tank, a Vietnam-era tank used to unfold bridges that can support the Abrams as it crosses gaps in the battlefield.

Recently released budget request documents show that the Corps is asking for about the same amount of money to continue the Abrams upgrades in 2020 but will double then nearly triple that amount to keep upgrading the Abrams through 2024.

The M1A1 Abrams upgrade program includes modifications kits and money for support vehicles and devices. Those include the Assault Bridging Modernization Program that replaces the M60 and launching system of the Armored Vehicle Launching Bridge, used extensively in the 2003 Iraq invasion.

The kit also improves the Improved Recovery Vehicle, or the M88A2 Hercules, that can haul tanks off the battlefield for maintenance or recover them from ditches, canals or other hazards it might encounter.

Don't know if I can get real worked up about the Marine Corps decision on the upgrade path of the M1A1.

The Marines aren't in the massed tank fighting business and if we face that kind of opposition then we'll do like we did in Desert Storm, borrow a tank brigade and flex them into our force.

In other words it's about roles and missions and the Army has this covered.

What I am interested in and HQMC is moving on is to make the tank we have more lethal and better protected.  We're getting the Trophy APS for this system, and other upgrades so again we're covered.

What has me a bit twisted is the move that the US Army is making with regard to a Light Tank and/or the possibility of making the ACV a mobile gun system.

My thinking?

I'd like to see something that land with the assault echelon but with enough to give dispersed units the kind of firepower they need.

We've been stuck floating a Tank Platoon for a variety of reason, one of which is the weight of the vehicle and it's cube aboard ship.  An ACV mobile gun or a few of the US Army's light tanks could allow us to carry a bit more firepower while our ships are deployed....and remember those MEU's will be the first ashore when the balloon goes up.

The question becomes does a hard hitting vehicle with a glass jaw make sense on the modern battlefield for rapid deployment forces?

I think it does.

Tanks would remain (at least in my planning) but we'll also have Amphibious Assault Battalions with a platoon of ACV-MGS to handle duties on float.

Why go for the heavier solution...the ACV-MGS instead of the Light Tank? Because if you're on the assault you don't need to get stopped by water obstacles.

At the end of the day it doesn't matter.  HQMC knows the plan.  They know the budget.  They know what is and isn't possible.  This is one time I'll kick back, shut the fuck up and chill the fuck out.

Old but glorious news...Boeing receives order for 78 Super Hornets...

Most of you already have heard this news, but its too juicy to ignore.  Check this out via USNI News.
The Navy awarded Boeing a $4 billion multi-year contract modification to build 78 F/A-18E/F Super Hornet fighters, according to a Wednesday Pentagon contract announcement.

The contract modification covers the production and delivery of aircraft between Fiscal Years 2019 and 2021. Boeing estimates the multi-year contract modification will save the Navy $395 million.

“A multiyear contract helps the F/A-18 team seek out suppliers with a guaranteed three years of production, instead of negotiating year to year,” Dan Gillian, Boeing’s vice president of F/A-18 and EA-18G programs, said in a statement.

Four years ago, Boeing executives were evaluating whether to shutter the entire Super Hornet production line. The Navy’s FY 2016 budget request did not include funding to purchase Super Hornet, though the Navy’s unfunded priorities list that year did include a desire to purchase more Super Hornets to begin replacing the fleet of legacy F/A-18A-D strike fighters that were wearing out faster than anticipated.

The Navy has since renewed its dedication to buying more Super Hornets. The Navy’s current five-year purchase plan – of which the new multi-year award is part – calls for buying 110 Super Hornets, according to Boeing.

USNI News messages left with a spokesperson for Program Executive Officer for Tactical Aircraft Programs were not immediately returned.

Congress authorized the Navy’s request to issue such multi-year contracts in the Fiscal Year 2019 National Defense Authorization Act. The Navy has steadily retired older legacy F-18 Hornets as the newer Super Hornets came off the production line.

In February, USNI News reported the last operational Hornet squadron, the “Blue Blasters” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 34, held a sundown ceremony before taking a final flight over Naval Air Station Oceana. The squadron is transitioning to new F/A-18 Super Hornets.

Of the 78 Super Hornets covered by the new contract modification, 61 are F/A-18E single-seat jets and 17 are F/A-18F double-seat fighters. All are Block III aircraft, which are slightly more stealthy than Block II and, per the Navy’s request, have a greater range and can carry more weapons on a more durable airframe expected to last up to 9,000 fight hours – about a decade longer than Block II airframes.

What makes this news so juicy?

Why can't we allow it to be ignored?

Because of that little blurb that I highlighted that I need to pop out again.
Four years ago, Boeing executives were evaluating whether to shutter the entire Super Hornet production line. The Navy’s FY 2016 budget request did not include funding to purchase Super Hornet, though the Navy’s unfunded priorities list that year did include a desire to purchase more Super Hornets to begin replacing the fleet of legacy F/A-18A-D strike fighters that were wearing out faster than anticipated.
Remember four years ago?

Those were heady times for the F-35.  DoD Officials were giddy with the idea that they had turned a corner and that the F-35 would deliver as promised. It would be much more effective than the F-18 and it would not only perform better but would be CHEAPER than the legacy ride.

Shutting down the Super Hornet line made sense to Navy Officials and even to Boeing. 

The Navy is their biggest customer and if they weren't buying the plane then keeping the line open didn't make sense.

But something happened.

Officials got out of their optimistic haze and started looking at hard facts.  In this light sunshine turned to shit.  The F-35 didn't perform as expected and suddenly an upgraded Super Hornet made sense.

During this time Boeing developed the "Advanced Super Hornet".  Of course F-35 fanatics pounced like madmen.

They couldn't have this upstart threaten the throne.

Unfortunately for them the Navy is in the ship driving business and aviation has to compete with funding.  So despite their arrogance a test was formulated.  It would be a fly off between the F-35 and Super Hornet.

Follow the money and it becomes obvious who won.

The Super Hornet will be replaced but it won't be with the F-35.  When it comes to Naval Air the Super Hornet is still king.

Open Comment Post. 23 March 2019